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Thread: My first thread...don't shoot me guys....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    My first thread...don't shoot me guys....

    Okay...and before I ask this let me say that I have been researching my ass off and totally abusing the search button up there on the top right of my screen........

    I am putting together a stack for the first time in my I am not asking you guys to do it, I just need some info on test. Okay, in a nutshell I am looking to put on 10-20lbs of *quality muscle, don't want to totally blow up and then lose it all, maintaining is one of my big goals, and I don't want to take any really strong gear that has high chances of side affects...

    I am 6', 215lbs, don't know what my bodyfat is...I will be posting pics soon.. anyway here is my question, and if there is a post or thread on this, please just point it out because I couldn't find it...

    After doing alot of research (not done yet) is seems that all the differents tests don't have very good gain maintenance results alone, the best I have read about it test theramex. The gear that I am interested in as far as getting me to my goals are:

    Sustenon250 (man i am confused about this one, this board seems to be split between it being awesome and being useless)
    Primobolon Depot

    Question: will adding a stand-alone test to any stack built out of my as choices make it more effective? or will any positives from the test be lost? it just seems to me that the tests are for guys that cycle on and off gear all year long, which I am hoping I won't have to do.
    Any input guys is VERY appreciated, and I am doing a first time diary starting with my research-that will end with the last dose of Clomid..I hope to one day be able to help out others as you guys have helped me out!!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Well as you know sustenon is's a blend of 4 seperate esters, but it's test nonetheless. So if you decide to run sust, you will not need a stand alone test. I'm somewhat confused, are you planning on using all the AAS you listed, or is this a list of gear you have narrowed down? Just let us know and I can go from there.

    One last thing, nix parabolan from the list, they haven't produced real para for years so anything available to you has about a 99% chance of being fake.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Clarification of my first post....

    I am def not looking to stack all those different compounds. Those are just ones that seem to do what I am looking for. I am now going to learn each one inside and out and start to construct a stack. Thanks for the info by the's another question: Since Sustenon is a mixture of the 4 different tests, why is the gain maintenance so much higher than the tests as stand alones? Is it just a synergystic effect of the mixture?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I really don't think that is the case bro. I have used sust and proo and have had as good, if not better, results (keepable results) with the test prop. Don't get me wrong, sust is a great drug, but I prefer single ester tests and here is why. Sust, as I said, is a blend of 4 different esters, one of which is test propionate. Test propionate is actually esterless (no timed release) so begins working immediately after injecting. It does not promote water retention and is a great way to jump start a cycle (no waiting for the effects to kick in). However, in orde for prop to be effective, a dose of 100mg/eod is recommended (this is logical and conservative). In sust, prop there is only 60mg of prrop, so if you're taking 2 shots of sust per week, you are only getting 120mg of prop, and that is not enough to make a difference. So IMO, the propionate ester in sustenon is actually going to waste.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    stand alones, gain I'm confused.

    Bro ethanate, propinate, cypionate, suston, all of which are Synthetic derivatives of the male hormone testosterone, therefore before the ester is added they are by and large identical. Therefore Sus, ethanate, prop cyp are all test, but with differenet esters, the esters affect how slowly the body absorbs the testosterone. My point being that Sus is no more less affect than any other test at a similar dosage, having used all tests bar ethante I can vouch that no one test is more affective.

    For a first timer, look into deca, d-bol, test or eq, test, d-bol.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I agree Pete, for Sus to be affective doses of 750mg EW are required, EOD to get the most out of the prop ester, I also shoot prop inbetween, but I would not advise that for a first cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002


    Okay guys, thanks for the input. So you are saying that as a first timer, I would probably get better results from using test prop instead of sus, correct? in your opinion, which of the drugs on my list will stack the best with prop?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Big Al, by gain maintenance, I meant drugs which have the best ability to keep the gains...sorry, i guess i worded that wrong....and stand alones i meant differents tests as opposed to sust which combines them.....sorry, i am still learning the verbage man!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I would say you're best and most cost effective bet would be EQ and test prop. But another great choice would be primobolan and test prop

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