guyz, im looking to help out a friend of mine out. hes too depressed to ask i already told himself to do so. it wud mean alot to me if sum one cud shed sum light on his error. he recently took an only SUS 250 cycle. i adviced him to make sure he shoots eod and to take deca with it. he was reluctant to do so..and now like an ass. he didnt purchase 2 10 ml botlles of sus. just 1. he has no more left and explained to mas.. as ive seen already..hes suffering from bad acne on his forearms as he has missed 1 week alreday of his sus shots cause he cant get more. he takes gh..4ius every day which is 10 mgs for every 4iu. i told him to just go to doc and get post cyle therapy now. he took sus for 5 weeks. he wants sumtin to continue now while his blood levels are friggin all over the place from the short esters in sus. i believe this is where the acne may in part be coming from. the unstable levels in him from a shortage in gear. he wants to take sumtin to cap off while his levels are f----d up. i told him..if u choose to do that..than go var for 4 50 mgs ed and start pct. cud he even take prop if he cud get it.
or is the gh his saving grace since it exudes anti-catabolic effects. not certain if the gh hes been takin for months now will hold him over till he gets sumtin done.
what do u guyz think. appreciate any help for my friend.