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Thread: i'm new

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    i'm new

    hey guys it's nice to be here i have read alot of the old threads to try to make sure i don't ask any already answered questions.

    well i am 6'3" 230lbs and 10%bf 22 yrs w/ 2 cycles under my belt
    i am getting ready to start my 3rd and i have a few questions
    first of all i have

    3 bottle of test prop 200mg/ml
    1 bottle super deca 400mg/ml
    26 50mg winny tabs
    14 clen for post cycle to help me keep gains they are 200mcg tabs
    here's what i got and please offer any and all suggestions for improvements. i am here to learn and gain

    test prop 200mg every 3rd day wks1-10
    (so that would mean if i inject on monday iwould inject again on thursday and then again on sunday...etc is that correct?)
    deca 400mg/wk-wks1-10
    winny 50mg/d-wks 10-12

    now i need to know when i should start clomid
    sinse the test is short acting but the deca lasts in the body for about 1 month. also when should i use the clen before or after the clomid and at what dose. i am not using the clen for fat loss but to better keep my gains.
    please guys help me bring this one together. let me know if you need any more info. your answers are greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Tell us how long you've been off?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    IMO Prop should be shot AT LEAST eod to get full benefits from it. I mean, people shoot enanth and cyp every 3rd day, and their half-lives are much longer than a fact acting ester such as Prop.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    i have been off since sept 21. i don't plan to start this cycle till dec 7th. i am looking to put on some big mass. however my budget is low right now my last cycle broke me.

    last cycle was
    test cyp 750mg/wk
    winny 50mg/d
    dbol 30 mg/d

    i love the hardness i got from this cycle

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Brother, you most likely won't listen to me but I suggest you stay off for at least 6 months. The longer you're off, the better your next reslut. You are 22 years old and having done 2 cycles already is IMO too much too soon. You can make fantastic gains natural at your age. Give your body's hormones a chance to really do what they can. Eat clean, train hard, and sleep well. Then plan your cycle right. Don't let your budget dictate what you buy. Do your research, save for it and then buy everything you'll need including post needs. That's my nickle. Be safe!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    finaplix legend
    Everything you want to know about Clomid

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