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Thread: balding please help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    balding please help

    ok im not gonna lie i havent really searched this, but i want to take care of it now while i can do something about it. i am losing my hair like crazy, everytime i run my fingers through my hair i have like 10 or so peices of hair in my hands. i finish this cycle about 3 and a half weeks ago and been doing pct for week and and half. noticed my hair fallen out last night in shower. what can i do to help this, i was thinging about going to wal daddys and getting some rogain. please help

    this was my 6th cycle and this has never happen. the only thing different this time was i use tren for first time and i never had a pct before. so this is the first time i have used nolva and adex. could it be one of these doing this to my hair. again please help.

    this was my cycle

    dbol 30mg week 1-4
    test e 500mg week 1-14
    deca 300mg week 1-10
    tren e 175mg every 5 day week 5-12

    i going to gym now i will be back to respond in about two hours. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    dutasteride+rogaine+nizoral2% has kept my folicles from making a run for the boarder

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    either its the tren or its the combination of the tren with the etst enan. that ur scalp didnt agree. did u use any 5-alpha reductase inhibitors like finasteride or dustaderide to ward off sum of the dreadful side effects that heavy androgens can cause. true, this might not of happened last time, but remember, trenbolone rates a 500..a whopping 500 in terms of androgenic-anabolic index. EXTREMELY POTENT. also whenever theres too much androgens circulating in the blood..left over gets targeted into different tissues like the subaceous glands secreting more oil, the hair scalp causing the hair to become more brittle and ultimately fall outta its hair shaft.
    im pre-disposed bro and i believe primo may have done it along with high amounts of deca. i highly reccomend u get urself in the pharmacy some nizoral and some dutasteride. the nizoral is an anti-dandruff shampoo that has acts as a 5 aplha reductase inhibitor thru the scalp. alwayz cleans eur scalp with it. especially after squatting or deads. also, take dutasteride or propecia every day at 1mg first thing in morning. get on a schedule brother. I totally feel ur pain on this topic. totaly!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Long Island, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    dutasteride+rogaine+nizoral2% has kept my folicles from making a run for the boarder

    how old r u? maybe it's just that time in your life? stress? women? the list is endless....

  5. #5
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    May 2006
    On top
    Quote Originally Posted by rabidsquirrel
    this was my cycle

    dbol 30mg week 1-4
    test e 500mg week 1-14
    deca 300mg week 1-10
    tren e 175mg every 5 day week 5-12

    i going to gym now i will be back to respond in about two hours. thanks
    Not about your hair, but I'd like to know the results of your cycle. Were you happy and what were your goals? Did you shoot the test and deca every 5 days also?

  6. #6
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    May 2006
    On top
    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    dutasteride+rogaine+nizoral2% has kept my folicles from making a run for the boarder
    Are all these OTC (over the counter)?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Huckster
    Are all these OTC (over the counter)?
    dutasteride is the active ingredient in propecia. you can get it in research chem form from i think 1mg a day is what doctors usually prescribe to patients. not too sure tho. do a search for the proper dosing. nizoral 2% you have to order from canada. you can only get nizoral 1% in the usa. and rogaine you can get otc at cvs or wallgreens.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    no bro. finasteride is the active ingredient in propecia. dutasteride is avodart. try not to mix him up..

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by john vega
    no bro. finasteride is the active ingredient in propecia. dutasteride is avodart. try not to mix him up..
    oh ok i was just assuming cause when you type the word propecia on this forum it turns into a hyperlink for the research chem dutasteride. what's the dosage supposed to be like with dutasteride?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by john vega
    did u use any 5-alpha reductase inhibitors like finasteride or dustaderide to ward off sum of the dreadful side effects that heavy androgens can cause.
    didnt even know about them

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by frank2738

    how old r u? maybe it's just that time in your life? stress? women? the list is endless....
    im 26, balding doesnt run on either side of my family. do have along of stress but i can handle it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Huckster
    Not about your hair, but I'd like to know the results of your cycle. Were you happy and what were your goals? Did you shoot the test and deca every 5 days also?

    started at about 203-205lbs id guess about18-20% body fat. shot up to 222lbs, then when the then tren kicked in i droped down to 198. i am the most cut ive ever been in my life. and everyone is tells me ive gotten way bigger. so id say hell ya i love the results. i also cant wait for the next one.

    height 5'11''
    bf now 14%

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by operationgetbig
    dutasteride is the active ingredient in propecia. you can get it in research chem form from i think 1mg a day is what doctors usually prescribe to patients. not too sure tho. do a search for the proper dosing. nizoral 2% you have to order from canada. you can only get nizoral 1% in the usa. and rogaine you can get otc at cvs or wallgreens.
    can i go to a doctor and ask for this stuff.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    make sure you get spiro 5 %....thats pretty much the only thing that will help the shedding from the can get it from can also buy nizoral 2 % there.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by rabidsquirrel
    didnt even know about them

    Duta and Fina will only help against the conversion of Test into DHT. They will do nothing against androgenic compounds or DHT derivatives.

    Quote Originally Posted by rabidsquirrel
    can i go to a doctor and ask for this stuff.

    Dutas is 0.5mg/day

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by john vega
    no bro. finasteride is the active ingredient in propecia. dutasteride is avodart. try not to mix him up..
    Thats true I have been taking Finasteride "Propecia" for over 4 years specifically to ward off going bald. I use a pill splitter and split the 5mg pill into 4 quarters and take 1/4 every day. It works by blocking the DHT that is produced by test. Test whether natural or injected produces (more so as you get older) DHT which for some odd reason causes "scalp" hair to fall out.

    Finasteride is normally prescibed for an enlarged prostate which is a legitimate "medical" it may not "cost" you anything if you play it right. Its an inexpensive medicine in any event.

    I have had no side effects that I am aware of but bear in mind it takes 2-4 months before you start to see it grow back. Yes it actually causes hair to grow back as it did with me, but should start to retard the balding process fairly quickly3-4weeks. And as soon as you stop taking the pill within 6 months the process of loosing hair starts again so one has to take it forever. There is also a topical version which I haven't tried but is supposed to be as effective.

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