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Thread: should i recover my thyroid first or my HPTA?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    should i recover my thyroid first or my HPTA?

    i just started the winny phase of my cycle and am running out of T3. basically, should i begin to taper down my t3 dose and end my cycle in about 6 weeks hoping that i will not gain any fat due to dropping my T3 or continue to run T3 at 50mcg ED throughout my pct and then drop it once my HPTA has rcovered?

  2. #2
    i would drop it now, i was trying to find you an article where it states tapering is not needed but i cant find the damn thing(sleeping tabs kicking in)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Tappering is not needed because your thyroid recovers pretty fast, but I would advise you to do it so that you minimize the rebound from stopping the t3.

    Another thing... t3 is a very bad idea during pct. You will be already in a catabolic state, you don't need nothing to increase it.

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