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Thread: test best?? input

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    somewhere eating

    test best?? input

    hey guys..i know this had been brought up before and some of us have different oppinions..i reallly feel that test is the weakest compound in my oppinion..i have run different compounds not all..for instance tai likes running low test an high tren (of course))..i do get results from test obviously..yes my gear is real..I just react to everything esle so much better..obviously tren cause its stronger but also winny works so much better..winstrol does wonders for me at 100mgs a day..(oral)..what im getting to is some of us just get alot better results off of test then others correct? i mean that has to be the only reason i know..ppl make such a big deal of test but i really dont see it..What do you guys think?? i havent done enough cycles like all the other guys but please give your input

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    A lot of people say test is the base of all cycles which I agree with and when using compounds like tren and deca which are going to suppress your natural test levels those extra couple shots of test are going to keep you and your man downstairs happy. Everyone is different and react differently, some like running test in their cycles and others dont but it is suggested to run test especially for beginners to see how they will react.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    somewhere eating
    well yea i totally understand you..some of us like runnin just enought test so your sex drive is okay,now i dont know exactly how much is needed depends on the person i guess and how much you can get away from it...i'd def like to up the other compounds and leave test just enough for your for deca i hear great things about it..if i react to it like i did to the other ones such i'd luv it.. thanks for your oppinion..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    I'm with tai on this issue. I'm running test E at 300mg weekly (started at 250 but switched labs), deca at 500mg weekly, mast E at 600mg weekly, with a dbol at 55mg preworkout kickstart. I've posted this on other forums as well that mg for mg deca or tren blows test out of the water in terms of strength and lbm gains. Also mg for mg, test has more neg. sides than deca. Now tren is another story, I don't like tren. I've tried it once for 3 weeks and hated it. I'm on week 7 or 8 i think and have 0 acne, strength is through the roof. I'm eating extremely clean and not looking to bulk so I'm up about 11 lbs and lost 2 inches on my waist. So IMO, take a TRT dose of test to keep the sex drive going and let the stronger AAS do their job.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    East Coast
    i still like to use a form of test in all my cycles, which alot of people stopped doing. i stick with it because i always get the results i want and recover just fine. it is an old school thought that test is best. it depends on what your looking for out of your cycle. me personally i would only say test is a safe way to go if your worried because you can get good results on it with very minimal side effects. everyone is different. i just ran 575mg a week of tren with just 375mg of test. didnt get any side effects besides a small amount of aggression. didnt have the nightmares, night sweats either and it was my first time.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    test is best and should be the foundation of every cycle. But there are better strength and muscle building compounds available. I love the way test makes me feel but the gains leave a little to be desired.

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