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Thread: Need advice on cutting cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Dallas, Texas

    Question Need advice on cutting cycle

    Need advice on a few things AS Bro's.

    I am 29, 5'6", 150lbs, 8-9%bf and looking gain and cut. I have puchased Deca Norandren 200 (Brovel), Testosterona 200 (Brovel), Clenbuterol, Clomid and Nolvadex.

    WK1- 200 deca + 200 tes + clen 1,2,3,4,5,5,5
    WK2- 300 deca + 200 tes + clen 5,5,5,5,5,5,5
    WK3- 400 deca + 200 tes + ECA
    WK4- 400 deca + 200 tes + ECA
    WK5- 400 deca + 200 tes + clen 1,2,3,4,5,5,5
    WK6- 400 deca + 200 tes + clen 5,5,5,5,5,5,5
    WK7- 300 deca + 200 tes + ECA
    WK8- 200 deca + 200 tes + ECA

    WK9- clomid 50mg ed + clen 1,2,3,4,5,5,5
    WK10-clomid 100mg ed + clen 5,5,5,5,5,5,5
    WK11-clomid 50mg ed + ECA

    Should I taper the Deca & Tes or just go 400 & 200 for the 8 weeks?
    Should Clen be taken to help w/ the cutting during the cycle? I've heard mixed ideas.
    What is the proper amounts for the ECA?

    Any advice is much appreciated!!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Vtown LAs Vegas
    I would bump your test up a lil bit maybe 400 mg/w.

    everything else looks good, but remember dotn take the nolva unless you absolutely need it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Dallas, Texas
    Thnx for the help. I am going for less on the Tes on purpose. I have used Deca alone for 2 different cycles with much success, and am trying to put on some mass, but mainly trying to cut more. My next cycle I will up the Tes. What about ECA? What is proper dosage?


  4. #4
    Mike Guest
    What ECA stack are you using? Did you already have one picked out? The test should stay or go no higher than 300 or so - if you are trying to cut up then the point of any test would only be to avoid losing muscle and lots of test means lots of water retention - thus negating your cutting cycle - you may even want to try EQ instead of test, great quality muscle with low water retention - also dont taper oil based steroids, no need to


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Dallas, Texas
    I have not picked an ECA yet. I am very open to suggestions. In regards to Tes vs EQ, I have already purchased the Tes and was hoping the Clen would be more of a balance for the retention and such. If you feel that the EQ is much better than I can put the Tes on hold and go with your suggestion. If I do EQ, would I still take the clen during the cycle and do I change anything from my original cycle (Dosage?)?

    Thnx for the help Mike.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    If you can get it bro, throw in some Fina and cut like you've never cut before, its goes well with just about everything......sorry to stray from your question....

  7. #7
    Mike Guest
    Ok bro dont worry bout it - test is fine too - as for the fina suggestion you got - dont worry bout that - dont bother doing it - its definitely not something for the inexperienced

    be safe


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Dallas, Texas
    I would definitely not put myself in a class as experienced. This will be my 3rd cycle, 1st stack. So I will plan on going with what I have. Should I then go Deca 400mg and Test 200mg with no taper for the straight 8 weeks while hittin' the clen? Can I mix the two in the same stick?


  9. #9
    Mike Guest
    think bout bumping your test to 300 or so - yes you can mix them


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Dallas, Texas

    Ok, this is the new updated version.

    wk1-8 400mg Deca + 300mg Test (all Brovel) w/ Clen and ECA alternating every 2wks.
    wk9- Clomid 50mg ed
    wk10- Clomid 100mg ed
    wk11- Clomid 50mg ed.
    Also will have Nolva on hand "JIC".

    Should still take Clen/ECA after the cycle to help lose any water retention?

    Many Thnx,

  11. #11
    Mike Guest
    start your clomid one week later than that (wk 10) as for whther or not you should use your clen/ECA - that one is up to you bro - you know what they do so decide whether or not that is what fits your goals - if you are wondering if there would be a problem with it - no there isnt. - clen will even help you keep gains - go for it if you want to bro

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Dallas, Texas
    Mike and others,

    Thnx for all the help and putting up some of my stupid questions, but I have finally nailed down the cycle that's best for me. I am going to use the Clen throughout the cycle as well as post. I've used it before w/ success. I will keep everyone updated as I start the 2nd week in Sept.

    Thnx again!!!!


  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2003
    From what I read and seen you don't want to have higher dose of deca than test, and also you would want to extend your test longer. Example
    1-8 deca 300
    1-10 test 400-500
    12-15 clomid 300[1]-100[2-11]-50[12-21]
    And if needed go another week at the 50mg.
    Besure to have nolvadex on hand

    But if you ask me deca-test both will give you lots of water retention. It's either bulking or cutting hard to do both. Inless you go with something like.
    Winny,Eq, and tren or something. peace out and good luck

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Va Beach
    No need to taper Deca...Like P-n-S said, test and deca is asking for lots of water on a cutting cycle, not a good idea. Now you can go from a bulker to a cutting cycle, but to use these two while trying to trim up is not advisable IMO.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Pump-n-Swole said it best. Bump.

    You're taking a stack to put on mass rather than cutting. True, you're using Clen, however, the water retention is gonna be noticeable.
    If you do stick to this cycle, then I would recommend you do in fact take your Nolva (10mg a day) to keep the water down as much as possible.

    Better still, re-think your AAS's and go for a classic Prop/Tren/Winny.

    Just my 2c

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