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  1. #1
    MMA_Tapout's Avatar
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    Advice on first cycle of deca

    Hi, Im a 20yr old male at 200lbs and in shape, and im going to take my first cycle in about 3 weeks. Can i get advice on my first cycle here it is.

    1week 400mg of deca
    1week 300mg of cytopilin(test)

    2-10week 200mg/week of deca
    2-12week 150mg/week of cytopilin

    12-14week 1500iu/week of HCG
    14-16week 20mg/day of Nolvadex

    Thanks in advance for you help.

  2. #2
    (1*)'s Avatar
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    i would do more test and more deca . what is your body fat like.. what's your diet like??

  3. #3
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    Your frontload looks more like the cycle you should run than the actual cycle itself. 200mgs of deca and 150 a week of test is pretty minimal I think. Your pct might be a little stronger with the addition of aromasin .

    Are you going to have any anti e's on hand in case you need them for estro sides during the cycle?

    I think the cycle needs a bit of work, I would run deca at 400/w and test at 500w. Then again, this is your first cycle, and most will say you should just run test at 500mg/w and see how you respond to it.

  4. #4
    MMA_Tapout's Avatar
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    body fat would be around 20%, 2500 calorie diet, no carbs. Daily vitamins and protien shake 150g a day

  5. #5
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    You should try to get 200+ grams of protein a day, calories should be higher as well, why not carbs? I'm assuming this is a bulking cycle. Are you sure your diet is in proper order?

  6. #6
    MMA_Tapout's Avatar
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    not to sure about diet, any advice for a diet? I want to loose fat and build musle mass?

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMA_Tapout
    not to sure about diet, any advice for a diet? I want to loose fat and build musle mass?
    read up in the diet forum, everything you need is there.

  8. #8
    MMA_Tapout's Avatar
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    as for ani-estrogen on hand i have nolvadex i was told if any problems take 20mg a day durring cycle till problem subsides.

  9. #9
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMA Tapout
    as for ani-estrogen on hand i have nolvadex i was told if any problems take 20mg a day durring cycle till problem subsides.
    Nolva will do, but if you start getting gyno, you might want to just use letro, it will kill it off better than anything. Better to prevent though than wait till theres a problem I believe.

  10. #10
    MMA_Tapout's Avatar
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    so you think i should take letro with my cycle? and i have another question i paid $00.00 for 2200mg deca ,2000mg cytopilin, and 5000iu of HCG . Did i over pay or did i get a bargain?
    Last edited by MMA_Tapout; 07-27-2007 at 08:16 PM.

  11. #11
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    You can't post prices here in the forum, just edit them out.

    Some people think letro is overkill and dont use it unless they have gyno flair ups. If you chose to run it run it at .25mg ed throughout.

  12. #12
    duramaxedge's Avatar
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    better up that test or say hello to limp dick and lathargic

  13. #13
    duramaxedge's Avatar
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    btw.. letro will kill the sex drive.. atleast it does for me..

  14. #14
    customworksking's Avatar
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    I am in my 6th week of test e only 1cc a week i have deca as well when is a good time to run it and how much weekly I don't to run too much @ 1 time the test e is my 1st cycle my last was 11years ago !

  15. #15
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by customworksking
    I am in my 6th week of test e only 1cc a week i have deca as well when is a good time to run it and how much weekly I don't to run too much @ 1 time the test e is my 1st cycle my last was 11years ago !
    for starters you're hijacking someone else's thread, plus "1cc" doesn't mean much without knowing the concentration. Also, you should have found the answers to those questions before starting a cycle.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaGetBigger
    for starters you're hijacking someone else's thread, plus "1cc" doesn't mean much without knowing the concentration. Also, you should have found the answers to those questions before starting a cycle.
    wow the reason I asked in this thread is because when I post my own I never get a answer so I jumped in to try use his replies with 1 of mine btw the test e is 250....1 thing I see everyday here is there is allways someone rude no matter what it's like if u don't have 3 to 5 yrs under your belt and all your stats/%'s to the "T" you get told to go else where to find your answer or your not eating right got to the diet thread etc ... I find a lot of info here don't get me wrong but like i said according to who u ask it doe's not apply to me ..but o well sorry for the hijacking....

  17. #17
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by customworksking
    wow the reason I asked in this thread is because when I post my own I never get a answer so I jumped in to try use his replies with 1 of mine btw the test e is 250....1 thing I see everyday here is there is allways someone rude no matter what it's like if u don't have 3 to 5 yrs under your belt and all your stats/%'s to the "T" you get told to go else where to find your answer or your not eating right got to the diet thread etc ... I find a lot of info here don't get me wrong but like i said according to who u ask it doe's not apply to me ..but o well sorry for the hijacking....
    oh my bad, I thought you asked the same question here and it was answered
    test e and deca ?

  18. #18
    highrise is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMA_Tapout
    I want to loose fat and build musle mass?
    On the same cycle??? Your probably gonna get frustrated. Pick one or the other and then construct your cycle towards that goal.

  19. #19
    customworksking's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaGetBigger
    oh my bad, I thought you asked the same question here and it was answered
    test e and deca ?
    thanx and sorry

  20. #20
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    yeah bud go for the 500 test and 400 decca. Research frontloading, you'll be glad you did. I was running arimedex at .25 mg a day on the same cycle and the acne got too bad (for summer) and i got the stomach bloat from hell and i switched to .25 mg letro and i am good now. It would be better to wait until you got everything you need and have an awesome cycle than to do it now and not gain much.

  21. #21
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic
    You should try to get 200+ grams of protein a day, calories should be higher as well, why not carbs? I'm assuming this is a bulking cycle. Are you sure your diet is in proper order?
    very hard to cut and build at the same have to do one or the other..honestly by the sounds of your diet, you dont need steroids , you need some serious work on your diet. Diet is everything. If you cant gain naturally at your age, you will get no results from steroids. I would go read up in the diet forum a lot first!!

  22. #22
    MMA_Tapout's Avatar
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    will check out that diet forum, thanks!!!

    Should i add something else to my pct? or are those two ok?

  23. #23
    passthetest's Avatar
    passthetest is offline Member
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    it looks fine do you know what doses and days to take? deca 200 is barely anabolic

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