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  1. #1
    TOOBAD is offline Associate Member
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    Which one should I choose???

    I am ordering some more gear to finish the last half of my cycle. I had satchet but they suck!!!! I need to know if there is anything on the list below that I could order with test e for the last 4 weeks of my cycle???

    Deca Durabolin
    300 mg/ml, 10ml amp
    Equipose (Boldenone )
    200 mg/ml, 10ml amp
    Finaplex (Trenbolone Acetate)
    100 mg/ml, 10ml amp
    Mas/Tren (100mg tren,100mg masteron )
    200 mg/ml, 10ml amp
    Masteron (Drostanolone propionate )
    100 mg/ml, 10ml amp
    Primobolan Depot
    100 mg/ml, 10ml amp
    Sustanon 250
    250 mg/ml, 10ml amp
    Test. Cypionate
    250 mg/ml, 10ml amp
    Test. Enanthate
    250 mg/ml, 10ml amp
    Test. Propionate
    100 mg/ml, 10ml amp

  2. #2
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    Your kidding right. just order more Test-E. You should really buy all necessary steroids and PCT for your cycle before you start.

  3. #3
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Run test prop @ 75-100 mg/ed.

  4. #4
    FranKieC's Avatar
    FranKieC is offline "AR's Pretty Boy"
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    Either Prop or Tren /mast combo

  5. #5
    scaramouche's Avatar
    scaramouche is offline Senior Member
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    total duration & dose ?

  6. #6
    Bill Bellamy's Avatar
    Bill Bellamy is offline Junior Member
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    What are you trying to accomplish bulk/cut?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    insane asylum
    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox
    Your kidding right. just order more Test-E. You should really buy all necessary steroids and PCT for your cycle before you start.
    Cant agree more.You better hope it gets threw customs LOL

  8. #8
    TOOBAD is offline Associate Member
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    Somewhere, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by ckurth6
    I am ordering some more gear to finish the last half of my cycle. I had satchet but they suck!!!! I need to know if there is anything on the list below that I could order with test e for the last 4 weeks of my cycle???

    Deca Durabolin
    300 mg/ml, 10ml amp
    Equipose (Boldenone )
    200 mg/ml, 10ml amp
    Finaplex (Trenbolone Acetate)
    100 mg/ml, 10ml amp
    Mas/Tren (100mg tren,100mg masteron )
    200 mg/ml, 10ml amp
    Masteron (Drostanolone propionate )
    100 mg/ml, 10ml amp
    Primobolan Depot
    100 mg/ml, 10ml amp
    Sustanon 250
    250 mg/ml, 10ml amp
    Test. Cypionate
    250 mg/ml, 10ml amp
    Test. Enanthate
    250 mg/ml, 10ml amp
    Test. Propionate
    100 mg/ml, 10ml amp
    Well I had all my gear ordered and half my test e was amps and half of it was satchets. I have a couple of threads explaining how horrible my experience with satchets have been and I finally had to stop all together (with the satchets).

    With that said, a friend on here hooked me up to a good domestic supplier so I can order more test and finish my cycle. I want to add something other than test e to the end of my cycle since i am ordering more gear anyways! I wanted dbol but it is not on the items listed below.

    Of the different compunds available from the domestic source, I really don't have a lot of knowledge about the ones that are available (the list from the first thread). I am very short on time so I am asking someone to pick from the list what I should take and the recommended dosing. It will probably turn in to about a 5 week cycle since I am already on week 6 of my original 12 week cycle.

    Normally I would take the time and research, which I have, but I am running out of time and just really need a good recommendation. So far I like masteron and tren but not sure what else to take with it or the dosage.

    Btw, I have arimidex , clomid, nolva and myogenx on hand for pct.

  9. #9
    TOOBAD is offline Associate Member
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    Somewhere, USA
    can i get a "bump,bump" ??? come on guys, i need ya here...this has to be ordered today!!

  10. #10
    Erwin's Avatar
    Erwin is offline Associate Member
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    This list is all you have to choose from? Also, have you run tren before? If you were originally running a test only cycle then get some test prop and finish out with that so you can keep the test coming in right up to your PCT. Maybe pick up some extra test prop and that mast/tren combo for your next cycle.-Erwin

  11. #11
    Njord's Avatar
    Njord is offline Senior Member
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    From the list there is nothing I would recommend to run with your current cycle. Most of the ones listed should be run more than the 5 weeks you have left. Just order the test e to finish your current cycle and them plan out your next.

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