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  1. #1
    newbie-erok is offline New Member
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    Newbie question look to use steroids short term

    I am 30 years old 5'10'' 170 lbs with 23% body fat where the majority of the fat is in my stomach. I am doing exercise with trainer 5 days a week, jumping rope every morning and night for 15 minutes. The trainer knows what I am about to do and is helping me condition my body so that I can get the max results.

    The only 2 drugs I have access to is Andriol "yes I know its crap thx to reading forums", and 500 mg of Primobolan depot. I can't get any more until I go to Europe again.

    I have always been skinny and now have a little shape to my body. I am not looking to get gigantic, but instead just want to get a nice physically body for vanity purposes on.

    My question is how I should take the drugs I have. I was thinking of doing 5 shots total 1 a week of 100mg of the Primobolan and them somehow stack the Andriol on top of it for 1 week in the middle. On top of this I am taking creatine before and after workouts by celltech and accelerade during workouts, plus I drink 2 whey fruit protien drinks a day and then have a time release protien milk shake before bed.

    Can anyone please offer any advice?

  2. #2
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    do yourself a favor and drop the bodyfat closer to 15% and get your weight up closer to 185 or 190 naturally. Don't be lazy and take short cuts now or you'll pay later. You're too fat and don't have strong enough tendons and ligaments for AAS yet.

  3. #3
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    BTW, 170 pounds at 23% body fat, you need to lose close to 30 pounds to be under 15%. So that would make you close to 140. You need to learn how to train, eat, and rest for proper lean body mass before you ever use steroids .

  4. #4
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
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    ^^^ agree with Testisbest. I dont think you know what your doing. Would you let a kid play with fire? Stick around here, read up, and maybe in a year you can reconsider.

  5. #5
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    i agree with the previous have much to learn no need to mess with steroids , nor do you have nearly enough of anything

  6. #6
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    How was vegas?

  7. #7
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    How was vegas?
    crazy as usual...i missed my flight back on monday morning! Spent the first 2 days entertaining 12 hot girls..most were married, but it didnt stop a couple of them from trying to destroy their marriage with me!!! haha

  8. #8
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
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    lol, thats great. Vegas = sluts.

  9. #9
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    yeah Ive already got my ticket to go back Mr Olympia weekend at the end of sept..should be even more sluts with all the fitness babes out there!!!

  10. #10
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
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    Wow. Thats going to be a great trip. End of Sept. will be a little cooler, too.

  11. #11
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Btw, did this thread get hijacked or what,lol?

    New Thread Title: "The Whores in Vegas Gave me Good Times"

  12. #12
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    it needed to be hijacked otherwise it wouldve just been repetitive answers that he needs to work on diet and training!!

    Much more enjoybale talking about vegas whores!!

  13. #13
    newbie-erok is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    ^^^ agree with Testisbest. I dont think you know what your doing. Would you let a kid play with fire? Stick around here, read up, and maybe in a year you can reconsider.
    I completely agree with you. I don't know what I am doing which is why I am asking. Seriously all the fat is in my stomach. My arms and legs are solid skin and bones with some small muscles.

    I am losing over 1% body fat per month so I will keep leaning up and eating right to get closer to 15% then I'll look into using the AAS. My goal is to lose the fast without losing the little muscle that I have.

    PS I don't mind the thread jacking. Please continue to talk about vegas whores and feel free to post pics of them. Work is just too boring lol
    Last edited by newbie-erok; 07-20-2007 at 01:26 PM.

  14. #14
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbie-erok
    I completely agree with you. I don't know what I am doing which is why I am asking. Seriously all the fat is in my stomach. My arms and legs are solid skin and bones with some small muscles.

    Bro, if your 23% you should listen to them. Do a ton of cardio and hit the diet section and do some reading.

  15. #15
    m8intl is offline Associate Member
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    Agreed. If you're overweight, you risk increasing your chances of negative side effects. There's tons of info on this site, and ppl are willing to help you as long as you take the initiative to read up.

  16. #16
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbie-erok
    I completely agree with you. I don't know what I am doing which is why I am asking. Seriously all the fat is in my stomach. My arms and legs are solid skin and bones with some small muscles.

    I am losing over 1% body fat per month so I will keep leaning up and eating right to get closer to 15% then I'll look into using the AAS. My goal is to lose the fast without losing the little muscle that I have.

    PS I don't mind the thread jacking. Please continue to talk about vegas whores and feel free to post pics of them. Work is just too boring lol
    Hey bro, I've got respect for you because most guys on here would be too hard headed to admit their faults. Nobody is perfect and we all started small or fat. With proper nutrition you can lose weight and add muscle at the same time. Just be a little patient and things will come together. Steroids aren't a cure all. If you don't know how to train and eat then you won't grow. The most you'll do is retain some water and get a little stronger then lose it all post cycle. Props for your reply, let me know if I can help in any way (diet or training). Good luck. And ya, pics of the whores will make my work day go by a little faster.

  17. #17
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    if i read that right you dont have enough aas to do anything anyway. Save it and in a year or so you can use it wisely then.
    a half bottle of primo and some anadrol ? do you have axcess to nolvadex ? No? i dont think you'll gain much muscle and you could give yourself gyno being as heavy as you are (bodyfat)

  18. #18
    newbie-erok is offline New Member
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    thanks all for the advice. I will continue to train. I have paid over $4,000 to personal trainers and work out with them 5 days a week. I have 10 more weeks to go until I have to pay again... I am suppose to be getting a diet plan tonight but so far its been a lot of chicken and brown rice for me and for late night snack water foods or lettuces. I am happy that I have been continuing to decrease the stomach while gaining size everywhere else.

    I'll post my natural progress of each month when I finally get down to 15% body fat.

    Where are the pics of the Vegas whores. We are waiting....

  19. #19
    Titleist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbie-erok
    thanks all for the advice. I will continue to train. I have paid over $4,000 to personal trainers and work out with them 5 days a week. I have 10 more weeks to go until I have to pay again... I am suppose to be getting a diet plan tonight but so far its been a lot of chicken and brown rice for me and for late night snack water foods or lettuces. I am happy that I have been continuing to decrease the stomach while gaining size everywhere else.

    I'll post my natural progress of each month when I finally get down to 15% body fat.

    Where are the pics of the Vegas whores. We are waiting....
    That's what we like to hear man.

    If you are dedicated and disciplined, you will reap the benefits. Stay motivated and set reasonable goals.

    Word of advice: Personal trainers are a good place to start, but don't rely on them for everything. Don't get me wrong, to someone new to training/dieting they are definitely helpful, but they are not the be all end all. Don't be afraid to research and obtain as much knowledge about training and nutrition as you can on your own. You can always ask them their opinion on any information you have found.

    Good luck.

  20. #20
    newbie-erok is offline New Member
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    Again I agree with you Titleist... I don't plan on keeping the trainer forever. Hopefully I will eventually get a partner to work out with. It sucks not know anyone in a big city. I wish that there was some kind of weight lifting club or a specific gym here that people go to for body building.

    I am very motivated, research info all the time as discuss what I have learned with the trainer. Hopefully I will achieve my goals.

    I worked out for 6 months last year 4 days a week and didn't make as much progress as I have this year. I must admit this really requires a lot of work.

    Nice pic btw damn every single one of those girls are hot hot hot - lol

    Again I want to thank EVERYONE for all their advice. This forum is one of the best resources that I have found online....

  21. #21
    bpm1's Avatar
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    yea bro u r headed the right direction.the greatest thing u can do right now is learn how to eat. this is the base of all steroid cycles, it takes alot of time for ur body to get to where u want it, but think how long it took u to get fat and lumpy.people get discouraged when they dont lose all there fat in a month or two but it takes time and dedication and it will all come together in the end.ur on the right track keep at it!

  22. #22
    newbie-erok is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    yea bro u r headed the right direction.the greatest thing u can do right now is learn how to eat. this is the base of all steroid cycles, it takes alot of time for ur body to get to where u want it, but think how long it took u to get fat and lumpy.people get discouraged when they dont lose all there fat in a month or two but it takes time and dedication and it will all come together in the end.ur on the right track keep at it!

    you are right and this is so funny to read because on a daily basis I get told how "skinny" I am lol. I hide my stomach really good though with clothes. I think my legs are the size of my friend's wrists. hahah thanks for the chuckle with the calling me fat lol. Thank you for the encouragement as well. I am super excited about this.

    Is it safe to say with eating properly and exercising 5 days a week with a trainer that I should be able to lose 2% body fat a month while still gaining a little bit of muscle?

  23. #23
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbie-erok
    you are right and this is so funny to read because on a daily basis I get told how "skinny" I am lol. I hide my stomach really good though with clothes. I think my legs are the size of my friend's wrists. hahah thanks for the chuckle with the calling me fat lol. Thank you for the encouragement as well. I am super excited about this.

    Is it safe to say with eating properly and exercising 5 days a week with a trainer that I should be able to lose 2% body fat a month while still gaining a little bit of muscle?
    You could lose more than that. I'd shoot for losing a pound or two a week. Just eat a clean diet and don't go too low on the calories with alot of protien so you won't go into a catabolic state. I'd be more impressed with the weight staying the same but your waist size getting smaller. It's just trial and error, what works for me might not work for you. Good luck.

  24. #24
    passthetest's Avatar
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    23% bf... diet for a year and you will be a new person juice isnt for you, right now atleast

  25. #25
    bpm1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbie-erok
    you are right and this is so funny to read because on a daily basis I get told how "skinny" I am lol. I hide my stomach really good though with clothes. I think my legs are the size of my friend's wrists. hahah thanks for the chuckle with the calling me fat lol. Thank you for the encouragement as well. I am super excited about this.

    Is it safe to say with eating properly and exercising 5 days a week with a trainer that I should be able to lose 2% body fat a month while still gaining a little bit of muscle?
    yea, u could lose even more. stay clean and spend some time in the diet forum, u'll learn alot,GL!

  26. #26
    newbie-erok is offline New Member
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    I have another question. What do you guys think of supplements that are suppose to incineration fat and lean muscle potentiator?

    An example of one would be Levianthan

    The diet my trainer gave me seems to be very similar to that listed in the general section with the exception that he wants me to take amino acids as well.

    Thanks in advance

  27. #27
    sonnygll's Avatar
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    People always get mad when I point this out.... But if he is 170 at 23% (39 pounds of fat) and lost 30 pounds to get to 140. If it was all fat, he would be 140 with a lean mass of 131 and 9 pounds of fat, making it about 6.5%.
    30 pounds is 8% for Ronnie Coleman, but not this guy.

    So maybe dropping 15 pounds, then bulking for a bit to get a few pounds of muscle on, then back to cutting to drop another 12 pounds and get pretty ripped, than a long natural bulk to get up to around 185 to 190 at 7%. Then try steroids . Then by the time you're ready, you will be able to find a good source or smuggle some out of Europe like you were talking about.

    A 131 lean mass is pretty average for 5' 10". So it sounds like you are just getting started. As a beginner, you will enjoy steroid -like gains naturally for about a year. Lift heavy and eat right to make the most of it.

    bench, squat, row/chins, deadlift and their variations should be the bulk of your routine. Then eat lots of protein (around 200 grams or so). That's it. You'll gain plenty of muscle while loosing fat on a typical cutting diet that first year if you do it right. You don't need any drugs yet.

  28. #28
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    Just take whey protein. It is complete with all aminos. No other supps right now. Maybe next year try some creatine.

  29. #29
    newbie-erok is offline New Member
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    I am down to 166lbs now - woohooo

    I'll take measurements and post my stats at the end of the month.

    You guys sure I can't take any of those fat burners?

  30. #30
    newbie-erok is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonnygll
    Then try steroids. Then by the time you're ready, you will be able to find a good source or smuggle some out of Europe like you were talking about.

    How do you think I have what I got - lol my bff when to the pharmacy in europe and the primobolan is what they gave her. She goes 3 times a year there, but I didn't know what to tell her to get me so she got what the pharmacy recommended. They even called a professional body builder to tell her how to use it and inject it into me. Now that is what I call a true friend.

  31. #31
    newbie-erok is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonnygll
    Just take whey protein. It is complete with all aminos. No other supps right now. Maybe next year try some creatine.
    I lifted for 8 months last year then took off from Nov until this june :-/

    My trainer has me doing isolated workouts 5 days a week and then I do a 10 minute run after on the treadmill followed by my creatine. during the workout I drink my amino acids and all day before and after I am drinking about 114g of whey protein. breakfast and last snack is a milk and power mix and in the day I have 2 whey protein fruit drinks

    I am also suppose to run 3 - 4 times a week for 30-40 minutes.

  32. #32
    NewVader is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbie-erok
    I lifted for 8 months last year then took off from Nov until this june :-/

    My trainer has me doing isolated workouts 5 days a week and then I do a 10 minute run after on the treadmill followed by my creatine. during the workout I drink my amino acids and all day before and after I am drinking about 114g of whey protein. breakfast and last snack is a milk and power mix and in the day I have 2 whey protein fruit drinks

    I am also suppose to run 3 - 4 times a week for 30-40 minutes.
    I am sympathetic with your joke, but for some reason you have been unlucky, no one is picking this one up....they probably overlooked your 1 amp of primo/ week and your this point I would try getting a different sceenname and star another more concise thread where you get people's attention in a couple of lines...
    good luck

  33. #33
    newbie-erok is offline New Member
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    "sympathetic with your joke"? What joke? or are you saying this thread is a joke? They did see my 500 cc of primo and said it wasn't enough so I'll have my friend get 500 - 1000 cc more of it when she goes to Europe in Nov.

  34. #34
    Kratos's Avatar
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    500 cc is a shitload, 500 ml's is not pittance
    which is it?

  35. #35
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    500 cc is a shitload, 500 ml's is not pittance
    which is it?
    500 cc and 500 ml is the same thing

  36. #36
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    I ment mg not ml

  37. #37
    newbie-erok is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    500 cc is a shitload, 500 ml's is not pittance
    which is it?
    I have 5 boxes of it 100 mg / cc in each, but am waiting to get the body fat to 15% like everyone has advised me to do.

    I was just wondering if fat burning pills that promote lean muscle actually do anything so that I can get to 15% faster. I am hoping to start beginning of next year. dedicating one's self to diet, exercise, and personal trainers is expensive.

  38. #38
    sonnygll's Avatar
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    If this is a serious thread, and you have used AAS and you are 5' 10" with a lean mass of 130 lbs.....
    You need to eat like double what you are eating now. If you are fat on a small enough amount of food to keep you from growing, you must be eating a lot of junk. Stop eating that.
    I question your workout too. Choose standard mass building lifts like I mentioned above.
    Also, if you need a trainer, then you need someone to plan your cycles too.
    Of course you shouldn't be taking drugs right now anyway.

    If this is a joke, work on your delivery. Look up Swole Patrol. He was much more funny.

  39. #39
    Kratos's Avatar
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    don't have your friend bring you back half a liter of steroids at a time, or anymore than she can fit in her vagina. She isn't going to be your bff for long if she goes to jail for you.

  40. #40
    newbie-erok is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonnygll
    If this is a serious thread...

    If this is a joke, work on your delivery. Look up Swole Patrol. He was much more funny.
    Why does everyone think this is a joke? Am I that ignorant on that my posts make it seem like a joke? If so I am really sorry everyone. I am truly trying to find a way to lose the fat and get big. I am a stick with a pot belly.

    I consume something every 2 hours. Protien drink, nuts, lean ground beef, lean steak, chicken, rice, detour bar, etc... I don't eat sweets, candy, junk food, or fast food. I have never used AAS everyone says to wait until I get to 15% body fat so I am waiting and bumping up the cardio. I was jumping rope 15 min in the morning and 15 min at night but now I am jogging 4 days a week for 30-40 minutes.

    I have had a personal trainer since may 31, 2007 and just switched on July 18 to a new one who knows about the AAS. My old trainer had me doing upper body / lower body sessions. The new trainer has me doign islation workouts. We will work back and bicep one day then chest another day, tri and shoulders another day, legs another day.

    Based off comments in the beginning of this thread I need to lose the fat and have been pointed to the diet section; which I read and am trying to follow.

    I am 100% serious about getting big and will do whatever it takes to get there. I am not looking to get a body of a body builder but it would be nice to have a muscular physic...

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