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Thread: 1 deca injection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Question 1 deca injection

    I have been pumping iron for 3 1/2years now and I think I should now move to bigger better things and stop being natural. I was thinking about either 200 or 300 mg of deca a week for ten to twelfe weeks.
    If I take 200 should I then take it once a week. If I take 300mg should I split it 150mg twice a week.
    Should I take HCG and either Clomid/Nolvadex. Some guy said I just needed to take Clomid 3 weeks after I stop using Deca. Then first 300mg for the first day and then 50mg for the next 20 days is that right
    Also I have a little acne problem and I am taking Doxýtab for it thats a antibiotic is it okay to take deca with it.
    Thanks for the patience and best regards

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    seattle wa
    start with 200mg durrring weeks 1 and 2 then up it to 400mg a week like 200 on monday and 200 on friday for weeks 3-8 then go back to 200 once a week for 9-10. the acne meds wont effact it at all. You dont need the nolvadex cause deca converts to pro not est, but use the clomid post cycle thats still important

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    you may want to add some DBOL in the 1st 4 weeks to jumpstart your cycle. maybe 30-40mg ed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I would personally throw in some test with the deca, I think it would be a lot better for you. Plus it may save you from having a limp dick. I would do about 400mg test and 300/400mg deca for 10-12weeks, and you can throw in dbol for 1st 4 weeks. about 30-35mg day. There is a lot of mixed opinions on how to take clomid. A lot of people take it 300(1)day 100 (10)days 50 (10)days There are a lot of good threads to help you out maybr read a little more before taking the plunge.

    Peace, Budman

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002


    Thanks for the help bros. I just took my first deca today and it was fine so now some serious work begins and three weeks from now I will see some shit

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