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Thread: Scar Tissue

  1. #1

    Scar Tissue

    alrite heres my u think scar tissue could hinder the injection sight at all, i just took my shot and i bled again when i pulled out so im pretty sure im hitting scar tissue from prvious cycles cuz i only have used the im sure i got a ton of scar tissue. So i was wondering if scar tissue could take away some of the fluid from getting into the using 1.5 inchs so im pretty sure im in the muscle. Not sure if u could build up enough scar tissue in the glute to not make it totally into the muscle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I would be worried more about an abscess forming in the scar tissue than not getting the full dosage of your shot

  3. #3
    yea thats true also, just wondering if u could build up enough tissue not to make it into a muscle with a 1.5 inch pin

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Los Angeles
    i rotate between glutes, quads, and delts, but scar tissue is just something we all have to deal with. i use 1.5 in. pins in glutes and 1.25 in. for quads and delts. sometimes i can feel the needle stopping a when i hit scar tissue. i have to just grit my teeth and push through the old gristle. last week i had some oil dribble back out of a 2cc delt shot, so next time i think i'll hit that delt from another angle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I find when I hit scar tissue I have to push through a lil more too, and also get a drop or so of oil come out of the site after...why dont you try rotating in some delts and quads?

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