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  1. #1
    Kimo27's Avatar
    Kimo27 is offline Associate Member
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    Hows My Cycle Look?

    Sup guys this is going to be my first cycle, im going to be running it for 12 weeks. im really not looking to bulk up that much and trying to gain some good quality muscle. My goals are to gain at least 15lb. What do you guys think of my cycle?

    wks 1-4 dbol or tbol
    wks 1-12 test e (250mg shot the 1st day, 250mg 4th day every week)
    wks 1-12 mast p (100 mg everyday)

  2. #2
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    I don't think 4 weeks of dbol is enough. Also, since this is your first cycle how many injection spots do you have for every day shots? That's 84 shots for your first cycle, not a good idea IMO.

  3. #3
    Kimo27's Avatar
    Kimo27 is offline Associate Member
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    the 4 weeks of dbol is the kickstart to my cycle, if it were up to me id use masteron only but i heard that any AS without test is bad so yea

  4. #4
    plzr8's Avatar
    plzr8 is offline Senior Member
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    first cycle....are you prepared to inject yourself every day for 12 weeks with the masteron ? how many injection locations are you prepared to use?

    IMO, i would eliminate the masteron prop....or get your hands on masteron enanthate if you set on using it, so injections can be 2X/week only

  5. #5
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    wks 1-12 test e (250mg shot the 1st day, 250mg 4th day every week)
    Nah man, remember what i told ya! 1000mg shot the 1st day....250mg shot the 4th day....youll gain size in no time..


  6. #6
    Kimo27's Avatar
    Kimo27 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by plzr8
    first cycle....are you prepared to inject yourself every day for 12 weeks with the masteron ? how many injection locations are you prepared to use?

    IMO, i would eliminate the masteron prop....or get your hands on masteron enanthate if you set on using it, so injections can be 2X/week only
    im prepared to do what is nessary yes, ill porbably have 4 injectiong sites (both glutes and deltsif you count them) or 2. But your right ill just save more moola and get myself some Mast E, shits damn expensive tho lol

  7. #7
    Kimo27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Nah man, remember what i told ya! 1000mg shot the 1st day....250mg shot the 4th day....youll gain size in no time..

    ok man but isent like 1000mg alot for 1 shot in the first day?

  8. #8
    kynetguy's Avatar
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    Age? Stats?

    What is your plans for PCT???

  9. #9
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    ok man but isent like 1000mg alot for 1 shot in the first day?
    Kinda, but honestly if you do it right youll thank me and others in the me....shit i wish i woulda had more help with my first cycle...


  10. #10
    plzr8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kimo27
    im prepared to do what is nessary yes, ill porbably have 4 injectiong sites (both glutes and deltsif you count them) or 2. But your right ill just save more moola and get myself some Mast E, shits damn expensive tho lol
    well if you decide to go with mast prop....then you might want to consider test prop instead of enanthate ...if your gonna be pinning ED anyway, might as well have a fast acting test too

    still recommend a 2x/week cycle for your first

  11. #11
    plzr8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    shit i wish i woulda had more help with my first cycle...

  12. #12
    Kimo27's Avatar
    Kimo27 is offline Associate Member
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    days 1-10 HCG 500ius per day
    wks 1-6 aromasin
    wks 1-6 nolva
    days 1-10 proviron 50mg ED

    im 20
    190 lb
    18% bf (im holding off my cycle until i get to 15%)

    btw do you guys think that i should just do test? b/c i hear alot of ppl saying that first time users should always start with test. I happen to like the cycle that CD has helped me with tho. thanks btw!

    CD- I wont OD on 1000 mg right? or feel all drugged up? heh just had to ask
    Last edited by Kimo27; 06-12-2007 at 08:41 PM.

  13. #13
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    I happen to like the cycle that CD has helped me with tho. thanks btw!

    CD- I wont OD on 1000 mg right? or feel all drugged up? heh just had to ask
    Not a problem man,

    and to the question above (*smashes head*) man, youll feel fine, and if you rotate sites, you shouldnt have much soreness either...


  14. #14
    Kimo27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Not a problem man,

    and to the question above (*smashes head*) man, youll feel fine, and if you rotate sites, you shouldnt have much soreness either...

    cool ok thanks man yea ill follow your "regimen" then lol. Ill just hold off for another week so i can get the $$, its all good im on summer break too! i got all the time in the world to earn $$ and now i go to workout 2 times a day and once more at home.

  15. #15
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    and now i go to workout 2 times a day and once more at home
    Whooa there buddy, slow down, if youre already doin that i suggest revising your training immediately! that is seriously overtraining and will not help in your quest for new muscle, you need to make sure diet, training and sleep are all in check before starting this...its good though that youre asking questions..


  16. #16
    Kimo27's Avatar
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    yea man i guess im over doing it. ill revise my workout plan and try to aim for 1 specifc part of my body each day like i did before. hows that sound? as for diet its in check and sleep is fine i get around 7-9 hours is that good?

  17. #17
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    ^^^yea i recommend training each muscle group only once per wk, hit it hard and intense then rest and grow the rest of the wk...protein should be around 300 grams per day, carbs i would shoot for 300-350 d e pending on how easily you put fat on....


  18. #18
    kynetguy's Avatar
    kynetguy is offline Senior Member
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    Not to thread jack, but CD what do you do to get your lat spread? ever since you changed your avatar I have been wanting to ask. Your lats are crazy dude. Just plain sick.

  19. #19
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    ^^^thanks alot be honest i would credit lat pulldowns with impeccable form; i see guys all the time flailing themselves liks fish on the lat pulldown machine...its really such a basic exercise yet so tough to master...after that its all basic movements like barbell and tbar rows, seated rows, 1 arm dbells....hope that helps


  20. #20
    kynetguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    ^^^thanks alot be honest i would credit lat pulldowns with impeccable form; i see guys all the time flailing themselves liks fish on the lat pulldown machine...its really such a basic exercise yet so tough to master...after that its all basic movements like barbell and tbar rows, seated rows, 1 arm dbells....hope that helps

    definately. Lat pulldown form. I likely suffer a bit there myself.


    And maybe a little genetically superior lats there too.

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