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Thread: Cycle questions...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Artic Circle

    Cycle questions...

    This is my first cycle I will be doing and after all my reasearch I think the best thing for me will be EQ and test. Whats the best test to take with EQ?
    I was hoping someone could tell me some good doses for someone my size. I see alot of people going with 400 mg/week of each and I didnt know if that was necessary for someont my size. Also how much armidex should I take with that? Clomid at end.
    Im 5'8, 155, 10 %bf, 20 yrs old.

    I know thats alot of questions but I want to get everything right for my first time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    New York
    thats a good cycle. if your doing a 200mg/ml test than do 400mg/wk for 10 weeks. If you get a 200mg/ml eq than also do 400mg/wk eq. You'll be fine. If you get sust which is 250mg/ml than you can just do 500mg/wk.

    wk1-4 some pople do 25-35mg/ed of dbol to jump start thier cycle)
    wk1-10 400-500mg/wk test
    wk1-10 400mg/wk eq

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    i'm with Flex on this one

    You'll be better off running test enanthate or cyp because both of them have the longer acting esters so this means less injections for you. If you decide to run arimidex you could possibly start at .25mg/ED (.5mg/EOD) and up it if bloat or gyno symptoms apper.

    Start clomid 3 weeks after your last EQ injection.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    5'8" and 155 lbs?

    i only have one thing to ask you you feel youve reached as high as you can naturally? because once you start aas theres really no turning back. im not trying to flame you at all, i just want you to be sure youre doing the right thing. youre still young and it seems like you have plenty of room for more natural growth before you jump into this arena.
    that being said, heres my suggestion:

    test enanthate 400mg/week 1-13
    eq 400mg/week 1-12

    this is plenty for a first go............

    peace bb79

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