guyz. i read up on all the threads on frontloading ..and i think its friggin an awesome and quick theory. gains come a lot sooner. i totaly agree. however, my question to every 1 is i have several 10 ml vials of sus-350. it has prop, enanthate , phenylprop, and deconate in it. its so easyo to layout the foundation of frontloadinf for a long-esterfied injectable like enan, or cyp..but how wud i frontload sus-350 being its a combo of various esters. shoer/quik esters.. and if i did frontload. how wud i maintain cause its not the sus 250..its 350 and i know that sus shud be shot eod due to its half life with prop and phenyl prop..but when i thought about it. i said 350 mgs per cc eod wud be well over 1200 mgs. 1400 to be exact of sus 350. was wondering how some 1 wud orchestrate this over a 12 week cycle. or shud it be 10 if every 1 is agreement with fronloading it..