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Thread: Bad Experience

  1. #1
    looksthatkill is offline New Member
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    Bad Experience

    I just started my first cycle ever. I've been injecting 1ml (250mg/ml) of trenbolone enanthate twice a week in the glute.

    My supplier said that this was a good starting amount for me, but from what i'm reading online, it seems like this amount is a lot for a first cycle. Any thoughts?

    Also, I take a bipolar medication called Lamictal (200mg daily). I believe it's pretty popular among those with bipolar disorder. And it seems ever since I've started lamictal all drugs I take have a multiplied effect. I do a few drugs recreationally every now and then, so for example, I used to take two 7.5 lortabs to feel "good", now I only need about a half of one. Also when it comes to xanax, I take 1/8th of a bar and i'm set, as opposed to the half or full bar i used to take.

    Anyways, I didnt think the lamictal would react with the tren , but I think it has. I'm two weeks into the cycle, and for the past few days I've been feeling horrible. It's harder to breath, I'm constantly getting either really hot or really cold and sweating profusely. It's been painful just to move, so i've been in bed for about 2 days now. At first I thought it was a virus or bacteria or something, but It doesnt seem to be getting any better with time.

    Is it possible my body treated this as other drugs, and multiplied the effect by four (aka: I've somewhat OD'd on tren?). Or maybe i'm allergic to a high dose of this steroid ? Has anyone experienced the same or similar symptoms?

    I do want to say that I started to feel it kicking in within a few days. And before I became bed ridden, I went from 150pounds to 160 pounds in about a week.

    I'm about 99% sure that this stuff is really tren E. I have a friend doing it with me, he has taken tren in the past, and he says this is definitely it. Also, it came prepackaged in sterile vials and does not have the "home made" look.

  2. #2
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    #1. Tren Ethanate is bad for a first cycle, and alone is bad for any cycle. You will be back in a week complaining about your penis not working.
    #2. Don't mention Rec. drug use on this board.
    #3. You should be carful about your steroid use with your condition and not start with drugs like tren.
    #4. at 150lbs you have no business using steroids .
    #5. Your dose is on the high side
    #6. You don't know what the fvck you are doing

    The symtoms your are having however are normal.

  3. #3
    looksthatkill is offline New Member
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    I just thought of this, I experienced some bad soreness and some swelling in my ass after the last injection last thursday. The swelling is almost gone at this point, but could it be that the last injection was placed incorrectly, therefore I got sick?

  4. #4
    looksthatkill is offline New Member
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    Well thanks for the input. I feel like an idiot now for doing this without having done research, and just going on blind trust.


    Okay, so what to do from here? Should I quit the cycle just straight up and go straight to the pct? Finish the cycle at a much lower dose (lets say 200mg / week)?

    I understand I'm in a shitty spot, what do you think would be the best way out?

  5. #5
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    how long you been on?

  6. #6
    looksthatkill is offline New Member
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    two weeks now. Total of four injections.

    The next one would take place today. Been on a perfect diet, have stuck to the perfect workout four times a week, and have been working out hardcore for 6 weeks before starting.

  7. #7
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    Quote Originally Posted by looksthatkill
    two weeks now. Total of four injections.

    The next one would take place today. Been on a perfect diet, have stuck to the perfect workout four times a week, and have been working out hardcore for 6 weeks before starting.
    So you worked out for a couple of weeks and thought steroids were the next step. I'm speechless. I'm 27 and I started working out at 17 seriously. I just started my first cycle this year. I was a competitve athlete as well all my life and looking to become competitve in bicycle racing. I don't know why you would have such utter disrespect for your body. If you had been lifting for years I would say, yeah get some test prop and run it out to week 8 or 10 at a lower dose, but wtf.

  8. #8
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    #1. Tren Ethanate is bad for a first cycle, and alone is bad for any cycle. You will be back in a week complaining about your penis not working.
    #2. Don't mention Rec. drug use on this board.
    #3. You should be carful about your steroid use with your condition and not start with drugs like tren.
    #4. at 150lbs you have no business using steroids .
    #5. Your dose is on the high side
    #6. You don't know what the fvck you are doing

    The symtoms your are having however are normal.

    That pretty much sums it up!

    ***No source checks!!!***

  9. #9
    looksthatkill is offline New Member
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    No, i've been working off on and on for about two years now. I'll go for 2 month spans then i drop it for a month. Anyways, I had access to it, my friend got great results, and we worked our asses off for 6 weeks beforehand to make sure our bodies were in pretty good shape for this.

    Overall I'm in very good shape, I was just looking to see where I could push it.

    What do you think at this point is the best way out of this mess.

  10. #10
    Atomini's Avatar
    Atomini is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by looksthatkill
    No, i've been working off on and on for about two years now. I'll go for 2 month spans then i drop it for a month. Anyways, I had access to it, my friend got great results, and we worked our asses off for 6 weeks beforehand to make sure our bodies were in pretty good shape for this.

    Overall I'm in very good shape, I was just looking to see where I could push it.

    What do you think at this point is the best way out of this mess.
    And people wonder why steroids get a horrible reputation. It's because of people's attitudes like that one you have right there!

    THe best way out of this mess is to drop the cycle, start PCT, and then juice later on when you're READY for it. At least I can give you credit for coming here for help. There are many other dumbasses who are abusing steroids like you and aren't seeking advice.

  11. #11
    bpm1's Avatar
    bpm1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    lost in translation
    kill the cycle, do pct and do some research, PLEASE!

  12. #12
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    #1. Tren Ethanate is bad for a first cycle, and alone is bad for any cycle. You will be back in a week complaining about your penis not working.
    #2. Don't mention Rec. drug use on this board.
    #3. You should be carful about your steroid use with your condition and not start with drugs like tren.
    #4. at 150lbs you have no business using steroids .
    #5. Your dose is on the high side
    #6. You don't know what the fvck you are doing

    The symtoms your are having however are normal.
    ^100% perfect

  13. #13
    x_moe's Avatar
    x_moe is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    #1. Tren Ethanate is bad for a first cycle, and alone is bad for any cycle. You will be back in a week complaining about your penis not working.
    #2. Don't mention Rec. drug use on this board.
    #3. You should be carful about your steroid use with your condition and not start with drugs like tren.
    #4. at 150lbs you have no business using steroids .
    #5. Your dose is on the high side
    #6. You don't know what the fvck you are doing

    The symtoms your are having however are normal.
    well said.

  14. #14
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    Quote Originally Posted by looksthatkill
    I just started my first cycle ever. I've been injecting 1ml (250mg/ml) of trenbolone enanthate twice a week in the glute.

    My supplier said that this was a good starting amount for me, but from what i'm reading online, it seems like this amount is a lot for a first cycle. Any thoughts?

    Also, I take a bipolar medication called Lamictal (200mg daily). I believe it's pretty popular among those with bipolar disorder. And it seems ever since I've started lamictal all drugs I take have a multiplied effect. I do a few drugs recreationally every now and then, so for example, I used to take two 7.5 lortabs to feel "good", now I only need about a half of one. Also when it comes to xanax, I take 1/8th of a bar and i'm set, as opposed to the half or full bar i used to take.

    Anyways, I didnt think the lamictal would react with the tren , but I think it has. I'm two weeks into the cycle, and for the past few days I've been feeling horrible. It's harder to breath, I'm constantly getting either really hot or really cold and sweating profusely. It's been painful just to move, so i've been in bed for about 2 days now. At first I thought it was a virus or bacteria or something, but It doesnt seem to be getting any better with time.

    Is it possible my body treated this as other drugs, and multiplied the effect by four (aka: I've somewhat OD'd on tren?). Or maybe i'm allergic to a high dose of this steroid ? Has anyone experienced the same or similar symptoms?

    I do want to say that I started to feel it kicking in within a few days. And before I became bed ridden, I went from 150pounds to 160 pounds in about a week.

    I'm about 99% sure that this stuff is really tren E. I have a friend doing it with me, he has taken tren in the past, and he says this is definitely it. Also, it came prepackaged in sterile vials and does not have the "home made" look.
    BTW I to am bipolar but no longer take any more meds. Let me tell u, u are in for one hell of a depression once u come off if u dont run a HEAVY PCT. But I do know what u mean about ur meds lowering ur tollerance to drugs. recs and scripts are a VERY dangerous combo and I advise u to let ur psych/therapist know what ur doing. Ur bipolar, so pretty much an addict to, they seem to go hand and hand. Be carfull with the roids and do a lot of research b4 u start another cycle. PM me if u need anything

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