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  1. #1
    buffgator's Avatar
    buffgator is offline king of mass
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    just collected everything for my next cycle

    I just collected everything for my next cycle. I have decided to run another long one vs the short ones I usually do. The goal of this cycle is to cut bodyfat and try to add some maturity to muscles. I also would like to gain a few lbs of lean muscle.
    Sust fronloaded week 1-12 650mg per week
    tren E frontloaded week 1-10 600mg per week
    winnie week 1-4 50mg ed 8-14 75mg ed
    clen and t-3 2 weeks each alternating starting 2 weeks before cycle, and running it up until pct
    arimidex will be kept on hand, anthony roberts pct. No letro on hand I have never had the slightess sign of gyno
    Stats 6'2" 280lbs 18% bf 10 years training 5 years cycling.
    Im starting this cycle in december or january and plan on being 15%bf when starting, and 10%bf when finishing

  2. #2
    john vega is offline Associate Member
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    buff.sounds like ur gonna be pretty f----n buffed out when u complete this cycle. i like it persoanlly..tell me sumtin are u planning on laying down ur foundation to frontload sus. i never heard of sus being frontloaded since its an eod injection. wud u double up eod twice a week..

  3. #3
    buffgator's Avatar
    buffgator is offline king of mass
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    I plan on just doing a shot every day for first 5 days, then after that I am going to break it up 3 times a week with my tren shots.

  4. #4
    john vega is offline Associate Member
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  5. #5
    PEWN's Avatar
    PEWN is offline AR Addict
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    buff you going to be able to hold off that long before cycleing...

  6. #6
    buffgator's Avatar
    buffgator is offline king of mass
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    No probably not, my current cycle I will be running until mid september, but Im sure after pct I will be running to the doc every week to see if everything is golden to start.

  7. #7
    PEWN's Avatar
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    what is you current cycle now... i know i could search but i see you are still in here... so a quick answer can be given...

  8. #8
    PEWN's Avatar
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    nvm found it...
    I just wanted to update you guys on my long cycle, its only the second one I have ever done, the first was my first cycle. I have ran short cycles for 5 years, so im trying to decide if I could be making better gains on long cycles.
    Starting stats 6'2" 265lbs 17%bf
    d-bol 50mg ed week 1-5
    deca 550mg week 1-10
    test e 550mg week 1-12
    week 1-3 I went from 265-278lbs, started to retain water, only small increase in strength.
    week 4&5 finished up d-bol and took arim to reduce water. Big increase in strength during week 5, new vascularity showing. Still weigh 278.
    week 6 water retention has dropped to about half of what it was in week 3, also resulting in not so intense pumps. Strength still on rise, but nothing like week 5. Huge increase in vascularity in my traps and shoulders. Still weigh 278 maybe gained some lean muscle because water dropped but body weight did not. Body has a slightly leaner apperance. Could just be the vascularity and fullness of muscles.
    I am wondering if the test is fully kicked in I am in the middle of week 6 and would like to break 282, so thats four more lbs, but I want to do this with lean muscle and not just gaining some fat and water. Legs have gained 1 in, and arms 1/4 in since beginning of cycle. Training and diet is in check Tai already has gone over those for me.
    With these results thus far I still think that I will stick to shorter cycles.

  9. #9
    plzr8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buffgator
    No probably not, my current cycle I will be running until mid september, but Im sure after pct I will be running to the doc every week to see if everything is golden to start.
    ^^ when this is the plan, it makes me wonder if a HRT dosed bridge of test would be better than sending your levels on such a roller coaster ride

    who knows....

  10. #10
    buffgator's Avatar
    buffgator is offline king of mass
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    I do have enough gear to make that an option, but im not sure if thats a method I am advanced enough for. I also wonder if my gains in the cycle will be more dramatic if I come totally off vs bridging. I am a believer that the more time you put between cycles the better gains you get, but in this case I will be cutting, so if I dont gain a lb but rather keep what I have i will be happy.

  11. #11
    Selene's Avatar
    Selene is offline Associate Member
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    very good, good luck to you with your cycle

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