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  1. #1
    GGallin's Avatar
    GGallin is offline Senior Member
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    Joining Army How Long Will the Roids Stay In My System?

    2 months ago I finnished a cycle of Test E 500mg a week and Winstrol 50mg ed which I discontinued about 2 weeks before my cycle ended. I have been considering joining the army and was wondering how long these would stay in my system for. I also did another cycle that ended last jan that included deca and test e. I have read deca stays in your system for some time. Do you think I will be clean if tested?

  2. #2
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    Between mrs.misery's legs
    they won't test you for steroids when you join the army...they hardly test while your in unless you get caught with worries...but there is a section on this site that breaks it down by steroid as to how long it stays in your system.

  3. #3
    Atomini's Avatar
    Atomini is offline Banned
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    Testosterone Enanthate : 3 months
    Winstrol Depot: 2 months
    Winstrol Oral: 3 weeks

    You have nothing to worry about anyways, they don't test for steroids .

  4. #4
    hocoathlete's Avatar
    hocoathlete is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah, dont worry if when you go to MEPS they take your blood.

    their not gonan test for steroids , their testing for HIV/aids, and such things like that.

    as long as you dont do recreationals and such, youll be good. watch out the recruiters will piss test you a coupel times too.

  5. #5
    Stock's Avatar
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    They will not test you for gear, but I would be concerned a little on the blood work you will have to do if your levels are not not back to normal. They might think you have issues that you really dont, ie high BP, cholesterol etc. If you are worried, get a physical from you Dr to make sure everything is normal befoer you get the military physical done.

  6. #6
    GGallin's Avatar
    GGallin is offline Senior Member
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    I still have a month or so until I go for meps so I can get everthing back to normal hopefully. I do currently have high blood pressure though.

  7. #7
    hocoathlete's Avatar
    hocoathlete is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    I still have a month or so until I go for meps so I can get everthing back to normal hopefully. I do currently have high blood pressure though.

    yep, deffinately get everything under control, dont think, hey this might be a little high, theyll let me slide.

    nope high blood pressure is a Disqualification and you have to wait to go again.

    make sure balls are hanging like they are supposed to, docs will tell you to pull em down and they get a examination going.

    and dont lie, but remeber, whatever you dont tell them, they dont know.

    so if they ask crazy ass ****ign questions, that could potentially disqualifie , even though its the lamest reason, dont tell. itll go alot smoother and easier.

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