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Thread: Wtf! Big titties or what?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Dirty South

    Wtf! Big titties or what?

    Im in my last week of 400mg test. i have small lumps under my nipples from puberty. here's what's fucked up. I havent had any symptoms of itching or any pain in my nipples. yesterday i woke up and after i was dressed, i looked down, and my right tit was puffy as hell. i didnt think anything of it because i hadnt had any previous pain. i went to work. the swelling was probably not noticable to anyone else, but it sure as hell was to me. at lunch i popped 20mg nolva, thinking that would probably knock it out. that afternoon my tits started getting a burning sensation, and the swelling had not gone down, i popped another 10mg when i got home. today, it was down a little bit but after the day had started i could tell it was noticable but not quite as much as yesterday. i plan on running nolva 40mg ed until the symptoms subside.
    The lumps havent gotten bigger, just the fatty tissue around the nipple has gotten softer and has a watery appearance. My question is, will this go away or am i stuck with it?
    Also, when gyno begins to grow, is it the actual lump that grows, or soft fatty tissue around the nipple? Its really soft like a babies ass below my nipple, if i'm stuck with this somebodys gonna get fuckin hurt..'

    Last edited by tbulldog; 08-22-2002 at 02:17 PM.

  2. #2
    take 40mgs of nolvadex for 4 days, then 20 for 5...if that dosn't help, your shit out of luck... i had to get surgery, and it sucks!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    ottawa, canadian monkey
    Now thats scarry sh$t man!!
    hope everything works out, Good luck!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    gl bro, I hope its not gyno cause like they said above only remedy is to have them surgically removed.

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