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  1. #1
    TUnit is offline Associate Member
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    Houston, TX

    help with next cycle?

    Ok, I'm trying to come up with a cycle that I can see some huge gains with but at the same time keep my hair lol. I am very prone to hairloss being 23 and looking like I'm in my mid 30's with my hair. I was debating on doing either test cyp/tren e or test/deca or test/deca/eq...but when I took tren my hair went quick so I'm probably going to stay away from tren until I'm shaved but for now I want something easier on my hair. I'd really like the test/deca but I hear if I do that I can take finasteride or dutasteride with it as it will accelerate my hair loss. I don't like taking the minoxidil just because I hate having to spray something greasy on my head and leave it for 2-4 hours to dry twice a day...thats such a b****!!

    So, so far I will be taking the Test Cyp along with dutasteride...what should I add with it for a good strenght/size cycle? Thanks for any info

  2. #2
    juiceinthehood's Avatar
    juiceinthehood is offline Anabolic Member
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    Why not go with Test -E and Eq dbols
    You want big gains go higher doses
    test e 750 for 13 weeks
    Eq 600mg for 12 weeks
    1-4 dbols 40mged
    .25 letro ed

  3. #3
    juiceinthehood's Avatar
    juiceinthehood is offline Anabolic Member
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    thats a thought now...
    what are your stats and experience..

  4. #4
    juiceinthehood's Avatar
    juiceinthehood is offline Anabolic Member
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    and i just ordered some of that new rogaine foam...
    there are also shampoos you can use to save your hair do google search..or even search on here..

  5. #5
    juiceinthehood's Avatar
    juiceinthehood is offline Anabolic Member
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  6. #6
    TUnit is offline Associate Member
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    I'm 23 years old. Been training for 6 years or so. I'm 6'1 and about 220. Done 4 cycles
    1. test only
    2. test/eq (fake gear )
    3. test/tren a
    4. test/eq

    I've always run my eq at 400mg for 12 weeks and didn't see all that much. Got a little vascular but nothing impressive for the cost of it. But now I have a new site with really CHEAP eq so I'm thinking of maybe trying it again but at 600mgs or 750mgs a week. The cyp will be at 750 a week.

  7. #7
    juiceinthehood's Avatar
    juiceinthehood is offline Anabolic Member
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    You will see a diff. if you bump the eq to 600mg
    so go

    750 cyp
    600 eq
    through a boost in there like prop or dbol or tbol for the first 4 weeks cyp and eq are long esters and take time to kick..with a boost you will get your test levels up for when they they kick in around wk. 4-5...if your looking for mass and strentgh go with dbol wks. 1-4

    oh yo do a search on nioxin shampoo i hear it works wonders.

  8. #8
    TUnit is offline Associate Member
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    what about doing test/eq and then prop/dbol together for a kickstarter or would that be too much? Or I was thinking this cycle:

    wks 1-16: test cyp 750mg/wk
    wks 1-15: equipoise 600 or 750mg/wk (which do yall think?)
    wks 1-4: prop 100mg/eod
    wks 12-18: winny tabs 50mg/ed

    would that be hard on the hair line?

    I was maybe thinking of getting some dutasteride for now because I'm not starting this cycle for about another 2 or 3 months so I want to get some more hair growth back now. Then if I do the test/deca when I got on just stop the dutasteride as it will only make matters worse correct? And just run nizarol shampoo, maybe try the rogaine foam, and I may as well do the minoxidil and just tough it out while on cycle, then when I discontinue the deca just start back up on the dutasteride.

  9. #9
    juiceinthehood's Avatar
    juiceinthehood is offline Anabolic Member
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    id stay @ 600 and run the winni 13-18....and winni is hard on the should also take .25 of letro during cycle and i like the old nolva and clomid stack for always works for me

    nioxin shampoo works for hair loss

  10. #10
    TUnit is offline Associate Member
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    if I did do the deca ...lets say weeks 1-12...should I run it at 450 or 600mg/wk for my first time and what week should I stop and start back up on the dutasteride?

  11. #11
    juiceinthehood's Avatar
    juiceinthehood is offline Anabolic Member
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    I personally do not like deca but if your going to do it 500mg would be a good dose..i never used dutrastride...deca shuts you down hard. make sure you get some letro and use @ .25ed

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