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Thread: New to Board - Q to ask

  1. #1

    Cool New to Board - Q to ask

    Hey Bro's-
    New to the board and wanted to say hey! I have a "stupid"
    question that I'm embarrassed to ask, but have researched past posts and, well... maybe the answer is way to obvious...
    Okay, If I'm using, say 600 mg of EQ weekly, how many cc's is that when you put it in the syringe, 6cc's?

    Also, I hear people talking about using "T3" in a cutting cycle, what is T3?

    Thanks vets for putting up with my basic questions and appreciate the feedback. Sorry for the stupid questions!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Well this has been answer before.

    But 1cc = 1ml

    And the amount of cc you will be injecting depends on the mg per CC.

    For example I have 1ml/100mg Deca. I'm injecting 400mg per week which is 4cc. However, you can get different mg per cc

    Boldebal-H 50 mg/ml; Ilium Troy Lab. Australia
    Equipoise (o.c.) 25 mg, 50 mg/ml; Squibb Canada, Mexico, U.S.
    Equipoise 25 mg, 50 mg/ml; Solvay Vet. Canada, Mexico, U.S.
    Ganabol 25 mg, 50 mg/ml; Laboratorios VM. Columbia, Panama, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Ecuador, Dom. Rep.,Bolivia, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, Venezuela
    Pace 25 mg/ml; Jurox Labs Australia
    Sybolin 25 mg/ml; Manufacturer unknown, Australia
    Vebonol 25 mg/ml; Ciba-Geigy G, CH, Australia

    So say you have Equipose for Mex. 25mg per CC then you would be injecting 24cc!!

    T3 is a thyroid drug, don't worry about that one, you need to do a little more research bro.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Bro any conversion you need can be found in the steroid section

    If Big Al is right that is hell of a lot have you written your post correctly

    T3 is a thyroid drug as already mentioned

    Oh yeah welcome to the board and no they are not stupid questions better to be safe then sorry


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Thats the trouble with low dosage gear to many injections in my opinion.

    I personnally wouldn't go below 100mg/1cc. But thats just me. Thats why I'm happy with Nandrolone Deconate.

    If Big Al is right that is hell of a lot have you written your post correctly
    I'm right there Billy Boy 25mg per CC, 600mg/25= 24.

    You would have to inject 75mg (Mac 3cc per Injection) each time so that would be 8 injections. I think if you want 600mg you want a higher of equipose per CC!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    No bro not your post would I doubt you? LOL I meant getooit

    But yes you are right and that is shitloads


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I was recommended Equipose, I was like no thanks I have got a needle fetish! To many injections!!!!

    Just seems like you and me post all day then we go off line to sleep and everything happens!


  7. #7
    Mike Guest
    Welcome to the board bro - they did a good job of answering your question - by the way.....if you dont know what the conversion rules are how do you know 600mg/wk of EQ is even a good dose for you? whats the cycle?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Yep good point Mike......i thought that but in all the calculations didn't put it down.

    I'm crap a maths, never thought I'd use it so much LOL


  9. #9
    Big Al, Billy Boy, and Mike -

    Thank you for helping me get the math down... I suck at math, and spelling...

    Last edited by Gettooit; 08-31-2001 at 08:23 PM.

  10. #10
    Mike Guest
    No worries buddy I am happy to help and yes you got it down - you have 50mg/ml so that means you need to do a cc (or a ml) for every 50mgs you want in your system (just remember that cc and ml are almost interchanmgeable - they represent the same measurement, ml is a volume related to the amount of liquid in a vial and a cc typically refers to the amount of liquid found in a syringe, both being the same amount)

  11. #11
    Got stuck! Thanks bro.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Your not the only one

    Hey man don't beat yourself up so. I have a degree in Biology with a minor in Chemistry and I STILL have to scratch my head,stop and think about whats being said when it comes to injections, conversions,ect all the time. I guess God just blessed some of us with looks instead of brains!HA!
    Good luck with your training.

  13. #13

    Thumbs up

    Tobey -
    Glad to hear I'm not alone.. thanks bro!

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