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Thread: DNP Issue

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    DNP Issue

    Got my order of DNP from a well know source and I dont know why I dont feel it. I got it friday night and here are the doses I took:


    11:30PM 200mg (two 100mg caps) Didnt feel anything even after I had a little bit of carbs

    1:30AM (counting as friday even though its really saturday) 200mg Still didnt feel anything and slept just fine


    11AM Woke up tired, really tired, but I didnt sweat during the night and I was like WTF, its not working so I took 100mg. Had some breakfast and still didnt feel anything.

    1PM Just took another 100mg and went out and then stopped by the gym. Did some weights and cardio and I was fine. Same performance as always. I felt a little warm, but not sweating like crazy or anything. I'm not sure if its because of the weather or the DNP.

    Now its about 6PM my time, should I take 100 or 200mg more? My urine is yellow, but I just dont feel anything like what I read from the logs and all the research I did. Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Day 4 increase the dose,DNP is slow.Takes time to build up,I hate it.The only way round this is to frontload,I did a gram the first two days,by day 3 the war is on!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    So should I take another 400 today? and then maybe like 100or200 tommarow if I am ok? Also, I want to keep the cycle short, I'm going on a plane thursday in the morning, if I stop monday night, should I be ok? Or should I stop monday morning?

    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Day 4 increase the dose,DNP is slow.Takes time to build up,I hate it.The only way round this is to frontload,I did a gram the first two days,by day 3 the war is on!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Day 4 increase the dose,DNP is slow.Takes time to build up,I hate it.The only way round this is to frontload,I did a gram the first two days,by day 3 the war is on!!
    Not in my experience.
    He took 500mgs in the first 18.5 hours and felt absolutely nothing!

    There's something wrong here, and it's not the need for build up. Taking that much initially, you should have felt something like this...


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    This stuff is for people right on the edge that are taking risks with their health anyway. It's an informed decision, like this is what it does, here it is, you're going to do it anyway so let's do it as safely as possible. I think it's ignorance that kills us, so let's kill ignorance. Obviously the controversial stuff I do is the stuff that's on the edge, everybody forgets the nutrition…If you have done 5+ plus cycles you can tweak dose lay out,Im just glad Im done with DNP.

  6. #6
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    This stuff is for people right on the edge that are taking risks with their health anyway. It's an informed decision, like this is what it does, here it is, you're going to do it anyway so let's do it as safely as possible. I think it's ignorance that kills us, so let's kill ignorance. Obviously the controversial stuff I do is the stuff that's on the edge, everybody forgets the nutrition…If you have done 5+ plus cycles you can tweak dose lay out,Im just glad Im done with DNP.
    Very true Goose!

    It's so alluring that one simply must try it. But after experiencing it and being left wanting, one often realizes the dangers of this poison outweigh the temporal and ever fleeting benefits. Thus the logical and hopefully eventual conclusion to DNP use, as you arrived at above, is nonuse.


  7. #7
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    Very true Goose!

    It's so alluring that one simply must try it. But after experiencing it and being left wanting, one often realizes the dangers of this poison outweigh the temporal and ever fleeting benefits. Thus the logical and hopefully eventual conclusion to DNP use, as you arrived at above, is nonuse.


    Who is your FAV film director?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I find this thread kind of worrying. This is exacyly the way DNP should NOT be used. I took some nothing happened so i took some more...... DNP has a long half life and takes time to reach peak blood levels (4-5 days). Taking random raised dosages in the first 24 hours because "you cant feel it" is a sure way to **** up big time. Go read a lot on DNP before you take more.

    Quote Originally Posted by aolsux00
    Got my order of DNP from a well know source and I dont know why I dont feel it. I got it friday night and here are the doses I took:


    11:30PM 200mg (two 100mg caps) Didnt feel anything even after I had a little bit of carbs

    1:30AM (counting as friday even though its really saturday) 200mg Still didnt feel anything and slept just fine


    11AM Woke up tired, really tired, but I didnt sweat during the night and I was like WTF, its not working so I took 100mg. Had some breakfast and still didnt feel anything.

    1PM Just took another 100mg and went out and then stopped by the gym. Did some weights and cardio and I was fine. Same performance as always. I felt a little warm, but not sweating like crazy or anything. I'm not sure if its because of the weather or the DNP.

    Now its about 6PM my time, should I take 100 or 200mg more? My urine is yellow, but I just dont feel anything like what I read from the logs and all the research I did. Any ideas?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    Quote Originally Posted by aolsux00
    Got my order of DNP from a well know source and I dont know why I dont feel it. I got it friday night and here are the doses I took:


    11:30PM 200mg (two 100mg caps) Didnt feel anything even after I had a little bit of carbs

    1:30AM (counting as friday even though its really saturday) 200mg Still didnt feel anything and slept just fine


    11AM Woke up tired, really tired, but I didnt sweat during the night and I was like WTF, its not working so I took 100mg. Had some breakfast and still didnt feel anything.

    1PM Just took another 100mg and went out and then stopped by the gym. Did some weights and cardio and I was fine. Same performance as always. I felt a little warm, but not sweating like crazy or anything. I'm not sure if its because of the weather or the DNP.

    Now its about 6PM my time, should I take 100 or 200mg more? My urine is yellow, but I just dont feel anything like what I read from the logs and all the research I did. Any ideas?
    did you research how to safely take DNP? You only 200 mg for the first four days as you need to give it time to build up in your system and test your reaction to you. Then after 4 days you can slowly up dose. This isnt something you mess around with and just keep taking it b/c you dont feel it...thats how you fu(k yourself up.

  10. #10
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    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    did you research how to safely take DNP? You only 200 mg for the first four days as you need to give it time to build up in your system and test your reaction to you. Then after 4 days you can slowly up dose. This isnt something you mess around with and just keep taking it b/c you dont feel it...thats how you fu(k yourself up.
    I did and I also talked to a lot of people. A vet told me they frontload with one gram so it works faster, but just because he can take a gram, doesnt mean I can so I did way less. I was planning to do a cycle and a slightly higher dose since its going to be such a short one (got it friday night, stopping monday night) because I'm jumping on an airplane thurs monrning.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    haha its people like you that die on dnp... wait a full 6 days as the mg accumulates in your body for that long due to its half life!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I wasnt planning to really let it build up much....I wasnt planning to take it for 21 days or even 10 like a lot of people do. My cycle was going to be only for 4 actual days. Then I would let it wear off completely for a couple days. I was only trying to lose the last couple pounds before my trip. My trainer said its about 2 pounds of actual fat I need to lose so I thought this would do it since its not coming off that easy anymore.

    Quote Originally Posted by don anabolico
    haha its people like you that die on dnp... wait a full 6 days as the mg accumulates in your body for that long due to its half life!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    i hope your trainer isnt suggesting to you to use dnp for a "couple pounds"?

  14. #14
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    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by don anabolico
    i hope your trainer isnt suggesting to you to use dnp for a "couple pounds"?
    No, he doesnt even know I'm doing it. I just told him I need to take a few days off to get everything together before I leave for my trip so he wont notice that I'm on something when I workout like crap.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Does dnp work even at day one, even though you don't feel anything? I was thinking of using it only on sat-sun during my bulk to keep fat gains at a minimum.

  16. #16
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    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by aolsux00
    I did and I also talked to a lot of people. A vet told me they frontload with one gram so it works faster, but just because he can take a gram, doesnt mean I can so I did way less. I was planning to do a cycle and a slightly higher dose since its going to be such a short one (got it friday night, stopping monday night) because I'm jumping on an airplane thurs monrning.
    I would be vary careful taking advice off anyone when it comes to frontloading DNP. Personally i would find my own tolerance by increasing dose VERY slowly during the first couple of runs to see how i tolerated it. Then if was happy that i can cope with xxx ammount then i might frontload.
    It s kind of like me telling you that im fine with 14iu of slin and only 80g carbs. Yes it works for me but it might very possibly kill someone else.....

  17. #17
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by aolsux00
    I did and I also talked to a lot of people. A vet told me they frontload with one gram so it works faster, but just because he can take a gram, doesnt mean I can so I did way less. I was planning to do a cycle and a slightly higher dose since its going to be such a short one (got it friday night, stopping monday night) because I'm jumping on an airplane thurs monrning.
    Just want to be clear here,I have never personally corresponded with you via PM,I would never advise frontloading to anyone on this site!!I was clear when you have 5 plus cycles experience you can experiment to your own tolerance for that type of thing.This is the best guidline. Use ONLY 200-250mg a day for the first four days. I don't care that you don't "feel" anything yet and you wanna bump it up. DNP accumulates in the body, and not "feeling" something means NOTHING. It's there, and it's working (the effect on metabolism begins within two hours of the first dose!). Four days will let you test your tolerance: do you have an allergy? Does it give you a rash? etc.
    Only after those four days do you bump it up, by 200mg a day. Good luck bro..

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    I would be vary careful taking advice off anyone when it comes to frontloading DNP. Personally i would find my own tolerance by increasing dose VERY slowly during the first couple of runs to see how i tolerated it. Then if was happy that i can cope with xxx ammount then i might frontload.
    It s kind of like me telling you that im fine with 14iu of slin and only 80g carbs. Yes it works for me but it might very possibly kill someone else.....
    I just find this whole thing really really weird. I was looking at some well known guides that said take 200mg for the first 3 days and if you can handle that, then you can increase the dose a little. But I took 600mg in a short period of time and I cant even feel it. I should be able to at least feel it by now, shouldnt I? I'm sure theres more active DNP in me by taking it the way I did then if I were to take the same amount over 3 days.

  19. #19
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    Jan 2007
    Sorry, didnt mean to make it sound like you told me to do it, you just told me you did it for yourself. I even forgot that it was within this thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Just want to be clear here,I have never personally corresponded with you via PM,I would never advise frontloading to anyone on this site!!I was clear when you have 5 plus cycles experience you can experiment to your own tolerance for that type of thing.This is the best guidline. Use ONLY 200-250mg a day for the first four days. I don't care that you don't "feel" anything yet and you wanna bump it up. DNP accumulates in the body, and not "feeling" something means NOTHING. It's there, and it's working (the effect on metabolism begins within two hours of the first dose!). Four days will let you test your tolerance: do you have an allergy? Does it give you a rash? etc.
    Only after those four days do you bump it up, by 200mg a day. Good luck bro..

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by aolsux00
    I just find this whole thing really really weird. I was looking at some well known guides that said take 200mg for the first 3 days and if you can handle that, then you can increase the dose a little. But I took 600mg in a short period of time and I cant even feel it. I should be able to at least feel it by now, shouldnt I? I'm sure theres more active DNP in me by taking it the way I did then if I were to take the same amount over 3 days.
    be patient. if after 4 days at 200mgED you dont feel shit then bump it up to 400mg. If you cant feel that after a further 3 days then maybe bump it up to 600mg. If you cant feel that then throw the stuff away and find a better source...

  21. #21
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    Aug 2005
    Disclaimer: This is not a flaming, chastisement or castigation, it is simply meant to inform and instruct. So there's no need for anyone to take it personally or become offended...sheew!

    People should really stop imparting drug characteristics to this poison. DNP IS A POISON, and more specifically a toxic one!

    For example, will the authors of the above posts that cite DNP's halflife please reveal your sources? This type of interpolated propaganda, seen on many boards and parroted throughout the web, often emanates from a few self proclaimed authorities who have written inaccurate handbooks, profiles, FAQ's or spiels on a subject. Let me state for the record that you're not building up mgs as stated above, you are slowly, purposefully (controlling dosage & intervals) poisoning yourself to benefit from a very specific and desirable symptom. This is very similar to that of chemotherapy in which some poisons (chemo meds) are controlled and employed to battle others (various cancers).

    Yes...pesticides, poisons, and toxins have halflives, but not genuine ones in the since that medicinal drugs do. They don't saturate your blood levels to a maximum benefit concentrations, instead they contaminate or toxify your blood, and in some cases tissue, to the extent that they elicit natural physiological responses.

    Here's some relevant reading for greater comprehension of the signs, symptoms and very natural physiological effects of poisoning (not side effects) as well as their blood concentration effects, and testing techniques (most of which are quite different):

    I realize that it's far more desirable to refer to DNP in terms of how long it takes to BUILD-UP, SATURATE, OR KICK-IN, but a far more accurate d-e-piction would be how long it takes for your body to become affected by and respond to your deliberate poisoning efforts. The inverse of halflife uptake is that of extinction, and similarly there is no defined expiration for the expulsion of poisons from the body. These chemicals leave your body based on type (blood or tissue inhabitants---DNP is both), severity of exposure/toxicity (amount, duration & frequency) and the speed/efficiency of your body's own ability (including external resource assistance when applicable) to rid itself of these agents.

    DNP is and has always been dangerous and it should be obvious that I'm not a proponent, but many of us are here to help others and that's what this monologue is for. As stated so eloquently by Goose above:
    This stuff is for people right on the edge that are taking risks with their health anyway. It's an informed decision, like this is what it does, here it is, you're going to do it anyway so let's do it as safely as possible. I think it's ignorance that kills us, so let's kill ignorance.
    I had to add my $.02.
    Oh, and by the way, no offense to those who've tried unknowingly, but even attempting to frontload such a chemical is absurd. Many of the techniques revealed on these webpages are not readily transferable to hormones, compounds, chems or supps other than those explicitly described. Please be more careful with your bodies, and be sure to read and question thoroughly prior to practicing.

    Last edited by magic32; 06-25-2007 at 09:05 AM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    good post magic, as usual!! Gives me a little food for thought....

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Land of the sun.
    This is a great thread!
    I sure learned a lot.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    Disclaimer: This is not a flaming, chastisement or castigation, it is simply meant to inform and instruct. So there's no need for anyone to take it personally or become offended...sheew!

    People should really stop imparting drug characteristics to this poison. DNP IS A POISON, and more specifically a toxic one!

    For example, will the authors of the above posts that cite DNP's halflife please reveal your sources? This type of interpolated propaganda, seen on many boards and parroted throughout the web, often emanates from a few self proclaimed authorities who have written inaccurate handbooks, profiles, FAQ's or spiels on a subject. Let me state for the record that you're not building up mgs as stated above, you are slowly, purposefully (controlling dosage & intervals) poisoning yourself to benefit from a very specific and desirable symptom. This is very similar to that of chemotherapy in which some poisons (chemo meds) are controlled and employed to battle others (various cancers).

    Yes...pesticides, poisons, and toxins have halflives, but not genuine ones in the since that medicinal drugs do. They don't saturate your blood levels to a maximum benefit concentrations, instead they contaminate or toxify your blood, and in some cases tissue, to the extent that they elicit natural physiological responses.

    Here's some relevant reading for greater comprehension of the signs, symptoms and very natural physiological effects of poisoning (not side effects) as well as their blood concentration effects, and testing techniques (most of which are quite different):

    I realize that it's far more desirable to refer to DNP in terms of how long it takes to BUILD-UP, SATURATE, OR KICK-IN, but a far more accurate d-e-piction would be how long it takes for your body to become affected by and respond to your deliberate poisoning efforts. The inverse of halflife uptake is that of extinction, and similarly there is no defined expiration for the expulsion of poisons from the body. These chemicals leave your body based on type (blood or tissue inhabitants---DNP is both), severity of exposure/toxicity (amount, duration & frequency) and the speed/efficiency of your body's own ability (including external resource assistance when applicable) to rid itself of these agents.

    DNP is and has always been dangerous and it should be obvious that I'm not a proponent, but many of us are here to help others and that's what this monologue is for. As stated so eloquently by Goose above:

    I had to add my $.02.
    Oh, and by the way, no offense to those who've tried unknowingly, but even attempting to frontload such a chemical is absurd. Many of the techniques revealed on these webpages are not readily transferable to hormones, compounds, chems or supps other than those explicitly described. Please be more careful with your bodies, and be sure to read and question thoroughly prior to practicing.

    I totally disagree with the above...let me make one thing clear thought: I think the person who started this thread is a clear example of why people get hurt on . Since it is inevitable that a fair amount of people will still behave foolishly I understand why dnp is and must stay a banned drug
    Yes drug! Poison and drug is an arbitrary definition. Every drug has some toxcicity and some effectiveness. It is up to men to decide how to label it. Clenbuterol, diuretics ibuprofen and even aspirin are both drugs or poisons, it just ***ends on the dosage used.
    Dnp is no different, it has been used on humans by doctors for a decade and tested extensively. Up until a certain dosage it has no serious adverse effects, beyond that it can be lethal. If you will,The only difference between dnp and other common drugs is a much more defined dosage limit after which it becomes very harmful. But think about what would happen if you ingested just 1 mg (yes 1 milligram as opposed to 200mg of mg) of clen? it would kill you. is clen a poison? no it is just a drug that must not be dosed above 1/10 of a milligram. Simple. When it came to approving dnp for medical use the risks didn't outweigh the benefits, and in the previous post we have a clear example of why (is it worth putting one's life at risk popping dnp caps randomly to loose a few pounds quicker? no but people still do it)
    Last edited by NewVader; 06-25-2007 at 10:32 AM.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Even if you don't feel DNp working at lower doses, it is. It will still raise one's BMR regardless of you feeling it or not.

    I'd much much rather not feel my DNP at ALL, if you know what I mean
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Giants11
    Even if you don't feel DNp working at lower doses, it is. It will still raise one's BMR regardless of you feeling it or not.

    I'd much much rather not feel my DNP at ALL, if you know what I mean

    Yeah..... One more quick question, if I am going on a plane thursday and and dont want to get all sweaty, when is the last day I should take it? Should I stop today (still at 200mg/day) or should I go for another day or so?

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by NewVader
    I totally disagree with the above...let me make one thing clear thought: I think the person who started this thread is a clear example of why people get hurt on . Since it is inevitable that a fair amount of people will still behave foolishly I understand why dnp is and must stay a banned drug
    Yes drug! Poison and drug is an arbitrary definition. Every drug has some toxcicity and some effectiveness. It is up to men to decide how to label it. Clenbuterol, diuretics ibuprofen and even aspirin are both drugs or poisons, it just ***ends on the dosage used.
    Dnp is no different, it has been used on humans by doctors for a decade and tested extensively. Up until a certain dosage it has no serious adverse effects, beyond that it can be lethal. If you will,The only difference between dnp and other common drugs is a much more defined dosage limit after which it becomes very harmful. But think about what would happen if you ingested just 1 mg (yes 1 milligram as opposed to 200mg of mg) of clen? it would kill you. is clen a poison? no it is just a drug that must not be dosed above 1/10 of a milligram. Simple. When it came to approving dnp for medical use the risks didn't outweigh the benefits, and in the previous post we have a clear example of why (is it worth putting one's life at risk popping dnp caps randomly to loose a few pounds quicker? no but people still do it)

    Ahhh the utter beauty of an open forum...where everyone is entitled to their opinion and provided a platform for conscientious debate!

    DNP is a chemical used in many products for a variety of different purposes. Only when it was discovered that people working with this chemical began to lose weight, tactilely and via inhalation, were attempts made to convert it into drug form for human consumption. These endeavors were halted as people began dying from an ASSORTMENT of both very LOW and HIGHER dosages, unlike your above d-e-piction and false analogy (Clen). "Deaths have occurred in people who ingested 3-46 milligrams of dinitrophenols per kilogram of body weight per day (3-46 mg/kg/day) for short periods, or 1-4 mg/kg/day for long periods." ( I won't even bother listing links for the numerous and varied deaths and dosages.

    Some chemicals are simply not suited for consumption due to their poisonous natures not mere toxicity, which as you so correctly implied all drugs have the capacity for. Dinitro-ortho-cresol (DNOC) and Dinitrophenol are the two main phenolic pesticides. These substances are used in agriculture CHIEFLY as selective w-e-e-d and pest killers for cereal crops and for the destruction of potato haulm, a far cry from drugs! DNP's toxic effects often appear at blood concentrations greater than 30 mg/l (thus making it an add up your toxicity mgs not drug ones, and latent rash effects experienced by some), while concentrations greater than 60 mg/l are associated with severe toxicity (the reason even our low dose regimens must be short).


    I sure hope no one ever finds weight loss benefits in Chlorine. Of course its natural and necessary at certain levels, but it is also irritating and corrosive to the respiratory tract, eyes, and skin. Similarly the effects d-e-pend on how much you are exposed to and for how long. Exposure to low concentrations of chlorine gas (1 to 10 ppm) may cause sore throat, cou***ng, and eye and skin irritation. Exposure to higher levels could cause burning of the eyes and skin, rapid breathing, narrowing of the bronchi, wheezing, blue coloring of the skin, accumulation of fluid in the lungs, and pain in the lung region. Exposure to even higher levels can produce severe eye and skin burns, lung collapse, and death. Sound familiar?

    Permit me to enlist an even better example, one that has genuine medicinal benefits. We brush with fluoride everyday and even fluoridate our water, but that does not negate the FACT THAT IT IS A POISON. This is why we're always told not to swallow even the very small amount in toothpaste; doing so can cause Fluorosis (look it up if curious).

    But what the heck if they'll burn a little stored fat let's gel cap 'em and call them both drugs too.

    In short, consumption of:
    Drugs = Help
    Poisons = Danger
    What help is DNP? Oh yeah temporal fat loss is one of the symptoms of mild DNP poisoning. That statement, although quite true, doesn't really help your case.

    Admittedly, it is true that your declaration "Poison and drug is an arbitrary definition", does have some validity as I expressed above with fluoride and earlier in the this thread with Chemo as both could technically be called drugs. Ironically neither truly supports your cause, you see both are used like all poisons to kill something, the former decay promoting oral germs, and the latter wayward cancerous cells. The key is to use only enough of these poisons to kill the negatives, while preserving the positives. So technically, we're enlisting poisons to do what poisons do, kill organisms (this is why I mentioned Chlorine). Such a task doesn't make them drugs, but rather defines them as poisons.

    Here's another hint that a poison is a poison. If the thing (chem, compound, element, etc.) fits comfortably as a suffix for the word "poisoning" (ie. Cyanide poisoning, Lead poisoning, Fluoride poisoning, DNP poisoning), it's probably safe say it is one!

    Lastly, take a look at this and see if DNP is on The International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) list under "Information on specific poisons"...
    Now that one had to hurt a little!

    So poison or's so arbitrary, I just don't know!


  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    Here's my medical history while taking clen and dnp at different times

    After building up to 100mcgs of clen after 7 days, my BP was 153/110, pulse was 120 beats/minute, elevated CK levels (were talking 10X the normal) and an abnormal EKG indicating left ventricle hyperplasia...values all returned to normal about a month after stopping clen. No telling what damage has been done to my heart tissue, hopefully none

    After 10 days of DNP, starting at 250mg/day for 4 days and building up to 750 after 9 days, BP and pulse were normal, bloodwork showed slightly elevated electrolyte levels (K, Na) and EKG was normal. I ran for another 7 days after that. Based off my history and medical results while on both substances, my personal opinion and experience is that clen is more damaging to my body than is DNP. Im not saying in general, just saying that for my body. Personally, neither are to be taken lightly and not to be used as a "miracle fat loss drug"

    FYI, my girl accidentally took 1mg of clen and did NOT die either. She felt miserable with vomiting, shakes, irregular heart beat, but didnt die. She hasnt touched clen ever since

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    Ahhh the utter beauty of an open forum...where everyone is entitled to their opinion and provided a platform for conscientious debate!

    DNP is a chemical used in many products for a variety of different purposes. Only when it was discovered that people working with this chemical began to lose weight, tactilely and via inhalation, were attempts made to convert it into drug form for human consumption. These endeavors were halted as people began dying from an ASSORTMENT of both very LOW and HIGHER dosages, unlike your above d-e-piction and false analogy (Clen). "Deaths have occurred in people who ingested 3-46 milligrams of dinitrophenols per kilogram of body weight per day (3-46 mg/kg/day) for short periods, or 1-4 mg/kg/day for long periods." ( I won't even bother listing links for the numerous and varied deaths and dosages.

    Some chemicals are simply not suited for consumption due to their poisonous natures not mere toxicity, which as you so correctly implied all drugs have the capacity for. Dinitro-ortho-cresol (DNOC) and Dinitrophenol are the two main phenolic pesticides. These substances are used in agriculture CHIEFLY as selective w-e-e-d and pest killers for cereal crops and for the destruction of potato haulm, a far cry from drugs! DNP's toxic effects often appear at blood concentrations greater than 30 mg/l (thus making it an add up your toxicity mgs not drug ones, and latent rash effects experienced by some), while concentrations greater than 60 mg/l are associated with severe toxicity (the reason even our low dose regimens must be short).


    I sure hope no one ever finds weight loss benefits in Chlorine. Of course its natural and necessary at certain levels, but it is also irritating and corrosive to the respiratory tract, eyes, and skin. Similarly the effects d-e-pend on how much you are exposed to and for how long. Exposure to low concentrations of chlorine gas (1 to 10 ppm) may cause sore throat, cou***ng, and eye and skin irritation. Exposure to higher levels could cause burning of the eyes and skin, rapid breathing, narrowing of the bronchi, wheezing, blue coloring of the skin, accumulation of fluid in the lungs, and pain in the lung region. Exposure to even higher levels can produce severe eye and skin burns, lung collapse, and death. Sound familiar?

    Permit me to enlist an even better example, one that has genuine medicinal benefits. We brush with fluoride everyday and even fluoridate our water, but that does not negate the FACT THAT IT IS A POISON. This is why we're always told not to swallow even the very small amount in toothpaste; doing so can cause Fluorosis (look it up if curious).

    But what the heck if they'll burn a little stored fat let's gel cap 'em and call them both drugs too.

    In short, consumption of:

    What help is DNP? Oh yeah temporal fat loss is one of the symptoms of mild DNP poisoning. That statement, although quite true, doesn't really help your case.

    Admittedly, it is true that your declaration "Poison and drug is an arbitrary definition", does have some validity as I expressed above with fluoride and earlier in the this thread with Chemo as both could technically be called drugs. Ironically neither truly supports your cause, you see both are used like all poisons to kill something, the former decay promoting oral germs, and the latter wayward cancerous cells. The key is to use only enough of these poisons to kill the negatives, while preserving the positives. So technically, we're enlisting poisons to do what poisons do, kill organisms (this is why I mentioned Chlorine). Such a task doesn't make them drugs, but rather defines them as poisons.

    Here's another hint that a poison is a poison. If the thing (chem, compound, element, etc.) fits comfortably as a suffix for the word "poisoning" (ie. Cyanide poisoning, Lead poisoning, Fluoride poisoning, DNP poisoning), it's probably safe say it is one!

    Lastly, take a look at this and see if DNP is on The International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) list under "Information on specific poisons"...
    Now that one had to hurt a little!

    So poison or's so arbitrary, I just don't know!

    I was aware of everything you reported.
    my analogy with the clen was that if you overdose it it becomes a poison too, like almost any other drug. Try to cap 200 mg of clen powder or even 1 mg of i it and use and see that it is more of a poison than dnp is.
    nothing is a poison, it is just an arbitraty definition.
    as for your classification drug=help, dnp does help: it burns fat.
    A m p he t a m in e s are used for the same purpose by doctors so it is a legitimate medical use

    here is some background for you

    see for yourself how many people have been treated by doctors with no side effects.

    The problem with dnp is that common people are stupid. They overdose it. it is not worth the risk. That's why it is banned. Even the "reccommended dose" of 600 mg/day after progressively increasing is in my opinion foolish.
    The whole concept of burning a lot of fat in 10 days is a tremendous abuse, and presents very serious risks. If you read that paper in details doctors never went above 5mg/kg (and more ofter just 3mg/kg) and that should be the maximum limit. So people shoulndt be using 600mg/day unless they weigh 300lbs.
    DNP is relatively safe if used over a long period of time. That is what it was develop and tested for as a drug. Using it at 600-800mg or maybe 1g /day to lloose a lot of weight in 10 days is misuse and abuse and used in that way that's when dnp becomes a poison. But nothing is a poison to begin with.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by NewVader
    But nothing is a poison to begin with.
    You must be right, poisons don't really exist.
    Thanks for taking the time to enlighten me.


  31. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    You must be right, poisons don't really exist.
    Thanks for taking the time to enlighten me.


    well not really, I have to correct myself, poisons do exist:
    a sanke's venom is a poison, because evolution has made it such. it is a defense mechanism targeted at deliberately harming another living being.
    DNP does not fall under that category..
    I don't want to enlighten you, just to make my point clear, that with dnp the poisoning comes with abuse, not with mere use.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by NewVader
    well not really, I have to correct myself, poisons do exist:
    a sanke's venom is a poison, because evolution has made it such. it is a defense mechanism targeted at deliberately harming another living being.
    DNP does not fall under that category..
    I don't want to enlighten you, just to make my point clear, that with dnp the poisoning comes with abuse, not with mere use.

    According to your ideology snake venom isnt a poison either .... we just havent completely harnessed it. In the future we could prevent heart disease and heal tendons with it?!>!?!?! POISONS DONT EXIST!

    DNP is a poison in no way is it ok for human consumption. Just because a side effect of being POISONED is weight loose, a side effect of DIEING is euphoria...dosent make it good.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    DNP is a substance that has been used as both a drug and a poison.

    If used sensibly it can produce excellent results. My friend who became obese due to injury and being unable to excercise used it and shed a lot of BF. It has totally improved his quality of life. Now he has had that kickstart he has taken some dietry advice and is still losing weight now using diet. Was he posioned? No, because he did not abuse the compound and he did plenty of research before he took anything.
    Personally i found DNP actually made me eat so much that it was pointless. might try it with meridia next time!

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by james21
    According to your ideology snake venom isnt a poison either .... we just havent completely harnessed it. In the future we could prevent heart disease and heal tendons with it?!>!?!?! POISONS DONT EXIST!

    DNP is a poison in no way is it ok for human consumption. Just because a side effect of being POISONED is weight loose, a side effect of DIEING is euphoria...dosent make it good.

    have you even checked out the link I posted in my previous post...I don't think you have.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    Very true Goose!

    It's so alluring that one simply must try it. But after experiencing it and being left wanting, one often realizes the dangers of this poison outweigh the temporal and ever fleeting benefits. Thus the logical and hopefully eventual conclusion to DNP use, as you arrived at above, is nonuse.


    Very well said!

  36. #36
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Houston, TX
    I will never try DNP, **** that.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by NewVader
    have you even checked out the link I posted in my previous post...I don't think you have.

    Yeah ,
    Last edited by james21; 06-26-2007 at 04:56 PM.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by james21
    Yeah ,did you ? Mostof that article dosent help your cause. Also it is coming just a decade after you could buy h e r oi n over the counter ........
    My cause is simply to prove that dnp is a drug like others, it is no poison by itself. Having this said I am not reccommending it, and I am not sure whether I'll ever do it again. And probably you don't know but h e ro in is a drug as well. It has it's medical use and, by the way what do you think the active compound in the common painkiller vicodin is? something very very similar to the aforementioned, that's why people get addicted to are helping "my cause" with these examples...

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    point was they didnt think it was addictive so it kind of makes articles from that time period irrelivant in my eyes

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    DAY 4 on DNP, still dont feel a thing. Weird, I thought it was supposed to kick in by now. I also find it kinda weird how it kicks in the first day for some people and takes a while for others.

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