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  1. #1
    hocoathlete's Avatar
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    Test E 25 weeks?

    how much you thinka person would gain in a 25 week cycle of Test E? at 500mg?

    H Y P O T H E T I C A L L Y

  2. #2
    Braunstein's Avatar
    Braunstein is offline Banned
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    You might as well ask something like, "How far can you throw a melon?"

  3. #3
    hocoathlete's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braunstein
    You might as well ask something like, "How far can you throw a melon?"

    lol. well whats the average poundage you see people make on a 12 week cycle?

  4. #4
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braunstein
    You might as well ask something like, "How far can you throw a melon?"
    ya, it so much depends on how much and how you train, how much and what you eat, how much you rest and what you start with in the one could estimate your gains.

    I'm sure you know how to do all that properly so...I would guess you could gain 30lbs solid in 25 weeks...I would expect that much in almost 6 months of juice. Your PCt would be key in that though. you would definitely need 40mgs/day of Nolva and plenty of HCG to get you back on track so you won't lose it.

  5. #5
    hocoathlete's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28
    ya, it so much depends on how much and how you train, how much and what you eat, how much you rest and what you start with in the one could estimate your gains.

    I'm sure you know how to do all that properly so...I would guess you could gain 30lbs solid in 25 weeks...I would expect that much in almost 6 months of juice. Your PCt would be key in that though. you would definitely need 40mgs/day of Nolva and plenty of HCG to get you back on track so you won't lose it.

    definately. 30lbs? thats after water?

  6. #6
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hocoathlete
    definately. 30lbs? thats after water?

    Well, like i said, it just depends on all those things. if you start out at 6' 160lbs I'm sure you could gain that much in 6 months but if you are already 300lbs you probably won't gain much at that dose in 6 months...just depends on stats and how you lift and eat

  7. #7
    hocoathlete's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28
    Well, like i said, it just depends on all those things. if you start out at 6' 160lbs I'm sure you could gain that much in 6 months but if you are already 300lbs you probably won't gain much at that dose in 6 months...just depends on stats and how you lift and eat

    sounds good. Im gonna start a test e cycle pretty soon, not really a time limit, maybe 15+weeks

    what can i take to keep water low? aromasin ?

    ill probably add nolva at 10mg ED?

  8. #8
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hocoathlete
    sounds good. Im gonna start a test e cycle pretty soon, not really a time limit, maybe 15+weeks

    what can i take to keep water low? aromasin ?

    ill probably add nolva at 10mg ED?
    I dunno man, I've never really had a problem with water retention at 500mgs/wk of test alone. I usually run into those problems when I run higher like 750 or 1000/wk and with other things like Drol, Dbol or Deca along with it. But i guess everyone reacts different. 10mgs of Nolva would keep you from developing any gyno while on but you def need to save some for after. And that should probably keep you from any water retention you might develope.

    Me personally, I don't care so much about water retention as i do about gyno.

  9. #9
    hocoathlete's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28
    I dunno man, I've never really had a problem with water retention at 500mgs/wk of test alone. I usually run into those problems when I run higher like 750 or 1000/wk and with other things like Drol, Dbol or Deca along with it. But i guess everyone reacts different. 10mgs of Nolva would keep you from developing any gyno while on but you def need to save some for after. And that should probably keep you from any water retention you might develope.

    Me personally, I don't care so much about water retention as i do about gyno.

    hmm, good point, so do you think its necessary to have nolva at 10mgs ED throughout the cycle?

    i think im easily prone to gyno, so i want to keep this bit in check.

    maybe 10-20mgs every 3rd or 4th day?

  10. #10
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hocoathlete
    hmm, good point, so do you think its necessary to have nolva at 10mgs ED throughout the cycle?

    i think im easily prone to gyno, so i want to keep this bit in check.

    maybe 10-20mgs every 3rd or 4th day?
    Well, honestly I wouldn't take it at all unless you start to develope problems like itcy nipples or you notice them getting a bit puffier.

    Save it all for after the cycle. Not that's is that expensive to take every day but i just would rather not take something unless I have to. Totally up to you. just giving you my thoughs on it

  11. #11
    hocoathlete's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28
    Well, honestly I wouldn't take it at all unless you start to develope problems like itcy nipples or you notice them getting a bit puffier.

    Save it all for after the cycle. Not that's is that expensive to take every day but i just would rather not take something unless I have to. Totally up to you. just giving you my thoughs on it

    well it has other properties that will be good during cycle doesnt it? such as the water retention?

  12. #12
    outofthebox is offline Associate Member
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    split it up, two 12.5 week cycles will do you better...your body will get used to the test...

  13. #13
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hocoathlete
    well it has other properties that will be good during cycle doesnt it? such as the water retention?
    not as good as arimidex but ya it does. Like I said, it's up to you really. 10ms/day isn't gonna cost you much to run for the whole cycle. Look it up on the profiles and decide if you really want to take it. I don't think it would hurt too much either way. it could probably only help

  14. #14
    Sir Lifts-a-lot's Avatar
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    I did a really long ass cycle of test e & prop.... Probably 5 months. I actually lost count, but my god!!! Was I a fuking greek god! I loved it and am trying to get back to that place!!!!

  15. #15
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    sorry but everyone telling you that you will/should gain 30lbs over a 25 week period are talking tosh..............
    you may gain that but no-one can say what you will gain,you may only gain 10lbs who knows,the 1st poster was correct,

    You might as well ask something like, "How far can you throw a melon?"

    each individual is different,one may gain 30lbs and another may only gain 10...........

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  16. #16
    hocoathlete's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lifts-a-lot
    I did a really long ass cycle of test e & prop.... Probably 5 months. I actually lost count, but my god!!! Was I a fuking greek god! I loved it and am trying to get back to that place!!!!

    do you know how much your stats went up?

  17. #17
    passthetest's Avatar
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    25 weeks !! sides will go through the roof i get bad enough in 10-14 weeks..if u dont run a serious ai ul become a baloon

  18. #18
    pr0digy9daniel is offline Associate Member
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    I suggest you go and buy a good bra from a reputable high street store some time around the 16th week or so...

    25 weeks is like a half year cycle, Are you gonna be running clomid or anastrazole during part of that...?

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