This probably needs to be in the HRT section, but since everyone does not read that, I wanted to discuss this idea here in hopes to find someone with the knowledge or experience I seek.
I was laying in bed thinking about HRT. My test is on the lower end of the scale and I would like to boost it. But some of the limits of my phisology knowledge has me curious.
We all agree that taking test can shut your natural test down. That's a given. But does anyone know of studies or have expirience with LOW doses of test to increase your bloodlevels, but not shut down your own production?
How much is too much? At what levels of exogenous testosterone skew your axis to the point of shut down?
Can you take say 100mg a week, increase your test, but keep your natural production going?
The difference between a test of 1000 and a test of 500 is huge. You feel better. Your mind is sharper. Your ability to deal with stress is better. And of course, your ability to maintain mass is increased.
I don't neccisarily want to do a full HRT where I am ***endant on it for life. I would like my boys and adrenal glands to continue to produce testosterone. I would just like to raise my levels a couple hundred.
Does this make since?
I am not looking for a cycle, an HRT program. But an increase of test when I am NOT running a cycle. I don't think that the introduction of exogeneous testosterone shuts down natural production. I just think that the levels that are taken for HRT or a cycle do.