I also came across an interesting article, probably old news to the vets but interesting nonetheless:
The effect of anabolic steroids on lean body mass: the dose response curve.
Metabolism. 1985 Jun;34(6):571-3
There was a nice graph that showed the linear dose-response curve from 2500 to 10000 total mg in a cycle. At More than 10 000 total mg the response curve was tapering off.
Here is the graph in question
I've placed the whole study on rapidshare:
What is particularly revealing here:
the star represents teenage Testtosterone levels, no need to juice they're already at the top of the curve.
The dianabol dose (square) and the anavar doses (black circle) are both inline with the testosterone doses (white circle). Even though Anavar is considered "weak" and dianabol is considered "strong".
What I'm understanding from this is that from the point of view of total lean body mass increases a mg is a mg is a mg, in essence 5000mg of test in 5, 10 or 20 weeks should give similar results.
This is rather counter-intuitive, but warrants some discussion I think.