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Thread: Guess who's back???!!!! lol

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    east windsor, NJ

    Guess who's back???!!!! lol

    Hi everyo9ne. Sorry I have not been on much in a while. I have been busy at work and been going through some shit with my family. I have been barely been able to go to the gym recently either!!!.

    Ok well I am back in action now.. and getting back to the gym. I would like to start a cycle soon, but i will off course wait 2 or 3 weeks till i get inot a good training cycle again. I know how all of you HATE when people just say "Hi everyone I want to start a new cycle what should i take.??" hahahah So here it goes

    Me and my friend are oging oln the cycle. He said he wants to do whatever I am doing, but he has a completely diff body type...

    210 pounds.. I would say about 22% bf... (I have to get that down!!) I am 6 foot. Lifting for a while now about 2 years... did a cycle of dbol months ago. (oral)..

    Now I am not fat but I do have a big gut.. Somehting i can balst off if i train and control the diet for a bit. everyone tells me i am big enough and that i should start cutting up... But i would still like to get a bit bigger and cut up at the same time... yah know Right now I owuld like ab body say like...... Christian or test... or hmmm yah know Big but a little cut at the same time... thats i guess all i need to tell you... If you need to know anything else just say so...

    I am looking to get bigger and like isaid cut up on this cycle.. I can deal with out the hiugh toxicity and the side effecs, but then again who can?

    here it goes..

    1-2 week of d bol 30 mgs a day. (oral ??)
    2-10 week EQ 300 - 400 mgs weekly
    2-10 week Winny Depot 2-3 ml twice a week
    10-12 week Chlomid
    ok... first thing.... I am not set on the dbol.. I mean i loved it, but i wanna try anavar...
    (1)How would replacing the dbol with anavaar work, and around how much should be taken for those first 2 weeks...
    (2)also how about doing the dbol or anavar for three weeks?
    (3) I was getting confused on the site reading some of the things about winy one of the things says 50mg every 1-2 days, and another post says 2-3ml twice a week. i am guessing the 50mg are referring to orals.
    (4) how many mg's of chlomid do i take

    the thing i like about the EQ is its little water retention and the strong anabolic pproperties.
    thing i don't like baout winny is the low half life

    I bielve that is about it... this would be my second cycle... If you guys could give me any cluse or tips if this is gonna kill me, or any doses are too little... maybe even a rounded fig of how much this owuld cost that would be great.... thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    WB Dark.
    1st I think that doing some cardio and dieting would do you a better justice then just starting up w/ juice after only being back to working out for 3 weeks.
    Give yourself at least 2 months. Do cardio 4 times a week and watch your carbs. Get yourself back in the grove of working out.
    Very few ppl can cut and bulk at the same. You'll only fustrate yourself if you try to do so.
    2nd, Running D-bol and Winny is a no no Both are 17aa and will cause too much stress on your liver.
    D-bol is a steriod used for bulking, Eq can be used for both bulking and cutting and is NOT 17aa, and Winny is a straight cutting steriod, Anavar is also a 17aa and is also a cutter.
    If you wanna replace the Winny w/ anavar then do so. But I'd say go w/ the Winny.
    Weeks 1-10 Eq 400mgs a week
    Weeks 7-12 Winny 50mgs a day
    Stop winny on thurs of week 12...Start Clomid that following monday.


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    In a cold dark hole in total isolation.

    Re: Guess who's back???!!!! lol

    Originally posted by Darkknight442
    Hi everyo9ne. Sorry I have not been on much in a while. I have been busy at work and been going through some shit with my family. I have been barely been able to go to the gym recently either!!!.

    Ok well I am back in action now.. and getting back to the gym. I would like to start a cycle soon, but i will off course wait 2 or 3 weeks till i get inot a good training cycle again. I know how all of you HATE when people just say "Hi everyone I want to start a new cycle what should i take.??" hahahah So here it goes

    Me and my friend are oging oln the cycle. He said he wants to do whatever I am doing, but he has a completely diff body type...

    210 pounds.. I would say about 22% bf... (I have to get that down!!) I am 6 foot. Lifting for a while now about 2 years... did a cycle of dbol months ago. (oral)..

    Now I am not fat but I do have a big gut.. Somehting i can balst off if i train and control the diet for a bit. everyone tells me i am big enough and that i should start cutting up... But i would still like to get a bit bigger and cut up at the same time... yah know Right now I owuld like ab body say like...... Christian or test... or hmmm yah know Big but a little cut at the same time... thats i guess all i need to tell you... If you need to know anything else just say so...

    I am looking to get bigger and like isaid cut up on this cycle.. I can deal with out the hiugh toxicity and the side effecs, but then again who can?

    here it goes..

    1-2 week of d bol 30 mgs a day. (oral ??)
    2-10 week EQ 300 - 400 mgs weekly
    2-10 week Winny Depot 2-3 ml twice a week
    10-12 week Chlomid
    ok... first thing.... I am not set on the dbol.. I mean i loved it, but i wanna try anavar...
    (1)How would replacing the dbol with anavaar work, and around how much should be taken for those first 2 weeks...
    (2)also how about doing the dbol or anavar for three weeks?
    (3) I was getting confused on the site reading some of the things about winy one of the things says 50mg every 1-2 days, and another post says 2-3ml twice a week. i am guessing the 50mg are referring to orals.
    (4) how many mg's of chlomid do i take

    the thing i like about the EQ is its little water retention and the strong anabolic pproperties.
    thing i don't like baout winny is the low half life

    I bielve that is about it... this would be my second cycle... If you guys could give me any cluse or tips if this is gonna kill me, or any doses are too little... maybe even a rounded fig of how much this owuld cost that would be great.... thanks guys
    Well if your wanting to cut up
    EQ weeks 1-10 400mgs
    winny 50mg ED weeks 8-13
    start clomid 3weeks after last injection of EQ
    Run clomid 200mg first day then 100mg second then 50mg ED for 2weeks.

    If you want size
    D-bol weeks 1-4 30mgsED
    EQ 1-10 400mgs per week
    clomid 3 weeks after last EQ injection

    And you should have nolvedex on hand in case of Gyno.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    east windsor, NJ
    First off thanks bro... i will maie sure I am in a proper grove of lifting. I have been keeping up witht he cardio... I dunno i keep forgetting that cardio is apart of the gym.. lol

    Next thanks for all your help.. so your saying cut out the dbol, and no not even take anavar.. just stick with winny and eq?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I'm no expert Bro , but , you gotta just get back in the swing of hittin the gym regularly before you even consider AS. Once you have a solid workout going for atleast a year, then maybe consider AS. It's not a miracle drug you know !!! You obviously have no clue on amounts of gear to take ( no flame intended ) but that cycle you have there makes no sense. I would give my opinion on a cycle but I'm new also. Just read , read, read and read some more. Then research awhile. Good Luck Bro

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    east windsor, NJ
    thanx jam.. Not sure what your saying though... I cannot bulk and cut at the same time, run two diff cycles at two diff times??

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    east windsor, NJ
    thanks sick... just to clear up,, its not like i got out of the swing of things, its just that i have not been able ot. I love the gym, and i miss it alot... lol.. already started back.. See i have ebeen on vacations and camping and fights with my dad for like a month or so now.. I am itching to hit the gym today and rip every FREAKN MUSCLE IN MY BACK OUT,, and o DEADLifts till i droppppp... yeaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    But thanks for your concern man.. Sorry that cycle didn't make sense.. I put it together form stuff i read. i know it says 384 posts on my name, but thats mostly about training...

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    You don't need to know
    He's saying do either of the two. One is for cutting and the other for size and bulk.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    You don't need to know
    Originally posted by sick1
    He's saying do either of the two. One is for cutting and the other for size and bulk.
    No problem bro, I didn't mean to jump down your throught. If you just relax and read you'll find a world of info on this site. There is not another Board out there like this one.......Besides, there all getting hacked up. I think AB got it today and last week too.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    east windsor, NJ
    thanks sick
    i know i have been here ofr a while, just left for a bit..

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Either Bulk or cut.
    I'd say cut naturaly first, maybe even use some clen, then look to do a bulk after you decrease your bodyfat. Then do a chemicaly enhanced cut cycle (Eq/Winny)
    Eq/Winny cycle is a cut.
    D-bol,test,eq would be a great choice for a bulk..


  12. #12
    Join Date
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    You don't need to know
    Oh yea, DUH !!! I just noticed your posts. You'll have to excuse me, I'm in post cycle pms. Love being on !!! Hate being off !!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    The land of stars
    What's up Dark....long time no talk....I am stillwaiting to hit the bars with youa nd get faded.....CRS time bro (Can't Remember Shit)

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    east windsor, NJ
    thanks butch.. this has messed me up hahaha... cannot decide on what to do... i mean i have a couple of weeks.. like i said wanna get back into a good lifting phase again

    Posted by jammers
    my friend will prob do :
    EQ weeks 1-10 400mgs
    winny 50mg ED weeks 8-13
    start clomid 3weeks after last injection of EQ
    Run clomid 200mg first day then 100mg second then 50mg ED for 2weeks.
    casue he is a skinny basatrd, has like no fat on him

    I will do this
    D-bol weeks 1-4 30mgsED
    EQ 1-10 400mgs per week
    clomid 3 weeks after last EQ injection

    so basically the dbol helps for bulks and the eq works for cutting.. right??

    How about replacing the dbol with the winy tabs?? that woud just be a cutting cycle right??
    on thing though when yousay 50 mgs of winny that is tabs right?

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    east windsor, NJ
    i just looked over that post and iu have confused myself... hahahaha

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    east windsor, NJ
    yeah swicth thgose two, my friend will do the dbol, i will do the winny eq
    sory guys.. sitting here at work, i gott do shit quickk befor people see hwat i am doing

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    The land of stars
    Hey as far as the winny is concerned....put it at the last of your cycle. So run it week 7-12. The dbol should be in the bigginning of the cycle. It helps with instant strength gains and is a good gear to do before the eq kicks in.

    Winny, cuts yyou up but mostly it gets your muscles rock hard. Most people run it at the end becasue they want to turn their gains into hard gains. I sis winny at the end of my deca/test cyc. It owurked great. next I am going to try dbol in the beginning.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    east windsor, NJ
    Dbol weeks 1-3 50 mgs
    EQ weeks 1-10 400mgs
    winny 50mg ED weeks 7-12

    start clomid 3weeks after last injection of EQ
    Run clomid 200mg first day then 100mg second then 50mg ED for 2weeks.

    Is that what my cycle should look like??

    Again i gotta ask about the 50 mgs... that means tabs right?? And i heard the tabs are horrible for you

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Welcome back, glad to see you're alive. I like jammergsxr's suggestions, but watch the 17aa's. They are hard on your liver so you better lay off the liquor and grab some milk thistle.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    east windsor, NJ
    hey vegaswhats up man..

    Ok how is this, my friend is gonna run dbol and eq, for bulking purposes..

    I just wanna know about anavar, woudl that be better to take???
    Cause i could not find any write up about it on the main AR page.. and the more i read about winny tabs the more i see it says that it has a high toxicity level.....

    So i know i def wanna run the EQ.. but now i dunno if i should run the anavar and dbol in the begginning?? (that sounds safe).. or just eq and winny

    and yeah vegas, i am ordering a couple of bottles of thistel and ALA.. i am gonna start them now..... lol

    And guys this is not set in stoine i don't want people thinking i am gonna go run and get it now, yah know... It will prob take a week or two to decide then another 2 weeks to get here. By then i should be in a girve and cutting off the fat...

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    east windsor, NJ
    oh and vegas as my 392 post i would just like to say




  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    What are you telling me for, I've always hated the Lakers.

    Do a search on anavar, I forgot where but I read some shit on what you're asking recently.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    my next cycle

    Hey bro, just as an example this is what I'm running for my second cycle.

    Wk 1 - 16 liquidex .50mg while on d-bol then drop back to .25mg
    Wk 1 - 4 D-bol 30mg ed
    Wk 1 - 10 Eq 400mg ew 200mg Mon. & Thurs
    Wk 1 - 10 t200 400mg ew 200mg Mon. & Thurs
    Wk 9 - 13 Winny Tabs 50 mg ed
    Run clomid the day after I stop Winny 300mg/day 1 ---100mg next 10 days , then cut back to 50mg for the next 10 days = 21 days

    Ps If your running your winny at the end of your cycle start clomid the day after you take your last shot or tab of winny. Good Luck Bro

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    The land of stars
    Okay Dark and Vegas....I was diggin you guys until you flamed the Lakers...

    Seriously though, Dark the 17aa's are hard on your liver....however, being this is the first time you are going to take them it shouldn't do too much damage....and usually the winny tabs come in 10mgs so you have to take 5 of them...but some gears have different please don't quote me on that...

    But your cyc looks good.....ever thought of throwing in some test?.....that would hit you nice.......the winny will cut or make the gains off dbol/eq/test great. Somehitng to think about.....

    You can always PM me bro if you have any further questions.

  25. #25
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    east windsor, NJ
    Sory vegas... i thoguth it wa syou we used to argue with,,,, but now i remeber u used to say you don't care... damn it.. The liq has fried my brain

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    east windsor, NJ
    thanks butch.. See its like i am a kid in the freakn toy store... soo many great things about soo many great AS, i am finding it hard to pick which ones i want... Now i know the dbol and winny is not good to take together, but i love dbol...

    i know i want the eq... and people ssay such good stuff about test and anavar... i just don't know..

    I am still thinking baout the dbol first then running anavar and eq.. that is sounding good. sorry to sound dumb but what are 17 aa??? and is anavar one of them, i don't think eq is

    Thanks guys.... I mean i feel really bad, but if you do look at my posts, like 98 percent of them ar ein the work out forums...

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    The land of stars
    Originally posted by Darkknight442
    thanks butch.. See its like i am a kid in the freakn toy store... soo many great things about soo many great AS, i am finding it hard to pick which ones i want... Now i know the dbol and winny is not good to take together, but i love dbol...

    i know i want the eq... and people ssay such good stuff about test and anavar... i just don't know..

    I am still thinking baout the dbol first then running anavar and eq.. that is sounding good. sorry to sound dumb but what are 17 aa??? and is anavar one of them, i don't think eq is

    Thanks guys.... I mean i feel really bad, but if you do look at my posts, like 98 percent of them ar ein the work out forums...
    Dark you can run the dbol and winny....just dont run them together...dbol is for the beginning and winny is for the end.

    As far as the ananvar is concerned....I've heard great things about it....but it hits your wallet hard.....and eg is good, but i do prefer deca. However, next cycle I am going to hit eq...just to see what it deos. This is a cycle I am considering, however, I modified for you (my dosages will be higher since it will be my third cycle). Chewck it out and let me know what you think:

    Week 1-4: Dbol @ 35mgs ED
    Week 1-10: EQ @ 400mgs
    Week 1-10: Test 200 @ 500mgs
    Week 7-12: Winny @ 50mgs ED
    Week 13: Clomid therapy

    Think this one over and let me know. It's a good cycle that will get you both big and cut. I personally think that you will like this cyc. Due keep in mind Dark that this is my opinion, I am only suggesting something. It's your body you do with as you please.....I am only here to help bro!

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Originally posted by Darkknight442
    Sory vegas... i thoguth it wa syou we used to argue with,,,, but now i remeber u used to say you don't care... damn it.. The liq has fried my brain
    Oh we argued but we were on the same side. I just said that when the King's lost err..... got raped.....that nobody gave a shit anymore about the playoffs. I proved this to be true with the stats on the nielsen ratings for the finals.

    Now it's time for football....

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    east windsor, NJ
    haha..... butch thanks alot.... That looks freakn perfect!!! How much do you htink that will run me?? I think it looks like 300?? ehh higher then that actually.. I am getting really excited about this, like a giddy school girl!! lol Yeah if it gets too expensive i guess i could drop the test??? we'll see.. thanks a bunch butch and all you guys... keep the suggestions coming..

    Oh and i introduced my friend to deadlifts yest he just called me at work 930 and was saying how sore he is!!!! Hells yeah

  30. #30
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    I can't exactly say how much it will cost. I don't know what they charge over there. The winny might be the most expensive...usually runs around $10-$14 an amp. And if you are going to run it for five weeks then you need 35 amps.....$350. The EQ is not that expensive and the test will probably be around the same as EQ. Dbol I have no idea.

    These are prices that you may see around here where i live. You may want to do a search regarding prices. I know guys here have posted what they have paid and others have commented on it...tak a look.

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    east windsor, NJ
    thanks butch... shit i didn't know winny was that much... that is upseetting...hmmmm. i will try that search... im giht maybe drop the winny run the dbol a little longer, and go with the eq and test

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Hey Dark I forgot one important detail regarding the winny...the prices that I quoted were for the depot winny....the tabs are cheaper and more reasonable in price.....however they are pretty harsh on the liver....but considering this is your first cycle it won't be that bad....just don't drink liquor (I know it was hard for me as well....and i did drink)...also, the tabs are effective but the depots are more a search on that as well....depot v. tabs...or you can go to the drug porfiles on the main page of AR and check that out...

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    In a cold dark hole in total isolation.
    Wow Bro. your all confused aint ya?Its your first cycle so your gonna grow like a weed no matter what so running D-bol at the beginning and winny at the end is just too much stress on the liver IMO,Keep it simple for your first time and see how the body reacts.

    For you to bulk try something like this

    Weeks 1-4 D-bol 30mgs ED
    Weeks 1-10 EQ 400mgs weekly
    weeks 1-11 test enanthate 400mgs weekly (optional)
    week 13 clomid 200mgs/100mgs/50mgs stick with 50mgs through week14

    For your buddy to cut
    weeks 1-10 EQ 400mgs weekly
    weeks 7-13 winny tabs 50mgs ED
    week 13 clomid (same as above)

    milk thistle is a good Idea while on the d-bol and winny tabs
    Run the winny right up to clomid therapy,winny has a short half life so both the EQ and winny will be out of the system.

    Since your gonna bulk you will see gains within a week or two due to the d-bol.Your buddy will not see gains until the 4th or 5th week since this is the length of time for the EQ to take effect,But once the EQ kicks in he will gain a nice amount of lean muscle and then the winny will harden it up real nice.Make sure you both have nolvedex on hand in case gyno should happen!If gyno occurs run 40mgs at the first sign and 40 mgs ED until it subsides then 20mgs ED through the rest of your cycle.Best of luck and enjoy!!

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    east windsor, NJ
    thanks jamm... your ocnfused bro I am cutting and he is bulking.. lol hahahah But i will tkae the advice i see.. I wish i could take a picture to show you guys what I look like.... body wise.. I don't think i should be cutting yet yah know to me i think I have no muscle i think its all fat.. and once i drop that I will have nothing.... but then again no one really thinks they look big yah knw???

  35. #35
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    i missed you soooooooooooooo much!!!!

    hahaa...what up DK!!!

  36. #36
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    Heyyyyy wad up adapt.... yeah she is still gpoing strong.. basatrds at wild on they are finding a new host.. ah welll... Yoooo bro is that your ride sweeeeettt.. Is that an M3 with the sport pacakge on it???

  37. #37
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    i know whats the deal with that?!?!?!?!?!?!? that sucks ass!
    She made that show!

    Oh well, yea its an M3... with a body kit on it.

  38. #38
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    man..... only 10 min, i would bang my brains out.... I wote her an email... hahaha go to her web site.. its no great but its cool to see the pics...oooh bangiung brooke burke on the top of an M3

  39. #39
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    I'll walk by her after I done with my cycle of whatever the fuck i am gonna do..... she'll jump my bones...

    My friend was like man if i was gonnahave sex with her... i would do spot injections of dbol into my dick befor i fucked her ofr like 2 weeks. hahahaha

  40. #40
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    Banging her on top of the hood of my thatd be a great time...

    If it could only be...

    What about that kristen kreuk girl...from in love with her too!!!


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