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  1. #1
    PSlave is offline New Member
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    Jul 2007

    Question on my proposed cycle

    Hi all, new poster, been lurking for a while. I'm a 31 year old male, been lifting for about 7 years. I'm 5' 10", 175 lbs, and 12 to 12.5% bodyfat. I am currently strength-training and will be switching to a more bodybuilding-style workout if I begin my first cycle.

    I am looking for opinions on the following cycle. My goal is probably fairly typical: lean muscle mass.

    - Weeks 1 - 12: 400mg of testosterone enanthate weekly
    - Weeks 1 - 10: 400mg of Deca -Durabolin weekly
    - Weeks 1 - 13: 250 IU HCG twice per week, taken 1 and 2 days prior to the test injections

    - Weeks 13 - 16: 20mg of Nolvadex daily

    As I am a new poster, please feel free to flame away if I am way off base! Of course, constructive criticism would be preferred, but given how many idiots are out there, I expect to be lumped in with them if it turns out I haven't done sufficient research.

    The test/deca stack was decided upon after seeing the recommendation in one of Anthony Robert's eBooks, and then researching the properties of both. The PCT protocol was chosen after reading "PCT by Swale" here on the boards and, of course, additonal reading of the numerous recommendations on PCT.

    One question: I have read that testosterone enanthate must be injected twice per week, yet the Anabolic Steroid Reference Manual states that testosterone levels will remain "markedly" higher for up to two weeks after injection. Is one injection per week sufficient, or should I split the weekly dose into two injections?

    Am I guilty of not doing my homework, or am I on the right track?

  2. #2
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    1st take the HCG out, you don't need it
    PCT should begin 2 weeks after last test e shot, not week 13
    you need to beef the pct up a little mabe 25mg a day aromasin /20mg nolva for 4 weeks + 1 week nolvdex only at 20 mg
    Test should be shot 2x a week for bodybuilding, 1x a week will be less stable
    You are a little light at 175 for juice, make sure you are eating enough
    add arimidex at .25mg a day to cycle to control estrogen and bump up to .5 if you are getting bloated
    Last edited by Kratos; 07-10-2007 at 09:54 PM.

  3. #3
    PSlave is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Thanks for the feedback!

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