If I get 2000 mg of Tren and grind it up, how much DMSO do I put it in, and How much of the DMSO would I need to use ed to get about 35 mg ed? I don't want to risk the conversion kits!!!! Thanks Jay
If I get 2000 mg of Tren and grind it up, how much DMSO do I put it in, and How much of the DMSO would I need to use ed to get about 35 mg ed? I don't want to risk the conversion kits!!!! Thanks Jay
Each pellet is 20mgs and just grind up the amount your gonna use for the day dont grind it all up.I used 40mgs a day and mixed it with one cc of DMSO.Heat the Dmso up a little before mixing, it blends together better.
Why not? You'll be alot further ahead if you converted and injected. Alot further.Originally posted by jaybird
I don't want to risk the conversion kits!!!! Thanks Jay
Exactly!! First of all 35mg/day is less than half of the recommended amount for good gains. Second of all, the DMSO method is seriously flawed and you will probably only realize about 50-60% effectiveness at best, so now your down to 15-20mg/day. You may as well be pissing in the Atlantic Ocean hoping to raise it 2 feet!! Be smart, get a kit....injecting is the only way to go!Originally posted by Gettin Stupid
Why not? You'll be alot further ahead if you converted and injected. Alot further.
I am waiting for my fina and dsmo and really would like to know the answer to his original question. Now if he doesn't feel comfortable injecting then he probally shouldn't. I will be running a cycle of winny and fina, winny @ 50-100mg ed and fina at like 80mg a day. How much fina will I actually have to grind up and put on my skin to have 80mg running through my body. Thanks for anyhelp!
I agree...but I would add "probably shouldn't be using AAS". I said it before and I'll say it again. Injecting is more effective and it's SAFER. So unless you have a clinical fear of needles there is NO reason not to be using an inectable compound. It's not all about popping pills and getting big. Any idiot can do that, eduacte yourselves, that's what this board is all about. If you want to be serious about this put some thought into it, come up with a reasonable, logical, well thought out stack and we can offer advice and suggestions. But if you're just gonna throw down a few tabs to get beach muscles and think you're part of the big boys club...forget it!! It ain't about status, it's about knowledge. Think about that!Originally posted by GI-HUGE-IK
Now if he doesn't feel comfortable injecting then he probally shouldn't.
Wo Wo WO, whos popping pills for beach muscles, I spend Atleast 2 hours a day on message forums reading For my Knowledge purpose, I spend Atleast an hour and a half in the gym 6 days a week and my diet is down to a science. So dont give me s**t about dedication. The guy was looking for help on the way HE feels comfortable taking AS. Being a mod step up to the plate, answer his question, and then if u would like offer some constructive crititisim. But dont just disregard his original question.
Id just like to add that I complely agree that if ur gonna run with the big dogs injectable is the only way to go,and as far as effectiveness and safety(if done correct) I complety agree inj. is a better way to go. The only reason I am going to use dsmo is because Im a mechanic and cant follow directions for s**t . I just jump right in and do it the way i think it should be done. Im affraid to screw the solution up and be out of a significant amount of money. So till of have more knowledge on how to covert i will use the less but still effective way, dsmo.
My opinion on DMSO is, it's a waste of time and waste of money and I believe I said that in my original post. Regardless of what you think, I said that in an attempt to make you guys use you heads and do some research. Was I a little bitchy? Maybe I was....I'm just tired of seeing people take the path of least resistance. If you are as committed to diet and training as you ademently say you are, then you should have NO problem following simple conversion instructions. Better yet, buy some pre-made tren and inject it. The amount of tabs you will have to grind up for DMSO, to offer a decent dosage, will likely cost more than a vial anyway. But hey, if you're dead set on using the DMSO method, be my guest. But since neither of you did a search first, here....let me help you. Here are some threads that will give the low down on DMSO.
OK Pete Iv read every link u linked me too and I have to say I didn't do enough research. I have changed my mind completly. Now i found a place to buy a fina kit. Now is it legal to buy a kit? Everything I read sounds like it is but doesn't directly say "yes its legal to buy a Kit". As long as ur not caught with it already converted for human consumption ur fine legally. corect? Well sorry I jumped on the defence but u sounded alittle bitchy and i guess it pushed some of the wrong buttons.
Thanks for taken the time and searching for those links I greatly appreaciate it. Also If i plan on running 75mg everyday for 6 weeks. and I already purchases 3 carts then I will need a 4 gram conversion kit correct. thanks again
Yes I agree injection is better but I used DMSO and seen good gains over a 6 week cycle.DMSO is around 80% to injection and everyone is different some can do it some cant(burns,smell like ass)If you can get the kit get it,if not I see no Probs with DMSO, Its your decision,no one elses!
Just wondering if u ran anything with it since u only ran 40mg. Thats a considerable low dose espesially while using dsmo gel. If if not what kind of gains did u get from running 40mgs everyday.
No worries GI-HUGE-IK. We're cool bro. Sometimes I do fly off the handle and I apologize for that.
i did transdermal fina with dmso and i feel that the absorption is far less than 80%. I started at 120mg, did that for 2 weeks, bumped up to 160 for 2 weeks, then ran it at 200mg for the last week. Felt the same from 120 as i did with 200. There is only a certain amount you can get through your skin.
Start with 100mg,(5pills), crush them between two spoons, add 1-2cc's of dmso, then heat it using a lighter. This will cause it to make a nice gel, and it will remove the chunks of fina. Heat for 10sec, stir with tooth pic, heat 10sec, stir, till there are no chunks. Then apply half to the top side of each foot, wait 20 minutes, rub on more dmso, cover with syran rap, and go to sleep.
GI-HUGE-IK, you're a mechanic and you can't follow directions? Please don't ever let me ask you to work on my car!!!
As far as being willing to inject and it's impact on your dedication status, that's some pretty shakey grounds there. It would be plain silly not to inject if you are wanting the most out of your product, and I certainly dont have much of an argumaent to the contrary but I still insist that an argument about this isnt very solid, and certainly isnt too constructive.
Anyways, my main question to you guys is this. Will this be a fina only experiment you are running, or will you be adding test?
My sex life is something very dear to me, and I wouldnt want to see it whither away for too long, but it seems to me that it would be wonderful just to do a simple fina cycle while someone is cutting up and waiting until they have enough money for a fullblown bulking cycle.
Basically my ideal situation would be to spend 70 dollars on carts, 25 on conversion and run four-five weeks of fina only(clomid of course), and in the process of that, saving up for a real-deal, whole-nine-yards, top-dog, aint-no-messin-around, well you get the idea.
but I wouldnt want to disappoint the ladies, so what has been your all's experience?
Originally Posted by BELLICOSE
I know this is an OLD thread. But I need to know something about this quote. Is it really OK to put this stuff on your feet? Is this the best place?
I would send the person a PM but he is BANNED.
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