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  1. #1
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
    Alpha-Male is offline Senior Member
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    feeling sluggish, tired, achy...

    i searched a few threads, seems some bros mention similar symptoms in the first couple weeks...running a basic testE/deca with dbol kickstart...just started Sunday (like four days ago), and already having these symptoms...the thing is, in all my previous cycles, i don't remember feeling like it cuz i'm getting older? or maybe since i havent cycled in awhile? could it be the UG stuff (used mostly pharm grade in the past, dont remember any issues)? hoping it will pass...


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    sounds like test flu. dont know if you would feel it already, but may be

  3. #3
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha-Male
    i searched a few threads, seems some bros mention similar symptoms in the first couple weeks...running a basic testE/deca with dbol kickstart...just started Sunday (like four days ago), and already having these symptoms...the thing is, in all my previous cycles, i don't remember feeling like it cuz i'm getting older? or maybe since i havent cycled in awhile? could it be the UG stuff (used mostly pharm grade in the past, dont remember any issues)? hoping it will pass...

    Sometimes I get like that when I start a cycle for the first week to 10 days and my theory is this. I am soo pumped about starting my cycle I work out like crazy, much harder then before my cycle and I think my body is responding to the increase in intensity and I feel very tired, so much so I have to nap. I walk around like my limbs are to heavy to carry. Don't worry it goes away once the gear kicks in and you level out in intensity. GL

  4. #4
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    I agree with rabidsquirrel, sounds like the test flu. It's a common occurance when a foreign substance is introduced into your body, it will pass in a few days and you should start to feel incredible a few more weeks into your cycle.

  5. #5
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
    Alpha-Male is offline Senior Member
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    yeah, that's basically what i's just that i dont remember ever going through this before, and i've done my fair share of cycles. gonna give it a couple weeks, hopefully it'll pass...thanks

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    ive done six cycle, my last one was the only i ever had test flu with.

  7. #7
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    mine started in week 4 of enth 500/decca 480 and is still going in week 6... i think i am going to try 9.5 hours of sllep

  8. #8
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06
    Sometimes I get like that when I start a cycle for the first week to 10 days and my theory is this. I am soo pumped about starting my cycle I work out like crazy, much harder then before my cycle and I think my body is responding to the increase in intensity and I feel very tired, so much so I have to nap. I walk around like my limbs are to heavy to carry. Don't worry it goes away once the gear kicks in and you level out in intensity. GL
    Perhaps - you can definetely exhaust yourself quickly if you're not careful. Are you taking days off? Have you abandoned cardio by chance? I actually get sluggish quickly if I neglect cardio for more than a few days.


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