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Thread: npp or deca

  1. #1

    npp or deca

    wots yer opinions on the 2 i would of thort ther would be no differnce in gains but after reading about them it seems that the more you take of npp the better the gains wer as the gains of deca dont get much better the higher over 600 mg a week you go so ive read? could any 1 explain ther personal views on wether this is true or not and is ther more weight loss from npp? i thort it would be the same as deca cos thers only a few mg,s between the 2 wen the esters taken away thanks for any input

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Den sitta på huk ställ
    At the end of the day it is nandrolone...strip away the esters and you have the same thing, just slightly different molecular weights.

    Some swear by one or the other, but I see no difference other than the esters.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    im a long ester kinda man.. few years ago.. i wouldnt TOUCH IT unless it was short ester.. but in my days of gettin old and lazy.. give me the higher dose less injection stuff.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I notice better fat loss with npp than deca, I've used them in equivalent cycles: prop 700mg/wk npp 700mg/wk & prop 700mg/wk and deca 700mg/wk

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