Age - 27
Height - 5'8''
BF% - 11-13
Weight - 175lbs
Cycle experience - none
Lifting experience - 12 yrs
Diet - pretty clean now, but will be near perfect when I begin my cycle. High protein (1.5-2 g/lb of bodyweight) med-low carbs, and low fat. Daily caloric intake should be somewhere between 3,000-3,500, if I calculated properly.
Supplements - fish oil, multi, acetyl-L-carnitine, and a few others
Proposed cycle
12 weeks of Test Enth. May bump up to 15 weeks depending on how I feel at around the 12 week mark. Considering going 400mg /week. L-dex onhand if needed during cycle.
Week 1
1000mg frontload Test Enth
Week 2-12
500mg /week Test Enth
Begins 2 weeks after my last shot. Lasts for 6 weeks.
Week 1 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 100mg Clomid/ed
Week 2 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 100mg Clomid/ed
Week 3 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 50mg Clomid/ed
Week 4 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 50mg Clomid/ed
Week 5 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 50mg Clomid/ed
Week 6 - 20mgs/ed Nolva
I think I've got all my ducks in a row, but I just want to make sure of it. Any suggestions, comments, or criticisms are welcome.