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Thread: Please Critique my cycle.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Mooresville, NC.

    Please Critique my cycle.

    I have decided to cut, How does this look ? I am doing the cardio and diet, just want to throw this in too. Any suggestions ? This should put on a little muscle, help drop BF and get me more definition, Right ?
    Whats good to take as a supplement, I hear the Trenbolone is hard on the kidneys ?

    Wks. 1-5 Test. Prop. 200mg/wk
    Wks. 1-6 Trenbol 75 75/mg/ED
    Wks. 1-6 Winny tabs 50/mg/ED
    Wks. 8-11 Clomid.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    looks ok, they is no medical edvantance that Tren is hard on kidney's. I would probably bump your test prop up to 100mg EOD, so around 400mg-500mg per week, otherwise looks fine.

  3. #3
    bump the prop to 100 mg ed and run it until wk 6 with the tren and winny
    you dont have to wait 2 wks to start clomid ,3 days will do!

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