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Thread: 1'' pin vs. 1.5'' pin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Question 1'' pin vs. 1.5'' pin

    do you guys think a 1'' pin is long enough for glute injections. i inject really high in the glute about an inch and a half below the waist where a belt would go. there seems to be less fat higher up.

  2. #2
    G-S Guest
    If you are a smaller guy, yes. But, I'd still go with 1.5 inch to be safe. I've never used anything smaller in my glute.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    It also depends on the amount of BF you have. If its low, like single digits, a 1"er should do the trick. I also have never used anything but a 1.5" in my glute. Like G Stupid said: 'a 1.5" to be safe'.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    1.5 for my big ol booty!!

  5. #5
    i use 1in on the hinee,i go a bit higher like you do and i drive it all the way in.i really dont have a fat ass,its really nice! really ! ask the ladies

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    The Big Easy
    haha..yeah i have a getto booty (baby got back) , 1.5 for me.

  7. #7
    I was using a needle that seemed to be a 1.25 in length, I don't know the exact length of it, but it was confortable, 2 days agao I pulled out the 23g 1.5 inch needle and I alsmost shit myself it was so long.

    I wondered is this normal I went reading around the site to find out that thats what everyone is using, but man switching form what I was using to that long mother faucker, you should have seen me injecting it, I was sweating bullets LOL..

    Man I felt like a lil pussy all over again, like it was my first injection..

    Im always paranoid about hitting the siatic nerve, godness that would blow, has anyone ever done that? And if so how did it affect you?



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