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  1. #1
    dank1970's Avatar
    dank1970 is offline Associate Member
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    test flu in 3rd week?

    Ok bros. I am in my third week of a 150 mgs. prop eod 100 mgs winstrol ed .25 mgs letro ed. I opened a new vial yesterday and did the shot at about 3:00 pm and today at about 11:00 am I started getting major body aches like the flu coming on. I am on my 6 th cycle and have never had the test flu. I am 201 lbs. and have cut so far to 9% bf. I am looking pretty cut but my strength hasn't gone up much during this cycle . does this sound like the test flu or just maybe caught a bug?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    yeah probablly, it will go away in a few days

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