What up guys, been throwing around the idea of putting together another cycle, and have come up with this.goal will be lbm, will be essentially cutting.3rd cycle, 6'3" 240lbs 15-16% BF.
wk 1-8 tren @ 75mg ED
wk 1-8 masteron @ 50mg ED
wk 1-12 sustaplex 325mg/ml will run @ 160 ED
wk 8-12 winstrol @ 50mg ED (last 4 weeks)
PCT with nolva/clomid/HCG.
note* Am dreading ED shots have never done them before and not sure if i want to.let me know what you guys think. am somewhat cost limited would like to run mast longer and at higher dose but really cant.thanks guys your opinion is much appreciated.