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  1. #1
    the fly's Avatar
    the fly is offline Associate Member
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    Can i do Masteron with Test Cyp and Winstrol??

    Just finished this
    12 weeks
    week 1-12 Test Cyp 200 MG 2x week
    During Test week 1-4 Dbol 30mg everyday
    During Test week 8-12 winstrol 50mg every day.

    I ran Nolvadex 10 mg ed for 1 week, then ill do 20 mg ed for 2 weeks. That’s my plan for PCT on the Above is that ok? PLEASE suggest a decent minimal PCT if just Nolvadex isn’t ok.

    NOW I want to start this masteron cycle ASAP

    8 - 10 week cycle
    During week 1- 8 or 10 test Cyp 200 MG 2x a week
    During week 1- 8 or 10 Masteron 100mg EOD
    Winny 25 or 50 mgs every day? or every other day?

    I’m 5' 8.5”, 182LBS age 33 male.

    When can I start the masteron and any tips on the cycle????

    Suggestions for PCT on this cycle too?

    I get confused because PCT is defined as Post Cycle Therapy but really seems to take place during the cycle also.
    Another confusing point is that it is said to start PCT 18 days after last inject of test cyp and 24 hours after last winstrol admin.
    So if I end them both at the same time, then when does PCT start?
    Do you go with the furthest out date because you still have steroids in your system?

    Please advise on all above.
    Last edited by the fly; 06-13-2007 at 08:35 PM.

  2. #2
    shredzs's Avatar
    shredzs is offline Associate Member
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    you certainly can, but i would suggest to drop the winny

  3. #3
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    I pray to gods you meant 200mg 2x per week and not what you wrote (200ml 2x a week).

    ***No source checks!!!***

  4. #4
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by the fly
    8 - 10 week cycle
    week 1- 8 or 10 test Cyp 200 ML 2x a week
    week 1- 8 or 10 Masteron 100ml EOD
    Winny 25 or 50 mgs every day? or every other day?

    Im 5' 8.5" , 182LBS age 33 male

    I just finished this
    12 weeks
    week 1-12 Test Cyp 200 ML 2x week
    week 1-4 Dbol 30mg everyday
    week 8-12 winstrol 50mg every day.

    I ran Nolvadex 10 mg ed for 1 weeks, then ill do 20 mg ed for 2 weeks

    I want to start the masteron ASAP when can i start the masteron above and any tips on the cycle????
    Mast and winny are a great combo. I'd run the winstrol at 50mg daily and the mast at 100mg daily also. If you can't afford 700mg a week then run 50 or 75mg daily.

  5. #5
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    if you just finished a cycle I suggest you do proper PCT and then take adequate time off before starting another cycle.

    Personally, I dont think you need to run both masteron and winny at the same time. They are similar compounds, both DHT derived, but other people like to run both at the same time. Sounds like youre trying to cut so I would switch from cyp to prop, it will bloat you less

  6. #6
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    You won't bloat at all with masteron no matter what kind of test you run. You can still get fat but you won't retain water. Masteron and winstrol are very synergetic and work extremely well together.

  7. #7
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by testisbest
    You won't bloat at all with masteron no matter what kind of test you run. You can still get fat but you won't retain water. Masteron and winstrol are very synergetic and work extremely well together.
    ive run both together and really didnt notice any difference than when running either winny or masteron alone

  8. #8
    the fly's Avatar
    the fly is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    I pray to gods you meant 200mg 2x per week and not what you wrote (200ml 2x a week).

    ooops! sorry meant MG 200MG 2x per week = 400 mg total.

  9. #9
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    ive run both together and really didnt notice any difference than when running either winny or masteron alone
    Really, what dose were you running if you don't mind? I hated winny until I recently tried it with mast not long ago and I felt like a champ. I was running 100mg of mast and 75mg of winny every day.

  10. #10
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by testisbest
    Really, what dose were you running if you don't mind? I hated winny until I recently tried it with mast not long ago and I felt like a champ. I was running 100mg of mast and 75mg of winny every day.
    75mg masteron and 100mg winny/day. I got a nice, hard, shredded look, but ive gotten similar results for both by themselves too, plus I was also running prop and tren

  11. #11
    deeznutts's Avatar
    deeznutts is offline Associate Member
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    Mast and winstrol have good synergy... the min on mast should be 100mg EOD less than that is a waste.

  12. #12
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    im not a fan of mixing like components.. i like to get a nor group w/ my dht's for a more synergistical approach rather than go for redundency.

  13. #13
    deznuts's Avatar
    deznuts is offline Junior Member
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    looks like somone likes my name so much they copied it.

  14. #14
    the fly's Avatar
    the fly is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks All!
    1) Do I HAVE to run Masteron with test? If so- Is test cyp ok?
    2) Why do Mast 100 every OTHER day? can't I do more in 1 shot, so I could have only 2 days a week for injections?
    3) I'm only doing Nolvadex 20mgs a day for 2 weeks then 10mg a day for 1 week. That's my whole plan for PCT
    4) How soon can I start the new cycle considering my last cycle? Will it be really bad to start in a week or so?

  15. #15
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    !. No, Yes.
    2. Because it is short estered (unless you have enanthate version) and shooting it EOD or ED will keep blood levels stable .
    3. your PCT is awful. Use at least an AI and a SERM or even better go to the PCT forums and do some research.
    4. time on = time off or get blood work done and resume AS use when levels return to baseline.

  16. #16
    the fly's Avatar
    the fly is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    !. No, Yes.
    2. Because it is short estered (unless you have enanthate version) and shooting it EOD or ED will keep blood levels stable .
    3. your PCT is awful. Use at least an AI and a SERM or even better go to the PCT forums and do some research.
    4. time on = time off or get blood work done and resume AS use when levels return to baseline.
    Thanks beast:
    1. is it better to run masteron with or without Test. im already 185lbs and not really looking to put on any more bulk just maybe 5 -10 lbs max lean muscle mass.
    2. so if i run the test with it and am doing test 200mg every Monday and Thursday, can i run the Masteron on those same days when they fall together? like one shot right after the other?
    3. How Awful do you mean? am i in for a really bad crash???? i dont have anything at the ready nut the Nolva. i got this cycle from this site its the novice cycle I and no real complicated PCT is mentioned. please reccomend a decent Specific PCT .
    4. will it be really terrible if i start my next cycle 4 weeks after the last one?

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