ok im not gonna lie i havent really searched this, but i want to take care of it now while i can do something about it. i am losing my hair like crazy, everytime i run my fingers through my hair i have like 10 or so peices of hair in my hands. i finish this cycle about 3 and a half weeks ago and been doing pct for week and and half. noticed my hair fallen out last night in shower. what can i do to help this, i was thinging about going to wal daddys and getting some rogain. please help
this was my 6th cycle and this has never happen. the only thing different this time was i use tren for first time and i never had a pct before. so this is the first time i have used nolva and adex. could it be one of these doing this to my hair. again please help.
this was my cycle
dbol 30mg week 1-4
test e 500mg week 1-14
deca 300mg week 1-10
tren e 175mg every 5 day week 5-12
i going to gym now i will be back to respond in about two hours. thanks