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  1. #1
    freestyle913 is offline New Member
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    Injection pain and question (PiCTURES)

    Okay I injected last friday into the tear drop on my quad (vastus medialis) first shot ever on my first cycle... its not so much sore at the injection spot but to the side of it and its very red. I am wondering if this is normal

    here is a picture of my right quad where i injected

    as you can see its red down to the left of the injection spot
    my left quad is fine

    i am curious because from what i have read this seems normal especially for this being my first cycle but i just wanted to get some input

    thanks guys

  2. #2
    freestyle913 is offline New Member
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    The inject was 2ml of test e and its not really warm to the touch just red and after i am up and walking on it for awhile it doesn't hurt as bad anymore

  3. #3
    Mista Massive's Avatar
    Mista Massive is offline Senior Member
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    hard to tell from the pics man

    also, if it isn't hot and you don;t feel feverish, i wouldn't stress.

    since you are new to needles, you probablt just moved the pin around while it was in there. just stay steady, you'll be fine, but do get it checked out
    Last edited by Mista Massive; 06-10-2007 at 10:46 PM.

  4. #4
    freestyle913 is offline New Member
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  5. #5
    1zach4 is offline Associate Member
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    if it is hot in the red area, that looks an awful lot like cellulitis has formed which is an infection

    I would get it checked out to be on the safe side, and if it is an infection you caught it at a good stage and antibiotics will clear it right up

  6. #6
    bogus311 is offline Junior Member
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    Be safe and get it checked out by a doc.....

  7. #7
    ebjack's Avatar
    ebjack is offline Senior Member
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    same thing happened on my first test e cycle. I eventually had to ditch the test for another UGL.. too much pain..but no infection.
    (mine looked worse)

  8. #8
    freestyle913 is offline New Member
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    good call 1zach4 very good i went to a doctor about an hour after reading that and that was the diagnosis so he got be started on a generic bactrim anyway i guess i just have to clean everything with alcohol before injection and i aspirated and everything went well except for this two days later oh well thanks for the help guys the doc said it should be gone by no later than the end of this week

    thanks for the help bros

  9. #9
    pr0digalsun's Avatar
    pr0digalsun is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by freestyle913
    Okay I injected last friday into the tear drop on my quad (vastus medialis) first shot ever on my first cycle... its not so much sore at the injection spot but to the side of it and its very red. I am wondering if this is normal
    That doesnt look like a very good injection site IMHO. why arent you injecting into a larger muscle? especially of youre running test e, there is no reason not to shoot it in a larger muscle like your glutes.

    or if you really want to use your quads, make sure it is in the outer quadrant in the lateralis. If you draw a line from your knee to your the middle of the top of your leg, it is a best practice to inject on the outside of that line.

    Look here:

  10. #10
    1zach4 is offline Associate Member
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    I don't believe injection site had anything to do with the formation of is more than likely due to bacteria in your gear or a lack of prep. I said cellulitis because during my first cycle I did a quad injection and then there was a very pronounced red area and the doctors could literally outline it with a pen as you could also do with the pictures above

    Mine came from bunk gear because I used almost perfectly sterile technique and had the infection in both quads and one glute because those were the first 3 injections of a new vial, so I trashed that one and never got another infection

    Good call on listening to advice from experience! Hopefully they didn't give you the anti-biotic they gave me...spent a good amount of time in the bathroom during that run lol

  11. #11
    Mista Massive's Avatar
    Mista Massive is offline Senior Member
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    if i were you i would ignore that diagram as it is so basic.

    you can shoot into the vastus medialis and i do on a regular basis. especially when rotation sites are limited.

    like stated above, the cause is more likely from un-sterile gear or un-sterile injection methods/techniques.

    get it checked out and get back to us

  12. #12
    Gungnir is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by freestyle913
    Okay I injected last friday into the tear drop on my quad (vastus medialis) first shot ever on my first cycle... its not so much sore at the injection spot but to the side of it and its very red. I am wondering if this is normal

    here is a picture of my right quad where i injected

    as you can see its red down to the left of the injection spot
    my left quad is fine

    i am curious because from what i have read this seems normal especially for this being my first cycle but i just wanted to get some input

    thanks guys
    Avoid doing this in your quad for now. Hit the deltoids and especially the glutes for your first cycle. Your quad isn't a primary injection site; it's secondary, since it's not able to absorb as much oil as a larger group.

    Secondly, you're walking around all day and using your quads. I don't know about you, but I've injected into my glutes and stupidly did squats right after and it burned like hell for three days due to lactic acid buildup. Alternate according to your workout schedule as to what muscle groups you're using that day.

    Lastly, no, you're not infected. You probably got nervous as to the ***th of the needle and were jabbing the fibers in your leg to hell and created bruising from the subsequent lacerations. You're fine! Carry on.

  13. #13
    Mista Massive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gungnir
    Avoid doing this in your quad for now. Hit the deltoids and especially the glutes for your first cycle. Your quad isn't a primary injection site; it's secondary, since it's not able to absorb as much oil as a larger group.

    Secondly, you're walking around all day and using your quads. I don't know about you, but I've injected into my glutes and stupidly did squats right after and it burned like hell for three days due to lactic acid buildup. Alternate according to your workout schedule as to what muscle groups you're using that day.

    Lastly, no, you're not infected. You probably got nervous as to the ***th of the needle and were jabbing the fibers in your leg to hell and created bruising from the subsequent lacerations. You're fine! Carry on.

    Nearly everything mentioned in this post is wrong. the injection site has nothing to do with getting infections (as long as it is a muscle). the quad is a larger muscle group than the deltoid so why you would say otherwise confuses me. also, working the muscle that has just been injected into (although not proven) many belive it helps with spreading the oil around.

    also, don't say he is not infected until he has been checked out by a medical professional.
    Last edited by Mista Massive; 06-10-2007 at 10:46 PM.

  14. #14
    1zach4 is offline Associate Member
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    If you read his last post, you would realize that he went to the doctor and was diagnosed with cellulitis...which is an infection, so don't say he's not infected when he is and has been given medication for it already.

    And as Mista Massive has said...almost everything you just said is completely wrong so please do some more reading and less posting

  15. #15
    Mista Massive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1zach4

    If you read his last post, you would realize that he went to the doctor and was diagnosed with cellulitis...which is an infection, so don't say he's not infected when he is and has been given medication for it already.

    And as Mista Massive has said...almost everything you just said is completely wrong so please do some more reading and less posting

    i missed this bit myself.


    so then DEFINATELY don't say he has nothing wrong with him

  16. #16
    Knoxston's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=pr0digalsun]That doesnt look like a very good injection site IMHO. why arent you injecting into a larger muscle? especially of youre running test e, there is no reason not to shoot it in a larger muscle like your glutes.

    i dont feel he should have used that site being his first injection first time that spot would come near last imo or if other sites needed rotating

  17. #17
    Gungnir is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1zach4

    If you read his last post, you would realize that he went to the doctor and was diagnosed with cellulitis...which is an infection, so don't say he's not infected when he is and has been given medication for it already.

    And as Mista Massive has said...almost everything you just said is completely wrong so please do some more reading and less posting
    I've done plenty of reading and cycles myself and to suggest that the quad is a good site for a beginner is ridiculous. It's one of the most difficult to use, IMO, and regardless of some theoretical opinion on whether the oil gets spread around easier by injecting into a working muscle group, it HURTS more and leads to paranoid posts like this.

  18. #18
    Gungnir is offline Banned
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    And yes, I missed the follow-up post. Sorry!!

  19. #19
    Mista Massive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gungnir
    I've done plenty of reading and cycles myself and to suggest that the quad is a good site for a beginner is ridiculous. It's one of the most difficult to use, IMO, and regardless of some theoretical opinion on whether the oil gets spread around easier by injecting into a working muscle group, it HURTS more and leads to paranoid posts like this.

    this is an individual thing. please put IMO at the end of such a sentence.

    just because it hurts for you, doesn't mean it hurts for everyone else.

    I personally find the quad the EASIEST to inject. not one bit of pain from the pin, or oil. the pin goes in easier than my other muscle groups, and the oil pushes in easier too.

    i don't feel any pain at all. and yes, my quad was my first injection site ever.

    but that's just me. i am 100% sure there are others out there that feel different. and that is why i don't say the quad has no pain, i say I have no pain when injecting into quads

  20. #20
    ANCEPONCE is offline Junior Member
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    I'm on my first cycle of TEST E and that photo of his leg looked just like mine. Except my leg was red and very warm to the touch...also developed small lumps under the skin. I finally got sick of the pain and decided to inject into my deltoid. And since moving to that injection site...I have not have one bit of pain or swelling or redness. I plan to avoid my quad at all costs in the future.

  21. #21
    pr0digalsun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mista Massive
    if i were you i would ignore that diagram as it is so basic.
    Since this is his first injection EVER, and he's injecting long esters, why would you recommend him ignoring a guide on choosing injection sites?

    You say that you inject into the medialis regularly, and that it is a good choice for when you have limited injection sites. But this guy is clearly in a different place: it is his first injection ever, his injection site choices ARE NOT limited, and he doesnt inject regualarly. so he should use any guide he can

    You can tell from the pics that he is young, and if it is his first cycle then he should keep it as simple as possible.

  22. #22
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  23. #23
    1zach4 is offline Associate Member
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    I feel this thread has reached its potential...the guy asked what he should do, he took the advice, and it served him well.

    And I agree with Mista quads were included in my first cycle and I had zero problems with them in terms of pain during/after injections and I actually found that working out my quads after the injection made my leg feel that much better and didn't hurt at all.

  24. #24
    drewvox's Avatar
    drewvox is offline Junior Member
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    I am definitely proof its different for everyone. I took my first injection on Saturday in the right quad. I felt no pain from the pin or oil. At 2 a.m. that morning I woke up with my leg throbbing like a sonofabitch. It's been sore for two days now and I can barely walk on it. Hobbling around like a damned cripple. Location preference is definitely different for everyone.

  25. #25
    pr0digalsun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1zach4
    I feel this thread has reached its potential...the guy asked what he should do, he took the advice, and it served him well.

    And I agree with Mista quads were included in my first cycle and I had zero problems with them in terms of pain during/after injections and I actually found that working out my quads after the injection made my leg feel that much better and didn't hurt at all.
    Which did you include in your first cycle, your medialis or your lateralis? They are two different muscles, and there is no medical liturature that recommends giving any IM injections into the medialis.

    Im not saying "no one should ever inject into the medialis" just that probably the only people who should inject into it are people who are experienced in giving injections, and people who can readily find the muscle due to expereicnce and a low BF%, neither of which is the case here.

    There are major vein and nerve pathways on the inner thigh, and unless you know enought about your own anatomy to know how to avoid them, then go for the medialis which has a much larger "sweet spot." You can tell he didnt know enough about his veins b/c he went through one injecting, you can tell from the bruise.

    but whatever. i guess you know my opinion. LOL.

  26. #26
    1zach4 is offline Associate Member
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    I understand your opinion completely, and I agree that the vastus lateralis is definitely the "sweet spot" on the leg, but the vastus medialis can be done once you have developed enough of a tear I didn't feel comfortable doing it when I did my first cycle due to lack of muscular development, but now I would have no problem with it at a low BF% and muscular development.

    This is for everyone: If you are going to lift seriously, and/or inject yourself with AAS then you need to be familiar with your anatomy on a serious level...I have taken many courses on anatomy and physiology and have done my own outside research and lab research and it only helps me when it comes to my body and how it works...just my opinion

  27. #27
    Mista Massive's Avatar
    Mista Massive is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1zach4
    I understand your opinion completely, and I agree that the vastus lateralis is definitely the "sweet spot" on the leg, but the vastus medialis can be done once you have developed enough of a tear I didn't feel comfortable doing it when I did my first cycle due to lack of muscular development, but now I would have no problem with it at a low BF% and muscular development.

    This is for everyone: If you are going to lift seriously, and/or inject yourself with AAS then you need to be familiar with your anatomy on a serious level...I have taken many courses on anatomy and physiology and have done my own outside research and lab research and it only helps me when it comes to my body and how it works...just my opinion


  28. #28
    pr0digalsun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1zach4

    This is for everyone: If you are going to lift seriously, and/or inject yourself with AAS then you need to be familiar with your anatomy on a serious level...I have taken many courses on anatomy and physiology and have done my own outside research and lab research and it only helps me when it comes to my body and how it works...just my opinion
    Hell yeah!! that's what i was trying to say.

  29. #29
    S431M7 is offline Banned
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    follow the link he provided

    Quote Originally Posted by pr0digalsun
    That doesnt look like a very good injection site IMHO. why arent you injecting into a larger muscle? especially of youre running test e, there is no reason not to shoot it in a larger muscle like your glutes.

    or if you really want to use your quads, make sure it is in the outer quadrant in the lateralis. If you draw a line from your knee to your the middle of the top of your leg, it is a best practice to inject on the outside of that line.

    Look here:

  30. #30
    njkode is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by freestyle913
    good call 1zach4 very good i went to a doctor about an hour after reading that and that was the diagnosis so he got be started on a generic bactrim anyway i guess i just have to clean everything with alcohol before injection and i aspirated and everything went well except for this two days later oh well thanks for the help guys the doc said it should be gone by no later than the end of this week

    thanks for the help bros

    Freestyle what did you tell the doctor when you saw him. I have simular red mark on my leg, is painful to move my leg and at times its warm to the touch. This is my 2nd cycle and I never experanced anything like this first time around. I did the shot last saturday so thats 5 days now and it still hurts to walk around on it. That was my 3rd shot this cycle and with the others there was some redness and soarness but nothing this bad.

    It could be since its the leg and I use it more.

    everyone am I over reacting or does it seem like something went wrong? also the red ness is not at the site of the injection its a few inches away.

  31. #31
    godkilla's Avatar
    godkilla is offline Senior Member
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    id stay away form the teardrop area. too many nerves and veins. use your sweep if your gonna use quads.

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