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  1. #1
    Korthos is offline New Member
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    Newbie Alert -- I think I got screwed...Help?

    So uhm, hi out there! Im new here obviously and have been looking for some further information on a set of products... i think it's called a stack, for a 2 month timespan, that I happened to purchase a few days ago at CompleteNutrition. I'm still a bit of a novice, and want to further improve my body as much as I can, but without going what I consider overboard (I don't want to end up hulking huge). Anyways, I've got experience with creatine and other protein powders, but other supplements Im completely in the dark on, so I figured the store rep could help. Help he did, line his pocketbook I think.
    First off, I have no interest in using any sort of steriod . That's honestly just not me. For those that do (heh, this forums perhaps..), thats great and I have no issue with it, but my own purposes, I don't want to.

    Anyways, He sold me 4 supplements, which I can find (almost) no information on, except for the chemical compound it's derived from. I *think* I picked up an anabolic steriod or two but I honestly don't know, and I don't know how safe it is for me to be taking it. Being employed for state and military, I don't want anything showing up in random whiz quizzes.

    Anwyays, the products I was sold were

    (Made by, I think.. Professional Muscular Development aka PMD, but also says Flextrene Sports Series ont he bottles, I dunno)

    Tren -Bolan ( Trenbolone Anabolic Precursor )
    Winn-Strat-X (Methylated Masterdiol )
    Clomid-Ex ( estrogen blocker, testosterone booster )
    ***** Cuts (CLA & EPA, ALA, DHA), and an MCT blend is also in that product.

    I was told to take the tren x2, Winn x2, and ***** x2 daily prior to my morning workout, then one of each nightly for the first month. the second month, to take the Clomid-EX x2 nightly before bed to get my testosterone back in whack.

    They're all powdered capsules you take like any other pill. When ir esearched, the Tren-Bolan appears to be a knockoff of "Superdrol" which is an anabolic steriod that was banned I think. The Winn-Stral-X i can find listed as Methylated MasterDROL, but not MasterDIOL. My fiancee looked into it and found all sorts of things and is telling me not to take it, because it could essentially make my bones incredibly fragile, plus very easy to put my whole body out of whack, including collapsing while working out due to the hormone imbalances going on. She's worried about the Clomid-ex being used to "fix" the lack of testosterone in the first month also.

    Did I get shafted somehow? what exactly *DID* I buy? I was looking for something to improve my performance, help with gains and strength, and reduce some of the harder to remove body fat (such as ab fat).

    ANy help would be hugely appreciated! If I take it back, Im wondering if they'll take it back, I broke the seal because I didnt know any better when I first got home.

  2. #2
    Conservative is offline Banned
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    Yup, you got screwed

  3. #3
    Korthos is offline New Member
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    Ouch. That sounded kind of definite. Is the tren -bolan a steriod then? Im thinking it is, or is a derivative of one (named above). is that a safe stack to run anyways, would I need to worry about any potential UA tests? Or lick my wounds, try to return it and avoid the joint from here forth?

    Again, any info on the products overall would be great.

  4. #4
    Conservative is offline Banned
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    All it looks like to me is a bunch of imitation names that sound like real steroids . CompleteNutrition is not going to sell any REAL steroid .

    Wait until someone with more experience answers you. but I had a friend who did the same thing. All that was in the pills was rice powder and creatine.

  5. #5
    Korthos is offline New Member
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    Rice powder and creatine? Hah, wow. Yeah I eat enough rice as it is, I dont need it in powdered form also.

    As for Complete nutrition not selling a sterord, or even a knockoff, I can't fathom a national chain would broadly announce such a thing, let alone sell. I'm really curious. I just looked at But I still can't tell if it's a steriod , or a chinese chemical knockoff or what it is heh.

    Oh right, in case the forum members are able and do help, i'll throw the chemical names out here also, maybe it'll help.

    Tren -Bolan
    19-Norandrosta-4, 9 diene-3, 17 dione (19-Nor trenabol)

    2a, 17a di-methyl etiocholan 3-one, 17b-ol (Methylated Masterdiol)

    [6, 17-keto-etiocholeve-3-ol tetrahydropyranol], [3, 17-keto-etiochol-triene]

    o m e ga Cuts
    - Muscle Sparing Blend (521mg)

    - MCt blend (medium chain triglycerides), Lauric acid, Mystic acid, Caprylic Acid, Capric Acid, Oleic acid, Linoleic acid)

    - Muscle Toning Blend (429mg)

    - Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), Alpha Linoleic acid (ALA), Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)

  6. #6
    domeyeahaigh's Avatar
    domeyeahaigh is offline Senior Member
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    looks like you got some pro hormones man but i would not expect much at all...

  7. #7
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    don't buy that shit, get u some real quality gear from a reliable source and go from there. But do ur research 1st. They market that "all natural" stuff with names like that to throw u off beause they think u don't know any better. Now u do so cowboy up and get the real deal and start ur real growing.

  8. #8
    PEWN's Avatar
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    you are taking vitamins...

    mega men from gnc might work better....

  9. #9
    tcarn01 is offline Associate Member
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    none of that sh&*) is steroids . They are not allowed to sell illegal steroids. Don't be an idiot. There are many companies that sell similar vitamins and pills. THESE ARE NOT STEROIDS. When I first started I was amazed at all the adds on the back of Maxim, Playboy, etc. magazines. They sell all this CRAP. You can't send it back, so you might as well take it. It could give you some more calories. Last time I checked capsules with baking soda are about 5 calories.

  10. #10
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    you got bent over and taken to brown town

  11. #11
    godkilla's Avatar
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  12. #12
    Sir Lifts-a-lot's Avatar
    Sir Lifts-a-lot is offline Senior Member
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    man that guy got you good! Did you purchase these things at a store or off of a friend or somthing? I would take them right back and demand your money back!

  13. #13
    TrennK is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lifts-a-lot
    man that guy got you good! Did you purchase these things at a store or off of a friend or somthing? I would take them right back and demand your money back!

  14. #14
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lifts-a-lot
    man that guy got you good! Did you purchase these things at a store or off of a friend or somthing? I would take them right back and demand your money back!
    He says he got it at CompleteNutrition.

  15. #15
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaysunderstudy
    don't buy that shit
    he already did

  16. #16
    tommy0677's Avatar
    tommy0677 is offline Associate Member
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    Sorry to hijack, but I bought some GH pills & spray from GNC and wanted to know if I too got shafted???

  17. #17
    godkilla's Avatar
    godkilla is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommy0677
    Sorry to hijack, but I bought some GH pills & spray from GNC and wanted to know if I too got shafted???

  18. #18
    Korthos is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lifts-a-lot
    man that guy got you good! Did you purchase these things at a store or off of a friend or somthing? I would take them right back and demand your money back!
    Yeah got this crap at complete nutrition. cant even find this stuff on their site either, although their site has like almost jack and squat for product also.

    I *DID* break the seals on them when I first got them, before I pulled my head out of my anal cavity. DUnno if they'll take any sort of supp back after the seal has been broken. spose I need to call them and see what I can get done.

    Thanks for the help y'all! I mean it's basically what y'all consider crap, wont do anything for me.. no point in using it. Wanna get something solid thats not going to jack with a piss test, or any form of steriod (again, just how I am).

    ah well

  19. #19
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    Did you wear any lip stick or eye liner before you got screwed?

  20. #20
    rock75's Avatar
    rock75 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcarn01
    none of that sh&*) is steroids . They are not allowed to sell illegal steroids. Don't be an idiot. There are many companies that sell similar vitamins and pills. THESE ARE NOT STEROIDS. When I first started I was amazed at all the adds on the back of Maxim, Playboy, etc. magazines. They sell all this CRAP. You can't send it back, so you might as well take it. It could give you some more calories. Last time I checked capsules with baking soda are about 5 calories.
    with a post like this I don't think you have any ground to call anyone an idiot.

    IMO, take them back to the store, tell them you took them one time and it really messed with your stomach and you spoke to your doctor and you are allergic to one of the compounds in the products and don't leave the store until you get some sort of refund because you were ill advised by some 16 year old smuck earning min wage who doesn't know jack about what the **** he is selling to their customers. - but that would only work if in fact the sales person was 16 and earned min wage etc...

    Also, keep in mind any supp that you take that claims to have "steroid " like properties are more than likely to mes with any urine test you happen to take. The only thing I would recommend are creatine, mega mass from Optimum Nutrition and FOOD if you are dead set against doing any AS.

  21. #21
    dank1970's Avatar
    dank1970 is offline Associate Member
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    they are pro hormones and a waste of $ real gear is cheaper safer and works. I tried to tell my brother in law that but he wont listen and bought the same shit the tren stack they call it. well he says his bench went up but he dont know how to diet and be serious so I dont know if its capable of increasing gains. he said his kidneys and blatter hurt and his piss is so dark it has to be causing damage somehow. I would imagine its hard on the liver I dont really know. I wouldnt touch that crap it will f u up thats probley why ou cant find info on it. however you can find info and profiles on steroid compounds here that have been fda approved and know the correct dosage for your goals. not buy crap from a company that comes out with a new product every three months cause thats about how long it takes till you realize that the stuff dont do jack. do the real deal and dont waste your money

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