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Thread: winstrol for cutting? keeping gains?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    winstrol for cutting? keeping gains?

    Hi i know that people use winstrol for cutting but why? wo is the difference between a cutting roid and bulking?

    Also when people say keep gains do they mean for ever? could i come off the gear and keep my all my gains? i used to do a lot of gear and got massive but i never done pct and stopped the gym as soon as i stopped the gear and lost all my size. i am nearlly back but i dont wana loose them again like last time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    The difference between cutting and bulking is mostly in the diet.

    When we talk about cutting or bulking steroids we usually mean that if it does not aromatize is a cutting steroid, if it does its a bulking steroid, this because when it aromatizes, promotes water and fat retention which is not a problem while bulking, but prevents you from getting that hard look while cutting.

    As for keeping gains. If you get beyond your natural limit, you will eventually loose them, but if diet, trainning and pct are in check, you can maintain them for months after ending the cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Even w/o a cycle, you stop going to the gym you lose your gains so coming off a cycle and stopping the gym you will lose your gains even with the best PCT. You have to continue to go, just cut back on the intensity of your training and plan out your next cycle to keep you motivated. Doing a proper PCT gets your own test production back up to near normal levels which decreases your time in a catabolic state and allows you to keep more of your gains. Many DHT compouns(Winny, var, masteron) are out of your system very quickly and more mild on your HPTA which allows your natural test to come back quicker which in turn allows you to keep more of your gains.

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