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Thread: Should i even bother with juice if.....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Should i even bother with juice if.....

    Ok im 23 in Aug been lifting since april 1st 2003 (yes i know i started on april fools all my buddies got a kick out of that one) started at a buck 45 wet and went up to 195lbs im 5'9-5'10 and have recently cut down to 184 and still keep my strength......tried a small cycle of test e at 500mg /week about 2 months ago but after my 3rd shot my ****ing left tit blew up even tho i was running nolva at 20mg so bad i had the gyno surgery (even tho i feel that ****ing lump growing back...****ing Dr.!!!! anyways thats a diff story im currently runing the letro for the reversal of that) now my question is being that im so prone to the negative side effects of roids should i even bother any more??? what would be the least gyno prone cycle to do?? i thought i was playing it smart by only doing test e and nolva but damn was i wrong....maybe run letro at .5mg/ed with only 250mg of test e per week in the near future?? any advice would be kool thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    lol run a cycle w/ TRT dose of test and 1.25mg letro eod or something.. u have to talk to bino the tittie master to get a good idea..
    but i imagine a low dose trt cycle w/ strong DHT's would be ample

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Damn bro - sorry about your luck. Some people are just more prone to gyno than others. I would suggest running letro or adex. However, I am concerned about your gyno returning. You may want to hold off on AAS until you get that situation resolved. If your doctor f'd that up, you want to hold him accountable before you do another cycle. The last thing you need is to complicate that issue or have him refuse to help because he thinks you are juicing.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    yeah man i popped some nice gyno lumps at puberty lol but now days even on 1.2g test/ED i didnt ahve any gyno issues or nipple itchin/swellin.. krazy blood pressure got pretty high

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    yeah i had gyno from puberty so i guess it wasnt smart to mess with roids any ways......but i have to admit even tho i feel the lump growing back my nipples them selves look soo much better i mean they shrunk they lost their puffyness and they lost that nasty pink color and now have a much darker tone so i am happy with the results when it comes to looks wise....this lump growing back just hurts its not even that noticable unless u poke at it but im hoping the letro will shrink that bad boy......i have a check up with my Dr. next month and if it doesnt go away by then i will try to get him to take out this lump for free since i already spent fVckin 6 grand on the first surgery.....but since that surgery put me out for a month of no training wat so ever ive been going back to the gym and all these kids are surpassing me big time...of course their juicing but it still sucks.....but im def not doing another cycle untill i get this lump resolved then maybe a low test cycle?? Tbol cycle ( ive read tbol cannot cause gyno) or just stay natty who knows just like to ramble on this forum sometimes lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    yeah man i popped some nice gyno lumps at puberty lol but now days even on 1.2g test/ED i didnt ahve any gyno issues or nipple itchin/swellin.. krazy blood pressure got pretty high
    Hey Tai,

    I thought you were against the insane test dosages. Haven't you been preaching maintenance dosages nowadays?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2007
    BC, Canada
    I think theres lots of aas that dont convert to estrogen Masteron, Tren, Anavar, Primo are some of them. I unno, thats about all i know to suggest.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Dirty South
    Quote Originally Posted by doolo
    I think theres lots of aas that dont convert to estrogen Masteron, Tren, Anavar, Primo are some of them. I unno, thats about all i know to suggest.
    Tren doesn't convert to estrogen but it can still worsen the gyno (progesterone) and might could even make him lactate.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    oh hell no i would never use tren or deca bc they both can raise progesterone and thats the culprit behind my old puberty gyno.....thank god i got that shit removed...any ways thanx for the replies

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by anonymous
    oh hell no i would never use tren or deca bc they both can raise progesterone and thats the culprit behind my old puberty gyno.....thank god i got that shit removed...any ways thanx for the replies
    Typically only in the presence of estrogen...

    These compounds can be utilized safely with the proper ancillaries.

    BTW, welcome to the club. Nolva is crap for gyno prevention IMO. If you should decide to cycle again, I would recommend you look into Arimidex or Letro, like mentioned.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by lawsey000
    Hey Tai,

    I thought you were against the insane test dosages. Haven't you been preaching maintenance dosages nowadays?
    To tai 1.2 grams is probably a maintenance dosage


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    LOL i have ran test at 1.2 DOESNT MEAN I DO IT ANYMORE! lol i had to see what test really could do.. well at 1.2g ED it.. uh.. made me lil more bloated than usual, didnt really break out or anything but whoa BLOOD PRESSURE SPIKED NICELY! as for gains.. i saw better gains off 400mg/deca/wk LOL than running test at like 21x the dose of deca so it made me think twice about.. "REALLY HOW GOOD IS TEST?" i mean if i can run 1/21th the dose of test w/ deca and get the same if not better results.. why shud i bother w/ test at all?!

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by anonymous
    Ok im 23 in Aug been lifting since april 1st 2003 (yes i know i started on april fools all my buddies got a kick out of that one) started at a buck 45 wet and went up to 195lbs im 5'9-5'10 and have recently cut down to 184 and still keep my strength......tried a small cycle of test e at 500mg /week about 2 months ago but after my 3rd shot my ****ing left tit blew up even tho i was running nolva at 20mg so bad i had the gyno surgery (even tho i feel that ****ing lump growing back...****ing Dr.!!!! anyways thats a diff story im currently runing the letro for the reversal of that) now my question is being that im so prone to the negative side effects of roids should i even bother any more??? what would be the least gyno prone cycle to do?? i thought i was playing it smart by only doing test e and nolva but damn was i wrong....maybe run letro at .5mg/ed with only 250mg of test e per week in the near future?? any advice would be kool thanks guys
    were you prone to anything else before you cycled that could have been a sign that you would have gotten gyno? i am considering my first cycle and that is the only "aesthetic" side effect that I am concerned with. I just want to know if you saw any forewarnings that you were able to draw a connection to once gyno came on (puffy nips already before cycle?) . I mean, it is genetic for your body to be more prone to gyno than others right?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Arimidex is good when used in a cycle plus if you add some proviron to your cycle you shouldnt have a problem with gyno

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