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Thread: enough already!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    enough already!

    Bro's i have really had it with AAS and high doses! All i hear is up the dose up the dose take more Dbol take more it's really getting bad. Alot of ppl on this board are just new to the game (i am one) ... and they're already taking more than most amature's..

    My next cycle will be a lower dose...and just alot more effort in the gym...and with diet. Yeah i do my work in and out of the gym...but taking higher doses just makes you wanna do less and promotes ppl to become lazy cause they're gaining sitting down with 1g of test..this and that at 600mg..bla bla bla.

    I'm not meaning to flame anyone here...i know alot of you have been doing this for years and years..and train and diet harder than 99% of the pro's ... but how did arnold do it?? Sergio...yeah they were on stuff..but nothing compared to know. I know those two are genetic freaks but everyone else in the era did it.

    I'll be starting in a month probably so i'll keep you all posted..haven't decided on a cycle yet ..i'll probably asked the mods for help on that subject!

    Later bro's
    just my 2 cents

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    bump...good post bro...reminds me of reading that post about Arnold and his buddies deciding whether they should up their DBOL to 10mg/day!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Come on bro's what do you think??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    In A Gym Near You
    I don't have much personal experience but I agree with ya. I have been doing tons of research and have decided that when I do my first cycle, (that day is coming soon), that I will use low doses. Maybe not low but nothing outrageous. I don't think I will ever use high doses. So IMO, good post.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    good post bro. Seems true. It does seem like no matter what someone says their first cycle will be, Someone tells them to add one more thing. Some times it is really recommended, and sometimes it is an anti-e, But alot of the time people don't need as much aas on their first go. I agree to start small, (not too small), because you will need to increase the amount each cycle to get the desired effects! Well, at least most people, just not you genetic freaks!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    north of the South, east
    Originally posted by symatech
    bump...good post bro...reminds me of reading that post about Arnold and his buddies deciding whether they should up their DBOL to 10mg/day!

    Seriously, do you really believe that? I have a buddy who is a powerlifter and is the same age as Arnold. He has used everything under the sun. There may have been a few things they didn't have then, but don't be fooled.

    Anyway, it depends on what you call high dosages. Is 400 mg of test a week a lot? I usually rarely go over 1000mg a week total of everything combined. Just make sure your first cycle is big enough to be worth it. My first and second were both a waste of my time. I don't think I go to an extreme, but if I'm going to spend the money and do it, I'm going to do it right. And my diet and training are near perfect when I'm on!

    Good luck on your first cycle to you first timers.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    I think for alot of ppl a first cycle of sus 250 a week for 10 weeks will
    do absolute wonders for themselves. Keep in mind were talking about ppl who have been at it for a few years and have been stuck gain wise for awhile. Resorting to AAS with a good diet..and being really intense in the gym would yeild more than thought could be achieved.

    Too many ppl blame their cycles for their gains..not saying this doesn't happen due to shit gear..but most of the time it's the user's fault not working in the gym or more of the problem not eating right and getting the protein and nutrients needed.

    I plan on proving alot of ppl wrong in a month or so....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Your Girls House
    what is considered High dosage ???
    im on 400mgs deca 400mgs enant a week ??
    i think thats very reasonable ?
    i have done a cycle of just Sust 250 every week for 10 weeks and i agree it works well(put 20lbs on)kept around 13lbs

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Arnold wasnt on no low dosages. Lil man Zane, I guess I'll let you help me on the next cycle since YOU know what your talking about.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002


    this is a good advice to point out for many beginners. 250mg of sus will show some good results for first timers. People gotta take into consideration of proper nutrition and rest are the key factors. I hate it when people use AS as the number one crutch in becoming's actually an act as an "assistent".....the rest is up to you!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Too many ppl blame their cycles for their gains..not saying this doesn't happen due to shit gear..but most of the time it's the user's fault not working in the gym or more of the problem not eating right and getting the protein and nutrients needed.
    That is a very good point Zane and no one would debate you on that.
    God knows that so many ppl think steriods are the quick fix to get big and look great. And that's far from the truth.
    But when ppl on this board tell someone to up the dosage on Test from 250 to 500 it's for a reason. If your body is producing 180mgs of test a week then why the hell would u wanna shut down your natural test production to only get that extra 60mgs?
    Personally to me taking 250mgs of test a week isn't worth it. I'd rather train naturaly then waste my money on such a low doseage of test.
    I'm not saying that "sum" ppl can't benifit from 250mgs a week of test but everyone is different and I would say the majority of ppl wouldn't be getting the desired affect that they're expecting.
    Also keep in mind that the more cycle's you do the more mgs per week your going to have to take. So if you continue to take low dosages of test your not going to gain what your expecting to gain.


  12. #12
    Originally posted by MBaraso

    That is a very good point Zane and no one would debate you on that.
    God knows that so many ppl think steriods are the quick fix to get big and look great. And that's far from the truth.
    But when ppl on this board tell someone to up the dosage on Test from 250 to 500 it's for a reason. If your body is producing 180mgs of test a week then why the hell would u wanna shut down your natural test production to only get that extra 60mgs?
    Personally to me taking 250mgs of test a week isn't worth it. I'd rather train naturaly then waste my money on such a low doseage of test.
    I'm not saying that "sum" ppl can't benifit from 250mgs a week of test but everyone is different and I would say the majority of ppl wouldn't be getting the desired affect that they're expecting.
    Also keep in mind that the more cycle's you do the more mgs per week your going to have to take. So if you continue to take low dosages of test your not going to gain what your expecting to gain.

    i totally agree with this mans opinion!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jersey
    ok i agree somewhat to what this thread more is not always better, but i have not yet to read 1 post where someone has told someone to bump there dosages up without reason.(just for the sake of taking more)
    when you look at a thread where someone is saying there only going to take 200mg of deca alone what would you say to that?? or if someone wants to take mimimal ammount of test that will only shutdown there natural test production.I think when someone replies to a post there not telling them to up there dosage, or add test for no justified reason at all.. there telling them out of experience trying to educate us newer people from there past experiences.
    i agree that a strict diet,and training program is the most important part, and not upping the dosages of gear.. i agree that you don't have to go all out on your first cycle, and take mammoth ammounts of gear to achieve goals just add more calories to your diet.. AS for anti-e's i'm glad that when i first came here i was told to use anti e's in my cycle, and clomid post cycle.. sorry for rambling take what you want from this. maybe i'm way off base here just wanted to add my 2.
    good luck with cycles bro's

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    Originally posted by MBaraso

    That is a very good point Zane and no one would debate you on that.
    God knows that so many ppl think steriods are the quick fix to get big and look great. And that's far from the truth.
    But when ppl on this board tell someone to up the dosage on Test from 250 to 500 it's for a reason. If your body is producing 180mgs of test a week then why the hell would u wanna shut down your natural test production to only get that extra 60mgs?
    Personally to me taking 250mgs of test a week isn't worth it. I'd rather train naturaly then waste my money on such a low doseage of test.
    I'm not saying that "sum" ppl can't benifit from 250mgs a week of test but everyone is different and I would say the majority of ppl wouldn't be getting the desired affect that they're expecting.
    Also keep in mind that the more cycle's you do the more mgs per week your going to have to take. So if you continue to take low dosages of test your not going to gain what your expecting to gain.

    thank god, someone has finally put words to what ive been trying to say for quite a while now........if your going to cycle, whether its a 1st or dosent matter, dosage will go up exponentially in relation to past aas experience. it might be fine to run a 1st cycle with 200 or 250mg of test, but if you ride the aas bandwagon long enough, i can almost guarantee you wont be using 200mg on your 5th cycle. some people are lucky that way.....most arent.
    imho, if it is a 1st cycle , make it worthwhile without going to extremes. 400mg test/week, along with a little dbol to kick it off. this will be plenty to start with and if needed you can move it up from there......

    peace bb79
    Last edited by iron4life79; 08-21-2002 at 06:26 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I just want to know who produces 180 mg's of test a week naturally. That must be a big guy. But I do agree that if you have made the decision to inject your body with a hormone and decided to shutdown your HPTA that you should probably get the maximum gains from that effort. Don't get me wrong I am not saying that people should do 2G's of test and a G of deca on their first cycle but the difference between 250 mg's and 500 mg's a week healthwise is negligible but the size and strength gains are very pronounced. People have to up their dosages when they get far beyond their set point or begin to approach or surpass their genetic set point not because they started at 500 mg's a week instead of 250 mg's a week. If I thought their was an added health risk or a need to up the amounts dramatically I would never suggest the cycle but the truth is most people will be happier and respond better to a slightly higher starting point then 250 mg's of test a week (obviously this is the sample cycle I have chosen).

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Hey bro's ...thanks for all the replies...

    In most of your questions about high doses...i don't know what is too high or too low for your own body...i wasn't saying that 400 mg was a huge dose and it's too high..i never said i was an expert either.

    The reason i wrote this thread is because all ppl are different and everyone's body reacts differently to AAS. Some react well the low while other need higher doses.

    The are many other mods and experts on this board that will help you with you're cycles. All i'm stating is that when reccomending a first cycle why not start off small.

    I also haven't said that everyone does..nor i'm i only talking about AR...many other boards are even wose cause most of the members could care less about others.

    So in closing..i wasn't trying to flame...or to judge...or to discriminate

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    the vast wasteland
    you worry too much bro, i dont think your post(s) came across as being arrogant or the know it all type. this is a good subject that needs some air time.
    with the attitude you have now, you'll go far here bro, nice job.

    peace bb79

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You don't need to know
    Now I'm starting to wonder if my second cycle is to much.
    Wk 1- 16 Liquidex .25mg
    Wk 1-4 D-bol 30 mg ed
    Wk 1-10 Eq 400mg ew
    Wk 1-10 t200 400mg ew
    Wk 9-13 winny tabs 50mg ed
    Clomid and novaldex on hand

    I'm not starting this until October so, I'll repost later and research in the mean time.
    My first cycle was testoviron 250 ew and Eq 400 ew for 10 wks

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    I'd like to hear some more posts bros..

  20. #20

    I posted this way back

    LTdoNit01 []

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    Dosage seems high
    Is it just me or are the averarage recomended dosages high... I am a believer of starting low and adjusting accordingly throughout my 10-12 weeks, never going over 1 - 1.5 cc's of any one substance in my stack. It gives me great results and I am not waisting any gear. The body has this strange way of adapting, using what it needs and voiding what it does'nt... In short why run into the red when you still have plenty of rpm's to finish the race w/out stressing your engine... Once you start high you can never turn back, by starting as low as possible and being patient you can make the adjustment needed to get the results. sometimes less is more!!!

    By the way my stats are: 5'7" 242 lbs. 8% bf, I have a sports medicine back ground, Competed as a natural for 2 yrs. 1 over all, 2 class wins, 1 second, one third, one show I did not place. reached my natural level at 31, started juicing at 32 when I weighed 184 lbs. I am now 34, I have about 7 cycles under my belt and weigh in at 240.

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