Ok here is the situation I am in...
I had my my test-e for my entire 12 week cycle.. 500 mg / week.
Week 1 500 mg x2 (front load)
Week 2 250mg x2 (500 total)
week 3 250mg x2 (500 total)
week 4 250mg x1 (250 total)
On week 4, I was moving my vials from one part of the house to the other (3 1/2 10ml vials) and of course my moron dog ran into me, i dropped them all on the tile floor and that was it (he is a bull dog, I love him to death but he has no brains and is built like a tank)
So, I immediatly ordered from my source.. ususally it takes 2 weeks but now that two weeks will be up soon and i am getting VERY worried.. Tues will be 2 weeks from my last injection and 2 weeks from when i ordered, if i dont recieve I am assuming i should just start PCT and call it quits on this cycle.. (btw i ordered both Test-e and test-p this time) or can i salvage? I had JUST started to see some gains when this went down..
If i do PCT how long should I run it?
Nolv + arimidex
If not how should i go about starting the cycle up again? front load the test-p wth the test-e and act like it never stopped?
Thanks in advance guys