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Thread: Mixing...need advice...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Mixing...need advice...

    Hy guys i have a question to ask you...i am in 5 week of my 8 weeks cycle and i am on 200mg week of deca(1 inj a week), 200 primo(1 inj a week), 200 stanozolol(50mg x 4 times a week:mon, wed, fri and sunday)..i have a problem injecting stanozolol.last time the syringe in the ass blocked and i wasn't able to inject this shit so to avoid waste the aas i drunk the winny...
    i always had problems injecting stanozolol because it blocks itself in the i have a question..can i mix the inj winny with another aas(like deca or primo) in oil to avoid this problem?
    my stanozolol is veterinarian stargate and original zambon winstrol depot.i am using stargate right now...what's your opinion?is there risks to do this?
    Last edited by unlocked; 06-29-2007 at 11:46 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sam's Club
    LOL!!! What the hell are you doing, sir???

    Why are you running winny EOD????? Winny has like an 8 hour half, also, might be a good idea to run deca a little higher so that you get some solid gains and inject it 2x/ew, bro. I know some people like to use their penis once in a while, I hope youre not getting hit with deca-dick too bad.

    Your doses are weak and youre not administering them properly. All I can say is good luck....your whole cycle is poorly thought out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    inj winny has 36 hour of half life...oral 9 hours...however i am using hcg 1000ui/ libido deca dick...deca has a long half life so it can be injected once a week.however you didn't answer my question.can i inject deca with winny in the same syringe?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sam's Club
    Quote Originally Posted by unlocked
    inj winny has 36 hour of half life...oral 9 hours...however i am using hcg 1000ui/ libido deca dick...deca has a long half life so it can be injected once a week.however you didn't answer my question.can i inject deca with winny in the same syringe?

    And to answer your question, yeah, mix it up.
    Last edited by Johny-too-small; 06-29-2007 at 01:03 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    200mg of primo is a waste buddy. You need way more than that. Im running a gram/wk right now. You still need inject winny every day, not every other. Do some research..8 weeks is too short of time to be on deca and primo. they are long esters theyre just now kicking in..are you gonna do a PCT?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    so is not dangerous to inject oil and water in the same syringe for the injections?i want to be sure because i never did there some kind of risks?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    ok i did a cycle and i rotate some product..i did for the first 4 weeks: 50 mg/day turinabol, 200 deca, 200 primo and 300 week boldenone...the other weeks i dropped boldenone and turinabol and i put stanozolol inj....put on 12lbs in 4 weeks...till now...hcg 1000ui/week...pct after 3 weeks of last deca inj 100 mg/clomid(first 10 days after 50mg/day) and 20mg nolva...for 3weeks
    ps:i know that boldenone is very slow but it lremains in the system for too long and i don't want to suppress for too long time my hpta so i use it only for 4 weeks...i want to keep my cycles not so heavy, i prefer less possible dosage to minimize sides...
    200mg deca never causes me deca dick...for example but i can't know if i get higher dosage if this shit could happen...
    Last edited by unlocked; 06-29-2007 at 01:24 PM.

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