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Thread: Milk And Squats

  1. #1
    FutureMonster is offline Junior Member
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    Milk And Squats

    I’m posting this for any of the members that god for bid have a problem cramming 6 meals or more down their throat daily. When I was in college I could find the time to do this but now that I am working 40 to 50 hrs a week with a family it is very hard to do. My plan of attack was to eat three solid but clean meals a day and drink a gallon of skim milk a day. My three meals were all at least 600 cal and 40 grams protein. This left me with a daily avg of at least 3240 cal and 248 grams protein (Which according to many people is not nearly enough to grow). I went on a 12 week cycle 500 mg test e 500mg decca per week. I went from 195 to 227 in 12 weeks. I put on over 30 pounds in 12 weeks and kept my body fat at 11%. I have been lifting for 9 years and this is my third cycle. Current stats 5'9 221 body fat 9%

  2. #2
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    cals are too low, just because you had good results doesn't mean you can't make it better. 3 meals a day are too few and far between. IMO skim milk is awsome. When I was rowing competitivly I was drinking copious quantities of skim milk just to get enough cals in, great source of protein.

  3. #3
    FutureMonster is offline Junior Member
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    I actually got the idea from a veteran power lifter. He goes by an old school approach of a gallon of milk and a hell of a lot of squats. I don’t have time to eat 6 meals a day and I’m not going to any time soon. My free time from work is consumed by my wife and kid. The six meals a day approach is just not something the average everyday working man can pull off on a consistent basis.

  4. #4
    Kratos's Avatar
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    If you try to make the milk do the heavy lifting in your diet you are sure to get the squirts. 1 wierd side effect I got from drinking so much milk, I developed a post nasal drip that manifested into bronchitiis, the school health office said milk can cause higher mucus production. I ligthened up on the milk for a little while and it went away. I bet if you really tried you could find convenient ways to get more meals in, you make time for the gym don't you?

  5. #5
    FutureMonster is offline Junior Member
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    I work at a gym so making time for that is easy. Sure I could be more dedicated to it and pull off eating the 6 meals or so but I have many things in my life that I am dedicated to.

  6. #6
    godkilla's Avatar
    godkilla is offline Senior Member
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    pre cooked meals, shakes, cans of tuna, bringing a cooler to work. there is plenty of ways to get your meals in and even more excuses not to.

  7. #7
    domeyeahaigh's Avatar
    domeyeahaigh is offline Senior Member
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    bringing a cooler to work!!!! great idea!!

  8. #8
    domeyeahaigh's Avatar
    domeyeahaigh is offline Senior Member
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    man if you pack all your food in a backpack a few sandwiches and whatnot it is not very hard to get those six meals a day in...or at least something..granola bar, fruit, veggies..whatever it is.

  9. #9
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Protein powder mixed with a cup of ground up oatmeal works wonders for replacing meals.

  10. #10
    Sir Lifts-a-lot's Avatar
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    hey with the milk the question comes up of how much water do you drink a day since you have already consumed a gallon of milk how much more can your gut take?

  11. #11
    monster-maxx is offline New Member
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    bump...if you're drinking a gallon of milk a day, how much water do you still have to drink? does the milk replace the water, to a certain degree?

  12. #12
    BuffDJ's Avatar
    BuffDJ is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FutureMonster
    I actually got the idea from a veteran power lifter. He goes by an old school approach of a gallon of milk and a hell of a lot of squats. I don’t have time to eat 6 meals a day and I’m not going to any time soon. My free time from work is consumed by my wife and kid. The six meals a day approach is just not something the average everyday working man can pull off on a consistent basis.
    I will agree that it is hard. But to say that you don't have the time seems far fetched. I worked as a paramedic for many years now in a ER and get my 6 to 7 meals all the time. Need a cooler and night before preparing. I waited for my kids to go to bed so not to take time away from them then took a little time to get ready for the next day. Just need to be creative.
    Good Luck

  13. #13
    rockinred's Avatar
    rockinred is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by monster-maxx
    bump...if you're drinking a gallon of milk a day, how much water do you still have to drink? does the milk replace the water, to a certain degree?
    milk or any fluid does not replace water as a whole... I would stay focused on the same level of water intake.... obviously your body will take the water from any liquid, but not enough to have a significant impact on your system so you don't have to drink water... to find out the exact amount of water extracted from soft drinks check some web sites...there are some that have the breakdown for all beverages,

  14. #14
    godkilla's Avatar
    godkilla is offline Senior Member
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    gallon of milk+squats= the squirts

  15. #15
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    US goverment did a study where they had marines do squats only for 1 year and strength went up for all muscle groups. I would be worried about developing a serious badoka-a-donk bubble butt though.

    If you want to try something fun see if you can drink that gallon of milk in under an can't.
    Last edited by Kratos; 07-10-2007 at 10:36 PM.

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