Bro's i have really had it with AAS and high doses! All i hear is up the dose up the dose take more Dbol take more it's really getting bad. Alot of ppl on this board are just new to the game (i am one) ... and they're already taking more than most amature's..
My next cycle will be a lower dose...and just alot more effort in the gym...and with diet. Yeah i do my work in and out of the gym...but taking higher doses just makes you wanna do less and promotes ppl to become lazy cause they're gaining sitting down with 1g of test..this and that at 600mg..bla bla bla.
I'm not meaning to flame anyone here...i know alot of you have been doing this for years and years..and train and diet harder than 99% of the pro's ... but how did arnold do it?? Sergio...yeah they were on stuff..but nothing compared to know. I know those two are genetic freaks but everyone else in the era did it.
I'll be starting in a month probably so i'll keep you all posted..haven't decided on a cycle yet ..i'll probably asked the mods for help on that subject!
Later bro's
just my 2 cents