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  1. #41
    newbie-erok is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    don't have your friend bring you back half a liter of steroids at a time, or anymore than she can fit in her vagina. She isn't going to be your bff for long if she goes to jail for you.
    half a liter? are you insane?????? Last time she brought back 500 mg / cc
    was going to have her bring back the same amount which would give me 1g of it where did liters come from?

    I think the main problem is that people are just posting without reading the entire thread first and then end up contradicting post by other members
    Last edited by newbie-erok; 07-27-2007 at 08:22 AM.

  2. #42
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbie-erok
    "sympathetic with your joke"? What joke? or are you saying this thread is a joke? They did see my 500 cc of primo and said it wasn't enough so I'll have my friend get 500 - 1000 cc more of it when she goes to Europe in Nov.
    500cc=.5liters guess I'm not the only one that had trouble with metric abriviations in this thread.

    btw 500 mg primio is about enough for 1 week

  3. #43
    newbie-erok is offline New Member
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    I hate conversions! But yes I believe you are right that the dosage is only enough for 1 week. That is what I have read on researching primo, however the pharmacy said that 100mg is enough for 2 weeks. I know that they were completely wrong. I am going to just keep stocking up and convert to the dark side some time next year when my body is ready. Until then its research time. There is soooo much info in the forums.

    It would really be easier if there was some form of body building clinic in Washington DC.

  4. #44
    bpm1's Avatar
    bpm1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    bro keep doing wat ur doing and dont listen to the nay-sayers, its all good

  5. #45
    tadpoleboyy is offline Member
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    lift hard, eat tons (of good food), and sleep enough. IF you do it right, people will actually start asking you if your on roids cuz your appearance will change dramatically. Make sure to take pictures every few weeks, log your weight, log how much weight you are pulling/pushing, and u might even wanna take some measurements. Once you start seeing stretchmarks, your on the right track. Unless they are around your waist, then you're in trouble

  6. #46
    sonnygll's Avatar
    sonnygll is offline Member
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    If you're serious, follow my basic guidelines and that will help you get there. You are already close to maxing out on cardio. You should follow a bulking plan for at least a couple weeks, maybe as much as four. Just so you can put on a couple pounds of muscle and get your metabolism cranked back up. Then go back to a cutting diet and keep lifting heavy. Wait until the fat loss stalls out and then cut carbs and calories just a little more and add in HIIT (high intensity interval training). It burns fat quick and is very muscle sparing. That way you can lose fat and keep your muscle without taking any gear. Add a little more whenever weight loss stalls out.

    The problem with just throwing a bunch of cardio at your body all at once is the law of conservation. This is the normal operation of the body. When given a negative energy balance, it adjusts your metabolic rate down so you can survive on less food. It also eats up muscle for 2 reasons, 1 for energy or protein and 2 so it no longer has to support that tissue. So if you throw the whole lot at your body all at once you have nowhere to go but a downward spiral.

    If you want a muscular body and aren't looking to get real big, you can do that natural. It just takes a couple years.
    Last edited by sonnygll; 07-28-2007 at 01:27 AM.

  7. #47
    newbie-erok is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tadpoleboyy
    lift hard, eat tons (of good food), and sleep enough. IF you do it right, people will actually start asking you if your on roids cuz your appearance will change dramatically. Make sure to take pictures every few weeks, log your weight, log how much weight you are pulling/pushing, and u might even wanna take some measurements. Once you start seeing stretchmarks, your on the right track. Unless they are around your waist, then you're in trouble
    I have done measurements for the last 3 months. I will post results. 1 thing that is funny is that the guy doing the body fat measurements couldn't find any fat to grab on my arms or chest. He says you must be at 14% or something. I say wait til you do the stomach and cha ching 25% right there lol. Other than that there is no area he could pinch to find fat. I should get measured tonight and I will post results from the last 3 measurements. This is definitely hard work.

  8. #48
    newbie-erok is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonnygll
    If you want a muscular body and aren't looking to get real big, you can do that natural. It just takes a couple years.
    lol - I am not that patient. Maybe I'll just get lipo on my stomach and then I'll be below 15%. For now I will keep the routine going.

  9. #49
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbie-erok
    lol - I am not that patient. Maybe I'll just get lipo on my stomach and then I'll be below 15%. For now I will keep the routine going.

    the problem is if you dont really have much of a natural muscular base, then it will be harder to keep your gains from you cycle. Its like building a house without a wouldnt do that would you?

  10. #50
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    the problem is if you dont really have much of a natural muscular base, then it will be harder to keep your gains from you cycle. Its like building a house without a wouldnt do that would you?
    Or like running high octain in a pinto. When the high octain runs out you're still going to be rollin a pinto. If you can dedicate yourself to proper nutrition and training prior to using anabolic /androgenic steroids , you'll have much more success when you cross to the dark side. Good luck and I hope you make the right decision.

  11. #51
    newbie-erok is offline New Member
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    testisbest I have always held your opinions in high standing. I am just going to keep it up with the trainer and eat right and do cardio 3 times a week to lose the fat, but try to not lose any other muscle. I think in time I can build up a good base but as for the remainder of this year I am not even going to think about crossing over.

    I also like the idea of throwing in 3 weeks of bulking to regain muscle every now and then. I just got to keep up the motivation.

    No measurements to post tonoght :-(

  12. #52
    sonnygll's Avatar
    sonnygll is offline Member
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    Well You're going to do what you're going to do. Just remember there is like 10 of us here telling you the same thing. Just be careful with your joints and tendons and have some letro around in case you have estrogen problems.

  13. #53
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbie-erok
    testisbest I have always held your opinions in high standing. I am just going to keep it up with the trainer and eat right and do cardio 3 times a week to lose the fat, but try to not lose any other muscle. I think in time I can build up a good base but as for the remainder of this year I am not even going to think about crossing over.

    I also like the idea of throwing in 3 weeks of bulking to regain muscle every now and then. I just got to keep up the motivation.

    No measurements to post tonoght :-(
    If it hasn't been said already, I'll say it now. Don't completly rely on your trainer. I'd suggest you do your own research on diet, cardio, and weight training. I've seen it all too many times in the gym listening in on a trainer when he or she will be talking to a client saying things that made zero sence. I never had the luxery of having a trainer so I kind of learned through trial and error. But knowlege is power and I never want to stop learning. Learn about different forms of protein and macros. I've spent hours researching this stuff online (my wife was hating it) but it helped out and it makes the results that much more fulfilling knowing that I did this on my own. Let me know if I can help out in any way thought posts or pm. Good luck

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