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  1. #1
    justin2305's Avatar
    justin2305 is offline Senior Member
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    Question its been a while bros but im in need of some help....

    aight guys im having some issues right now and dont know wtf is going on. k check it ive been running test e like usual thats the only ester i usually run ive ran cyp once bf but everything was good with it, im now mixing the two enathate and cyp its a type of sos i get which is just those two compounds, anyways i started some eq a few wks back and was shooting only in the glutes not even two days after that i broke up in these hives or somethin all over my hips, inner thighs and some on my stomach and arms so i was like fackk didnt think much of it hit some benedral and things were okay. then it started doing it again so the only thing i could figure out on it was it had to of been the eq so i stoped the eq and have been off of it almost 2wks now and started some masteron , ive been shooting the mas in my delts and NOW the hives are mainly on my arms shoulders stomach and back area and just a lil on my legs and hips and what not. sooo i dunno wtf to do or what is going on i went to the doc not to long ago and got a shot of some steroid stuff and perscribed me to some other steroid stuff for it, the hives have went down already quite a bit in the past hour as far as swelling goes and the redness is fading quite well to, im just in a bind and dunno if i should stop the masteron and see if its that as well as the eq thats makin me do this. im going to continue to run the test cuz ive never had any problems with the test doing this to me but if anyone knows or has any imput that would educate me on this matter and or help me out that would be very much appriciated thanks a bunch...

  2. #2
    pigrond's Avatar
    pigrond is offline Member
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    bro you could be allergic to the oil, many diffrent types are used try to find out if you can, what type of oil was used to make your eq and masteron then go get an allergy test

  3. #3
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    Agree with above, as the symptoms seem to be allergy related (allergic reaction).


  4. #4
    jdavis2007's Avatar
    jdavis2007 is offline Associate Member
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    I've had something similar happen to me. It is NOT unlikely that you are allergic to what you are injecting into your body. Remember, your body will take the full-force of the reaction since there is a 100% absorption rate of the injection. Good luck.

  5. #5
    Decoder's Avatar
    Decoder is offline Banned
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    This is 100% an alergic reaction, what oil is in it? grape sead, olethey? Its probably a different base oil from last time.

  6. #6
    Decoder's Avatar
    Decoder is offline Banned
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    jdavis, your thinking about the eq and the test its self, you can get a alergic reaction from the oil its in!

  7. #7
    justin2305's Avatar
    justin2305 is offline Senior Member
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    well thats the thing all the stuff i use is seasame oil or somthin like that, and the dude said that the new stuff im using is the same exact oil from the previous test e and deca i have used of his stuff so i just dont know what it is. ever since i used the test e and test c mix and the eq and masteron i have been having this reaction. he might of changed the oil in it im assuming? ill see if i can find out but if not do yall think it could be the actual compound i would think not but im not certain thanks again guys

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