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  1. #1
    FRANk THe TANk's Avatar
    FRANk THe TANk is offline Associate Member
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    On cycle, getting surgery

    I've had a nagging umbilical hernia for years now, but its finally gotten to the point where i cant even train, as yesterday it popped out pretty bad at work. So I broke down and im going to the hospital tomorrow. Im sure they are going to want to operate, and from what I hear, its like at least six weeks after before you can train at all. I am currently on week 7 of a 12 weeks Test cycle, during which I have made EXCELLENT gains. My question to you is, should i just stop, and go into PCT? Is there any benefit to staying on cycle thru week 12? Any opinions would be really appreciated...

  2. #2
    FRANk THe TANk's Avatar
    FRANk THe TANk is offline Associate Member
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  3. #3
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    No point to staying on cycle. You may want to remain on HRT dose for a few weeks post op (like 125mg) just to keep your body from going catabolic, then pct. Otherwise just go off cycle.

  4. #4
    highrise is offline Junior Member
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    I had to have surgery to repair a torn bicepts tendon in the middle of a great cycle. Whether it was justified or not, I was concerned about having a high red blood cell count from the cycle, which I thought would lower the clotting ability of my blood and may have been a concern. Anyway, I told the surgeon what I was on and to have a few bags of my blood type nearby.

    In my case, I realized within days after the surgery that it was pointless to continue to consume anabolics. And I didn't like the idea of clen as an anticatabolic because it would make my recovering muscle tissue twitch. I was mostly concerned about coming out of the whole deal without risking long term problems because I was overzealous.

    As far as other PCT goes, that would probably be something worth considering.

  5. #5
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    agreed, i'd start pct, take = time off and plan your next. that sucks man - hope it goes well for you. you'll be back (in my best arnold voice)

  6. #6
    Maldorf's Avatar
    Maldorf is offline Senior Member
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    I agree, you need to stop as it might slow down your blood clotting during the operation. I had 3 hernias fixed at once, one was an umbilical. I only stayed out of the gym for 2 weeks! I did lift really light for 4 more weeks though. You will lose a considerable amount of muscle, but it comes back fast once you can lift heavy again.

  7. #7
    FRANk THe TANk's Avatar
    FRANk THe TANk is offline Associate Member
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    yea, I hope i dont lose too much, as my gains have been considerable. I just worry about being in an overly catabolic state, laying on the couch for weeks doing nothing. Very frustrating. The only bright side is I can already feel the drive to come back bigger/stronger when the recovery is done...

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