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Thread: Legal Stack

  1. #1
    chinups Guest

    Legal Stack

    EQUI-BOLAN, MAXTERON And DermaGAIN Anabolic Stack, Steroid Like Effects Equivalent

    Is this bullshit?
    If u never used AS would it have good affects?
    Also has anyone used?

    Obviously a AS user wouldn't use this. I know its gay but I just want responses

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    It's all bullshit bro. I trained natural for 17 years before taking AAS (first ever cycle was just over a year ago). I was around for metabolol, the massive weight gainers, Cybergenics, smilax....they all claimed the same thing...."Steroid like results" The only things I have found that do what they say are creatine, l-glutamine, multi-vitamins and whey protein. IMO as a natty, these are the only supps you need.

  3. #3
    chinups Guest
    LOL. I know those guys re fucki*ng nutz with those prices. I am sure you made awesomne gains, so why join the darkside. And what was your first cycle. Please don't say search for your first cycle.

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