Just wondering if anyone has ever done eq only as a first cycle or something. If so, what kind of results did you get?
Just wondering if anyone has ever done eq only as a first cycle or something. If so, what kind of results did you get?
I agree with Rickson. Based on what I've read and researched on equipose, it is a very slow muscle building AS; however, the gains you make using EQ are generally lasting.
When stacked together properly*, EQ and Testosterone yeild good gains, hard muscle and the bonus-effect of feeling pumped all day (and you'll be hungry all day too).
*--NOTE: of course nutrition, rest and workout must all be executed properly too.
Used alone, generally speaking, EQ would probably yeild 6 lbs of mucle over 10 weeks--this 6 lbs is only an estimate based on reading other peoples' posts and drug descriptions.
Check out the drug profile on EQ: http://www.anabolicreview.com/drugprof.php#
Last edited by BASK8KACE; 08-23-2002 at 09:13 PM.
I'm actually not opposed to throwing some test in there. but since this will be my first cycle ever, i'm thinking that the eq only will be a starting point. I can always add test in later cycles right?
I don't want to get noticably bigger too quickly and i don't want the extra water weight associated with test because it will slow my marital arts down i fear.
If i did throw the test in there with the eq, what results could i expect provided that my training, diet, and post cycle are all in check?
i wish i never did cycles like deca only. all they did was lighten my wallet. do yourself a favour and do it right and add some test.![]()
add the test! im doing deca only currently on my first cycle and i wish i had started test w/ it. oh well.. its too late now im on week 5 almost week 6. Thinking about upping the dosage from 400mg a week to 500 or 600 to get some more gains.
Agreed, plus as you generally get your best gains from your first cycle add the test and get it right first go.Originally posted by sp33dg33k
i wish i never did cycles like deca only. all they did was lighten my wallet. do yourself a favour and do it right and add some test.![]()
One final suggestion.
If you add some Winny in there you'd have one super kick ass cycle for a first go without adding huge weight. If expense is an issue go with some ** Fina pills. Their very cheap, plus I split a pack of 100 with a buddy to halve the expense again.
Tell us more about your goals. For instance, how many pounds would you like to see on you by the end of this cycle? You said that you don't want to get too big too fast; so, how many extra muscle pounds in 10-12 weeks do you think is too much or little for you? Or are you only focused on getting stronger--not worried about muscle shape & size?
Based on your answers to the above questions, you can research the types of beginning cycles that can reasonably and effectively assist you in achieving that weight and/or strength.
If you feel that you want to start with an EQ-only cycle, then do it. I recommend starting with low doeses--just make sure you take time to:
1. pick the right AS for you
2. understand what is reasonably attainable and what is not depending on what AS you choose to start with.
3. learn that (of course) good nutrition, rest and work ethic are indespensible tools you need when getting bigger/stronger.
4. be careful not to take high doeses for your first cycle. Raise your doses after you have experience with how your body responds to AS.
If you give us more information about you such as age, height, weight, and goals, we can help you a bit more on suggesting a first cycle. Just make sure that you take time to do some research on your own while you're getting this advice so you can ask intelligent questions and get to what you're after efficently.
Best of luck to you!
Last edited by BASK8KACE; 08-24-2002 at 01:13 PM.
test is a core ingredient for all cycles
My overall fitness goals are to increase my explosive strength and speed , and endurance for fighting while slowly cutting down my body fat. I have a little bit of a bulking diet gut from the last few months of bulking. I think a lightweigth boxers physique would be ideal for me. After a 12 week cycle, i would be happy with keeping 10 pounds of muscle and hardening what little muscle i have already.Originally posted by BASK8KACE
Tell us more about your goals. For instance, how many pounds would you like to see on you by the end of this cycle? You said that you don't want to get too big too fast; so, how many extra muscle pounds in 10-12 weeks do you think is too much or little for you? Or are you only focused on getting stronger--not worried about muscle shape & size?
I was toying around the idea of test eth and deca for a while since it seems to be the bread and butter 1st cycle for beginners for adding mass. However, as I'm starting to spar more I'm beginning to realize that extra mass will be detrimental to my endurance, and speed (its hard enough to not gas and im only at 5'8 158lbs right now). I'm worried that if i gain to much weight to quickly, taht weight will drag me down when im trying to spar.Originally posted by BASK8KACE
Based on your answers to the above questions, you can research the types of beginning cycles that can reasonably and effectively assist you in achieving that weight and/or strength.
Would 300 mg/week be a good dose?Originally posted by BASK8KACE
If you feel that you want to start with an EQ-only cycle, then do it. I recommend starting with low doeses--just make sure you take time to:
Advice taken...Originally posted by BASK8KACE
1. pick the right AS for you
2. understand what is reasonably attainable and what is not depending on what AS you choose to start with.
3. learn that (of course) good nutrition, rest and work ethic are indespensible tools you need when getting bigger/stronger.
4. be careful not to take high doeses for your first cycle. Raise your doses after you have experience with how your body responds to AS.
I've been researching for like the last 6 months mostly on this board. ( i seem to get bad advice from the 'average' juice users that i know).Originally posted by BASK8KACE
If you give us more information about you such as age, height, weight, and goals, we can help you a bit more on suggesting a first cycle. Just make sure that you take time to do some research on your own while you're getting this advice so you can ask intelligent questions and get to what you're after efficently.
I'm 29 years old. 5'8 158 lbs, not sure about my body fat but im pretty lean cept for my slight gut (can still see my abs when flexed but not otherwise). I've been lifting for the last couple of years and have put on about 40 pounds naturally.
I workout 5 days a week, and train wing chun 4 days a week and do jiu jutsu 1 day a week. I have 1 day a week where i don't do anything. I'm very dedicated with training and have been holding off on juicing for a while. but i think the time is right.
At your height 158 lbs. is not very big. If you've just put on 40 lbs. over the last few years then that means you were pretty skinny when you started. So the last few years have no doubt been adding much desired muscle weight. You still have room to grow but at your age you need to start being careful how much body fat you pick up. You don't want to use gear to get too big because you're probably like me - naturally thin - and keeping that size as you get older will be a challenge - at least keeping it and staying lean.
This is the boat i'm in too - i'm 36 - 6' 185lbs. - i put on about 25lbs naturally and then another 10 recently using gear. I started out really thin and bulked up. I look ALOT better although I am not big. I probably never will be big unless I chose to stay on gear forever.
You've got to decide whether or not you're willing to stay on gear long-term. If not then EQ-only is not a bad idea - you're more likely to keep what you get with that.
I chose to add about 20 lbs of muscle weight near-term and then maintain it with the occasional clean cycle.
You can try EQ/test or deca/test until you reach your weight goal. Getting there with EQ alone will just take longer and require more work. Once you get there the EQ-only cycle will be a good option for keeping it.
Good luck!
i agree, add some test. this is your first and you want to do it right. i did test only for my first cycle. it was ok, but i wish i had added some deca and dbol. or eq and dbol.
hey guys thanks for the replies.
You bring up a good point. I am still skinny. but compared to the anorexic skin and bones i was a coup,le of years ago, i am happy as a pig in shit!
I know that i will never be big. But that really doesn't bother me. I'm going more for weight/ to strength ratio anyways. appearance wise, i guess i'm shooting for an underwear model kind of physique.
Perhaps i will add the test/ eq to jump start the process and do what you do with the occasional clean cycle to maintain what i build.
Rigth now im thinking of 250 mg /test , and 300 eq for 10 or 12 weeks. (maybe some winny at the end)
Would this be enough dosage for my size?
These are reasonable goals that you've set for your first cycle--and you've taken into consideration not only what you want, but what you don't want so your body will be able to serve you well during wing chun and jiu jutsu.
I'm going to give you information based on the information you've posted. Please research this more--don't just take my word for it. Come to your own conclusion.
You have three options that are based on my limited knowledge, which falls primarily around Testosterone and Equipose. Just to give you some quick background on me: I've read about and discussed information for my second cycle which will be a stack of tesosterone and equipose. My first cycle was supposedly a low dose testosterone-only cycle.
Before I give you any information, please read the following:
IMPORTANT NOTE: I am not a doctor. I am not a medical professional. You should consult a doctor before you begin to use controlled substances such as steroids (also refered to as AS). It may appear that I know how to use steroids, but my knowledge is very limited. I do not advocate the use of steroids. I suggest that you grow completely naturally. The information I have given on this board and particularly in this thread is exchanged for entertainment purposes only and is not meant to be acted on. Do not act on this information.
OPTION I (Using only Equipose [EQ])
You will be one of the very few and proud to hit an EQ-only cycle. But, it is a good place to start if you are willing to use this first cycle as an experiment and learning phase.
As I said before, you stand to gain around 6 lbs--but they are more easliy kept pounds. And 6 puts you close to your range of 10 keepable pounds. You might reach 10 if you have a god-like-spectacular 10 week period. However, if you decide to use this CYCLE OPTION, then you should aim for the reasonable 6 lbs.
The EQ-only cycle can look like this:
Weeks 1-10:
400mg EQ every week (split in two 200mg shots taken Mon./Thurs.)
Weeks 11-12:
Weeks 13-15:
Clomid @ 300mg** day 1, 100mg days 2-11, 50mg days 12-21
* -- NOTE 1: This time period is used to allow the AS to leave your body before you begin clomid therapy. This time frame differs for each steroid. For example EQ takes 3 weeks, Testosterone Propionate (aka "PROP") takes about 2 days.
**--NOTE 2: This is the classic (most common) dosing for clomid therapy; however, many people start with 100mg on the first day and ignore the 300mg. I think the 300mg the first day comes from the old creatine-type logic of "front-loading" or "pre-loading." Using 100mg the first day as opposed to 300mg will work just as well.
OPTION II (Stacking Equipose and Testosterone)
This stack (as written below) can help yeild high gains--approximately 24lbs. However, depending on the amount of tesosterone you use, a large amount of that 24lbs will be water weight. Since you said that you want to avoid the water weight and because this is your first cycle, you can start at the lower doses listed below if you choose this CYCLE OPTION. (Just FYI: Most people start this type of stack at 400mg EQ and 400mg Testosterone, but good gains can be achieved using the following cycle outline. Especially because this is your first cycle, you can achieve high gains.)
Weeks 1-12:
300mg EQ every week (split in two 150 mg shots taken Mon./Thurs.)
250mg test CYPIONATE*** every week (one shot)
Weeks 13-14:
Weeks 15-17:
Clomid @ 300mg``` day 1, 100mg days 2-11, 50mg days 12-21
On hand:
1. Nolvadex (If needed--Start at 40mg ED till symptoms are gone, then run 20mg ED till end clomid therapy).
*** -- NOTE 3: You can use either of the long lasting esters of testosterone, Cypionate or Enanthate. The latter is easier to find.
``` -- NOTE 4: See "NOTE 2" in OPTION I
OPTION III (Testosterone only)
Weeks 1-13:
300mg test CYPIONATE*''* every week (split in two 150 mg shots taken Mon./Thurs.)
Weeks 14:
Nothing (CYP takes only 2 weeks to leave the body as opposed to the 3 weeks for EQ, hence the change in the time period here)
Weeks 15-17:
Clomid @ 300mg""" day 1, 100mg days 2-11, 50mg days 12-21
On hand:
1. Nolvadex (If needed--Start at 40mg ED till symptoms are gone, then run 20mg ED till end clomid therapy).
*''* -- NOTE 5: You can use either of the long lasting esters of testosterone, Cypionate or Enanthate. The latter is easier to find.
""" -- NOTE 6: See "NOTE 2" in OPTION I
If you do the math on OPTIONS II and III, you'll find that there will be AS left over--you can taper the remaining amounts if you want to extend the cycle. Many people are probably going to tell you, just up the dose and change the time frame of the cycle so you won't have to taper. That will have to be your judgement call. I like to slowly ease into things that are going to affect the only body I have.
Last edited by BASK8KACE; 08-25-2002 at 12:27 PM.
Bask8kace<--dude... You Freaken Rock!!!! Great Info.
It Would Be Smart To Add Test Like Evryone Has Said
2 Compounds I Know I Loved Test Prop And Eq
Thanks, bro. I hope the info helps.Originally Posted by Billmister
Good advice given to Bruce..I would have to add in that I would definitley throw in some test..I am running Test Prop right now alond side EQ and have had no water weight gain..In fact, I will say that I like Prop better than the rest of the Test compounds..I hate water weight so I stick with the Prop..I would also recommend upping your EQ dose to 400 mgs/Wk as advised..As far as Fina goes, if you are concerned with your endurance, I would stay away from that particular AS..Don't get me wrong, it is one of my favorite, but when I am on that AS I get winded walking up the stairs at my house and that is no exaggeration..
EQ, Test Prop, finished off with some Winny and I think you would be very happy with your results, strength, and muscle mass you will accumulate..
Doc M
Yup. You know it takes me like 8 weeks to feel the eq kick in. I have my causins dog on a similar cycle.
weeks 1-10 400mg eq
weeks 1-13 400mg test prop
weeks 8-13 50mg Winstrol ED
Now since he (dog) doesn't want bloat for a kick start he ditched the dbol. Instead he accually doing 15 weeks of eq. see weeks 1-5 is 400mg of eq a week. then in week 6 it's really like week one.
Anyways anyone done a cycle like this? How did it turn out? His power is increasing slightly but now in week 3 (really week 8) he's starting to get those huge pumps. Eatting more, etc... As for me, i will see how he turnes out and then i'll get my dog on it.
Please comment
I am 22 6ft 1in , 185 lbs. I did my first cycle last yr of tren and test. I had amazing results and gains. im about to start a cycle of eq and test , both 300mg , what is the best dosage for these for the most gains and best results?
I ran an eq only cycle. I got "swole" more than cut. I was very hungry all the time. I think its hard to get lean on it, because of appetite. I got big and strong, and pretty hard. I saying, people accused me of juicing because i jumped up quick. i ran 500mg once a week.
9 year old thread still has legs.....wow
He clearly doesnt know what he is talking about LMFAO
Bask was a Vet here and I remember reading this thread even before I registered here.
Jesus christ.
He was an advocate of lower does though, which is what I still agree with, bar that... What the f*ck was he smoking?!
hmmm this is like the cycle Im thinking of running...
thought about b4 but I gave up...
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