Ok im 23 in Aug been lifting since april 1st 2003 (yes i know i started on april fools all my buddies got a kick out of that one) started at a buck 45 wet and went up to 195lbs im 5'9-5'10 and have recently cut down to 184 and still keep my strength......tried a small cycle of test e at 500mg /week about 2 months ago but after my 3rd shot my ****ing left tit blew up even tho i was running nolva at 20mg ed.....got so bad i had the gyno surgery (even tho i feel that ****ing lump growing back...****ing Dr.!!!! anyways thats a diff story im currently runing the letro for the reversal of that) now my question is being that im so prone to the negative side effects of roids should i even bother any more??? what would be the least gyno prone cycle to do?? i thought i was playing it smart by only doing test e and nolva but damn was i wrong....maybe run letro at .5mg/ed with only 250mg of test e per week in the near future?? any advice would be kool thanks guys