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Thread: amps

  1. #1

    Question amps

    these Edited. Read the board rules. Do not post lab names amps(375 mg sust amps & 215 eq amps) along with his stamped blue winni pills (Edited. Read the board rules. Do not post lab names on one side and 45 on the other) + some ** 50 mg pink pills. oils taste legit and look somewhat professional. also, pink nolvadex pills that are stamped Edited. Read the board rules. Do not post lab names with nothing on the other side

    my only concern is that my supplyer has Edited. Read the board rules. Do not post lab names bottles!? - coulda swore they were long gone they have the good 'ol Edited. Read the board rules. Do not post lab names bottles tops with the cool lil holligram.

    also, coulda swore the british dragon was done selling steroids.

    i have no fregen idea what is going on in this lil underground lab world- i do want to know whether or not this stuff is what is says it is. in other words, i do not want to be under the impression that I am running eq and sustanon with winni and dbol when i may not be. my old sh** was all organon and entirerly legit. for all i know I am taking a little blue pill that in all reality is a water pill, a amp of eq that could be test, and a sustanon amp that is filled with some other sh**.

    if you do do not know what you are talking about please dont post on my thread, no offense, I just need to know whether or not it is legit.

    ps- the sust hurts, real bad when injected, the pills when chewed up taste like real hell.

  2. #2

    Unhappy woops,

    at the top- my pink 50 mg pills say ** on one side and 50 on the other. sorry

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Edit your posts, you can't post lab names.

    If you want to know if your gear is legit, post a picture up in the steroid picture forum.

    As for the "Quality" lab, China is making that now. The Mexican one was shut down.

  4. #4
    thanks a bunch!

  5. #5
    im gonna read the rules, but um- the name of the gear is on the amp in the pic that you are telling me to post home skillet...

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