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Thread: Not sure how long to run....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    one of the 50 states....

    Not sure how long to run....

    Ok here is the situation I am in...
    I had my my test-e for my entire 12 week cycle.. 500 mg / week.
    Week 1 500 mg x2 (front load)
    Week 2 250mg x2 (500 total)
    week 3 250mg x2 (500 total)
    week 4 250mg x1 (250 total)

    On week 4, I was moving my vials from one part of the house to the other (3 1/2 10ml vials) and of course my moron dog ran into me, i dropped them all on the tile floor and that was it (he is a bull dog, I love him to death but he has no brains and is built like a tank)
    So, I immediatly ordered from my source.. ususally it takes 2 weeks but now that two weeks will be up soon and i am getting VERY worried.. Tues will be 2 weeks from my last injection and 2 weeks from when i ordered, if i dont recieve I am assuming i should just start PCT and call it quits on this cycle.. (btw i ordered both Test-e and test-p this time) or can i salvage? I had JUST started to see some gains when this went down..
    If i do PCT how long should I run it?
    Nolv + arimidex

    If not how should i go about starting the cycle up again? front load the test-p wth the test-e and act like it never stopped?

    Thanks in advance guys

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Dec 2005
    2 weeks later, I'd start pct.
    weird, this is like the 6th thread in the last month where someone dropped their gear and broke it. Maybe I'll pad my floor just to be safe...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    If it was me I would just start again when you get the new juice but thats just me

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    one of the 50 states....
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    If it was me I would just start again when you get the new juice but thats just me
    That is what i WANT to do, I am just curious on how much if at all that would f' my body up..

    Yea if it was on the carpet it would be fine.. but since the dumb shit decided to wait till i was on the tile floor....
    I learned a lesson though..

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